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Broadcast Bowsette

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Status Updates posted by Broadcast Bowsette

  1. You're not the new resident furry are you? If you're looking for someone who shares that furry fetish thing, you should go check out MisterToad.

  2. wtf Meteo, get more friends dahlin'.

  3. Oh yeah? What do you froggies prefer?

  4. ...Hey, so do you not use AIM, or do you prefer to Boo-style it? XD

  5. How ya been Sauze?!

  6. Batwhat?! So if I'm talking to MisterToad about his choice, I should call him a croaky, froggy, or batrachian instead?

  7. It is good times sir. And yourself?

  8. What do you mean exactly? I used to catch a lot of frogs when I lived in Africa as a kid.

  9. Happy Birthday Hobbes! ...If no one else makes a thread about it I will when it's officially your birthday where I live/when I wake up. >.>

  10. ... *deadpan* 1) Yes, frogs do exist in Africa. Surprise! 2) What the hell kind of stupid ass question is that?

  11. Hehehehe, well, true.

  12. Damnit, nevermind. Furries!

  13. Hey bLiNd, I don't know if you do requests (and you're probably too busy) but I was wondering if I could ask you to tear up a NMH song. I added you on AIM, will poke at you there if you're willin'.

  14. Ahoy there yon pony Peach

  15. Why thank you good chap.

  16. My pleasure Salluz. I should have done it sooner truth be told.

  17. Bwahahaha, that's post counts and titles that go with them, good sirrah.

  18. Never realized I double posted sorta here.

  19. ...You want to DO me?!?! Well, I'm flattered, but I just met you... :o

  20. Just dropping in to say

  21. I can't fathom why that would be an issue. :3 Anyway, you won't get the answer out of me on user pages and profiles!

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