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Everything posted by Ffej

  1. That's strange. I am right-handed, and I hold slingshots in my right hand, pulling back with the left. That's so strange.
  2. The dialogue is directed towards Link, from Zelda. If it was something that WE needed to know, they would not have had it being said by a character to another character. That's an important point to be made. Also, Aonuma called Four Swords GBA the oldest Zelda story thus far, and Minish Cap must obviously precede it, but FSA can't take place until after OoT, since it includes Ganon. Also, to The Damned, I'm not saying anything is set in stone or definite. In fact, I was the one who's timeline theory was only based on interviews (from magazines, no less ;] ), in-game text, and credible (read: post-ALttP) game manuals.
  3. You're kidding, right? Next time a magazine says it has an interview about Zelda, try opening it. Every interview between 1998 and today with Shigeru Miyamoto or Eiji Aonuma has them reaffirming that there is an over-riding continuity and promising that it will begin to become clearer with each new game. Wind Waker has been placed after the adult Link ending of OoT.
  4. Stop bickering. Stop complaining about those of us who like to speculate on Zelda timelines. Stop making long posts about Ganon being powerful enough to beat Sephiroth. Now, back to the topic... Infinity's End, though I do appreciate your knowledge of the number of unique Links there are, I must correct your one point. Four Swords GBA Link is not the same as Four Swords Adventures Link, very simply because each of those Links is first introduced to the Four Sword at the beginning of their respective games.
  5. It was poorly translated into English. http://www.zeldalegends.net/index.php?n=z3translation Read up. This is well-known in the Zelda community, especially for timeliners.
  6. The CD-i games were not Nintendo developed or supervised, but they wouldn't have any ramifications anyway. Also, the American SNES version of ALttP is not to be trusted, Emura. Most timeline theories place it before LoZ and AoL, but not for that reason.
  7. ALttP has to be far into Hyrule's future, simply because the Hylians are extinct and their language is long dead, thus placing it some time after Wind Waker. Also, the Four Swords games and Minish Cap all have 3 different Links, as Link has to be introduced, for the first time at the beginning of each game, to the Four Sword and Vaati. Also, Four Swords Adventures can't be before OoT because of Ganon's inclusion in the game. Also, concerning ALttP's ending, the SNES translation is so completely unreliable it's not even funny. Either use the direct translation from Japanese, or the GBA version. And for the last time, Link's Awakening is OFFICIALLY a sequel to ALttP, as stated in it's manual and the Sattleview spin-off of ALttP.
  8. I don't like most of their timeline. When timelining Zelda, we have to assume as little as possible. I mean, some things need to be assumed a little tiny bit, but they make massive leaps of faith there. Here's what I think. The Minish Cap is most likely first in the timeline. Aonuma said in a Game Informer interview that Four Swords on the GBA was first, and The Minish Cap predates this. Ocarina of Time introduces Ganon and a new Link, so therefore predates all games except The Minish Cap and possibly Four Swords GBA. Child Link's ending leads into Majora's Mask. I, for one, don't like assuming that Zelda and Link ratted Ganondorf out. That is a big leap of faith. Adult Link's ending can go anywhere. We know that it connects to Wind Waker (new Link), and that Twilight Princess (with another new Link) is between the two of them. Wind Waker leads into the new DS game, The Phantom Hourglass. Four Swords Adventures needs to be some time before A Link to the Past, as his trident is obtained here. A Link to the Past also has a new Link. Link's Awakening, as stated in it's manual and in the Satellaview game, The Stone Tablets of Antiquity, comes right after A Link to the Past, with the same Link. The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: Adventure of Link are consecutive with the same Link as well, according to their manuals. What we have are small groups of games. The problem is where to place them. Here's what we know: Timeline Group A: OoT, MM Timeline Group B: WW, TPH (Phantom Hourglass) Timeline Group C: FSA, ALttP, LA Timeline Group D: LoZ, AoL So as far as timeline are concerned, this is all we know for sure: Timeline I: The Minish Cap (lots of time, possibly more games) Ocarina of Time Majora's Mask (lots of time, possibly more games) Timeline II: Timeline I: The Minish Cap (lots of time, possibly more games) Ocarina of Time (lots of time, possibly more games) Twilight Princess (lots of time, possibly more games) Wind Waker Phantom Hourglass (lots of time, possibly more games) Other than those "These games definitely connect" groups up there, this is all we know. We have a few corners constructed, but Uncle Eiji and Grandpa Shiggy won't give us the last few pieces we need to fill in the middle and completely connect our cute jigsaw puzzle.
  9. Excite Truck is better then Excite Bike, but I'm not sure that counts. Link's Awakening was the direct sequel to A Link to the Past, and it was ages better in design, fun, and especially translation. How about some sequels that fell short? Like the GBA/DS Castlevanias after Symphony of the Night. Or Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire after Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal. The monster design is just continuing downhill ever since Ken Sugimori stopped designing them himself.
  10. I tried to press triangle to steal vehicles in non-GTA games. Even on systems without triangle. Not the same thing, but still. I think I once tried to hit R to drift (like Mario Kart) while actually driving. The Vampire Killer whip may be able to defeat Dracula, but a leather belt used as a whip only defeats my own sense of dignity. Wii Sports made me realize that I cannot actually bowl. Two totally different things. Which I should have known, seeing as how my Dad owns a bowling alley.
  11. I'm hearing that the first song you mentioned, the one supposedly by "The Rabbit Joint" is actually a song by a guy named Joe Pleiman and appeared on his ALBUM called "The Rabbit Joint". Wikipedia says this: Joe Pleiman created a song parody of the main Zelda theme for his album The Rabbit Joint.[32] The song is commonly mis-attributed to System of a Down or The Rabbit Joint.
  12. Urban Sprawl is the state I hail from.
  13. http://www.myspace.com/babypunchaz Hip-hop with panache. I'm the producer.
  14. It is from a vampire PS2 game made by Sega. The same sound is used in House of the Dead 2.
  15. Currently seeking a rapper, singer, or pianist with some experience in the genre of funk. Anyone?
  16. Clearly it must be.
  17. This is a topic to let everyone know that I have begun a hip-hop project. We call ourselves Baby Punchaz. Give a listen and some feedback. I am currently producing our fourth song. Updates to come. EDIT: We are now seeking contributions and guest stars! If you play piano or guitar, rap, sing, scream, et cetera, let us know! Facebook Group! Myspace Group w/ 3 songs!
  18. If I wasn't already allied with Nordreich, I'd join OCA. Too bad. :-\
  19. I have created my nation, The Western Imperium, with it's able-bodied leader, Adolf Hitler III! Anyone wanna become an ally?
  20. Luckily, I had work that night so I had stuff to occupy my mind (although I was all alone in a empty grocery store) I did almost freak myself out when I went to the bathroom though... In some ways, those are the best parts of seeing movies like Silent Hill. An empty grocery store... reminds me of 28 Days Later. On another note, I have come up with a theory that the town of Silent Hill, West Virginia is an allegory for Hell. Well, Dark Silent Hill, anyway. Also, I think the intial darkness may have been a hallucination caused by breathing the fumes (note how those monsters never appear again, and they do nothing to her when she falls and passes out), and Rose entered purgatory/Hell only after going unconcious (and dying from fumes) in that basement/sewer thing.
  21. Having liked the Silent Hill movie, and with my only experience with Silent Hill being the demo of 4, I must say, I am intrigued. The acting may have been subpar, but the music was excellent (seeing as how it was from the games), and the direction was beautiful. Also, I slept with the light on that night. Colin scares me. And Red Pyramid.
  22. The beginning sounds a little like the Lost Village song in Julius Mode from Castlevania DoS, which, in turn, sounds like Thriller. Very neat.
  23. RPG bosses are never hard. Ever. All you have to do is level up, which isn't difficult; it is simply tedious. All-time hardest boss? M. Bison on the highest difficulty in any Street Fighter 2.
  24. I play sax. I hava a tenor and an alto, and I'll be getting a soprano shortly, most likely for Christmas. I also play electric bass, but those can sound good synthesized, whereas sax can't.
  25. Being a sax player myself, I can really appreciate this mix. I'll just say this: I like it. A lot. P.S. Why is it suddenly listed as a Link's Awakening mix? Zelda's Lullaby is from OoT...
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