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Dj Orange

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Everything posted by Dj Orange

  1. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MQAOYNtc1nqXzdpzc_noQwwaBqHI-ETg/view?usp=sharing This was a winter break project that took a bit longer than expected since I wanted to record myself on bass. I tried . The audio chip has perfect timing and it's hard to replicate that. Could be better but still happy with how it turned out. original: This track is unique to the SNES port, which I haven't played much except to appreciate the level 1 vibes. Why did the composers decide to use these lush jazz chords here (and seemingly nowhere else in the game?) I dunno but there might be an interesting study in the BGM of PC -> SNES ports from back in the day. outside influences here include pink floyd, KC, pat metheney thank,
  2. This OST is full of hidden games. love it. I have a rough wip for 13 - Unrest - Sent you a DM to see if it fits your concept.
  3. A few comments after a couple listens. The original piece owes a lot of its drama to contrasts. Your arrangement has a pattern of contrasting loud/soft sections. However I think you could take it a bit further. For example the soft section from 3:10 - 3:50 could be softer. Try adding more dynamics (loud / soft variation) within the sections. This is a bit more tricky. I can't tell you exactly where - you'll have to feel it out. A good place to start would be the strings. The volume is very even throughout. I noticed one drop in volume at around 5:35 (which is a nice tension-release) but then it stays even for a while. Especially during the loud parts, when one voice gets loud (horns at 5min.), consider making the other voices (strings, etc.) a bit quieter, to give them more space. The cymbal crashes in the beginning could be a bit more subtle. Since they're the only percussion in the first 2 minutes of the arrangement, it draws a lot of attention, and imho raises the temperature a bit too quickly. Drums are a bit repetitive overall. It can work but I think you could put some more flourishes / lines in there.
  4. Trying something a little different. Source: FFX OST - Travel Agency Title: Sunday at Rin's Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tQ957WWFq2wbzCPGgCwwC34MmJoWgm2w/view?usp=sharing The piano and drums are midi data; that's me on the bass. The mix is pretty dry but I'm not sure what effects I'd use in an arrangement like this.
  5. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AWrkUd_hFWSNR0KKm6N6ffxOrEL6S5MK/view?usp=sharing The source material is one of my favorite Castlevania tunes, snes stage 4a + 4b. The idea is was to give it a 70's bossa nova vibe (like Jobim's Stone Flower). It's mostly finished, my ears need a break before making the final touches. Source material: 4a) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQRMjAg2jN0 4b)
  6. oops. Thanks, the link should work now.
  7. Another fall mood remix. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R1jnHHtY-0xL2IkNRDrHVSeZn4BjXKfb/view?usp=sharing Source: Rose and Ghost https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyVkTZ9QjC4
  8. Been a while, Quarantine boredom has brought back all my old bad habits, including messing around with FL. It's not quite up to modern OCR standards but I had fun making it. Tips on production are welcome. If the lockdown continues I might try another. Title: Secret of Mana - National Scar https://drive.google.com/file/d/197iCAjhYz1wRYjqXLJCior5TqQlI9iyV/view?usp=sharing Source: The Holy Intruder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9QCLsTAsuA
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