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Everything posted by Aurora

  1. First game I bought was what came with the Sega Game Gear I purchased at the end of Summer ‘92, after saving all of my babysitting money. At that time, the game gear was being sold with Sonic (obviously) and Columns, the Sega equivalent of Tetris and the game that spawned years of puzzle love.
  2. Hey, Coop! Been a while :D

    Hope you're well.

  3. Rayza nails it - you rock my friend. Continue to spread the joy!
  4. hey there... how ya been? Long time!!

  5. whatup folks... Rayza's been fillin me in on what's been goin on! YAY meetup! well seeing as I work all day Saturday (4am - 4:30pm) I won't be in attendance.. HOWEVER Rayza tells me you guys are lunchin' at Jack Astor's. I'm gonna try to pop out of work for a brief moment and just stop by and say hi before I must run back... weekend should be good for roaming around the city
  6. I don't find this acceptable at all. I understand the ownership you feel over the podcast now, the efforts and hard work you've put into the show, but the point of VGDJ was to evolve, just as the community does, and the hard work would lay to waste if it were to die now. It was not meant to create stars, it was not meant to be owned. It was meant as a community service, and as a promotion of the video game music appreciation movement. Though it was my own and Rayza's idea to start something of this nature, it was always in our plan for the show to be passed on, and not have ownership. It was definitely hard to let the show go, but that was not the point... it was never about me, or Rayza. It was about the community. Hence us delegating tasks to people within the community, and hence the current hosts that VGDJ now has. If Pixie doesn't feel that anyone else is good enough to host the show with her other than Zircon, then those who are willing and able to pick up where Zircon and Pixie left off, should, just as Rayza and I passed on the show when we could no longer take it on. I honestly believe that it is not in Zircon's or Pixie's place to decide what the future (or lack thereof) of VGDJ will be. I understand that you (pixie and zircon) are upset about not being able to carry on with it, but that shouldn't stop anyone else from doing so. Please do not take this as an attack. We (all vgdj enthusiasts) are grateful for your service and how you've brought VGDJ to a whole new level since you've taken over. You've created a show people look forward to downloading, you've helped bring a community together. There is no reason why this ideal should die now. Take your accomplishments and let others be of service to OCR and to the VGDJ listeners. I hope you seriously consider this recommendation.
  7. Uhoh. THIS IS HOW IT STARTS. The curse continues! SHADDUP IT'LL BE BACK ... Is it still outsourcing if the US sends it BACK to Canada? No... but it is BETTERsourcing. OSNAP! Patriotism +1 bahaha that was awesome!
  8. coolchick++1
  9. Thanks alot Arcana! Weren't people saying the same thing about Rama? Hmmm... Ya... in the 'omg bad rekordingz' way
  10. What? What? And Wingless, your voice was fine. But your mic sounded a bit muted and quiet in parts. Agreed. And by "parts", I mean the entire show. EQ that shit up or something, Wangless! ZAY OER DA ROOKEYS GIVEN BREAK TO ZEM
  11. ConGRATULATIONS! Show sounds awesome! PS: We're Cernadians aren't that retarded. :/
  12. Hi everyone I think the idea of starting a new 'vgdj' isn't the way to go. As I say that, I realise that I haven't been around all that much due to my new job. As for Rayza, I have no idea where he is. What is great to see is that people are willing to keep it alive and see the potential and I and Rayza saw all those months ago. I think the show is a great way to promote the wonderful music and community here, and it makes sense that the show be hosted by different people, not creating a whole new entity. That to me says there's a lack of community here.
  13. hey ya'll Setting the record straight: Me no time to do show, Pixie do show. Pixie do good job. Enjoy show still. We were supposed to do a show together yesterday. Blame me for that I flaked out. Now I gotta go vote. VGDJ FOREVA!
  14. Hey everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful New Years! I had great plans for mine, but I ended up travelling through Terminal 3 at YYZ when the clock struck midnight... ah well! I miss the show... pixie and rayza you're awesome... YAY VGDJ! okay bye now
  15. hello
  16. I miss VGDJ
  17. Dude. *shakes head* I'm not even gonna explain this one. Astantia... You are my favorite. TEHSHOWNOTESMAKETEHSHOW.
  19. votevotevotevotevotevotevoteovteoveotoeraoeroioivoteee.... please?
  20. Rayza likes the men and their voices.
  21. WOAH. ITS NOVEMBER 1st! (new month means votes are zeroed) Please if you have the time, head on over to PodcastAlley and cast your vote for us again! THANKJ000
  22. wehehehHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAHBAHALAKLKLAKHAK HACK (witch laugh) ZOMG VGDJ MINI EDISHUN is AVAILABLE! PS: Phone interview! so I COULD have dressed up... but alas... heheh
  23. sorry guys! This week has been really hectic for both Rayza and me... I had my interview today and WOOO! It went really well. I'm going to release a little mini VGDJ soon.
  24. This time, I was actually a source for stinger material, other than Rayza's frustration with me (those don't count) This was sent to me by a colleague from Quebec... this is a man really pissed about his Videotron service... it was just recorded by Videotron and it was leaked. And we're assuming that Videotron is the Quebec version of Shaw or Rogers cable. we thought it was funnee. And Mountain... thanks for the show notes compliment I TRY SO HARD
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