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The Vodoú Queen

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Everything posted by The Vodoú Queen

  1. Yeah I can try. TY. This is the full song (afaik): And this is what I took from it, which is simply the acapella / mixdown version of the Devola and Popola lyrics to it: I can no longer find the non-instrumental version of the song, but it's really complicated. People who played NieR would understand it better than I, but Song of the Ancients has about 3 different versions, and 3 different voices entwined, with Devola and Popola being the main ones, but they sing different lyrics. Fate and Atonement are the major instrumental versions of the song, unsure about the Hollow Dreams, but yeah... I used primarily the guitar beat and their singing as the basis of my remix. I had submitted it a few weeks ago already, but any comments or criticisms would be helpful. I am always kind of working in a vacuum with any work I do, so only advice I have is primarily my own to work with, and I just started "producing music" around the beginning of September...so I know very little and am always trying to learn.
  2. TY!!! I made it myself. :3 ♥ Ooo, yeah, big Square-E fan here too. It's been literal years since I played a Parasite Eve game, but my god, was the soundtrack good. ^^ But then again Square rarely lets you down with their music, even if their plots and stories are sometimes waffley and weird. Already started on the MnP for Metroid song here, but man, are midis an assache to play around with.
  3. Ooooooooooo... METROID, yassss. My favorite game franchise ever (next to Castlevania and Mega Man). I can't wait to dig my heels into this! Just sad it's only 1 submission per person. :/ Will be my first time trying to work with a midi, and so far, it's terrible, aggrivating, and difficult. xD But, Imma try. Anything for Metroid, bay-beh!
  4. Man, two things I absolutely love to always have a sit down and listen to: FF music and orchestral renditions of video game songs, and this one does both! As soon as I heard the opening bars leading into the FF Prelude / Opening Theme, I got that spine-tingling feeling again as I did when I was a kid sat down playing SNES FF IV (the first of the series I played) on my own, stereo up high on the TV. Unfortunately, busyness pulled me away from hearing the rest, but tonight I am going to take a sit down to read the text thoroughly and listen to the whole thing! You've got another subscriber here, and it's always wonderful to see a full band group performing stuff from movies, TV, and games, and not just the normal, traditional minutes and sernades. That said, I did get to read some of the text and your story of how the group got together so quick and on the cuff before Magfest, with so little time to coordinate and practice, and did this suite--it's astounding. Will and must hear more, and will comment more when I do!
  5. This isn't the first remix from a game I've completed, however it is one I am more confident with: https://www.bandlab.com/vodouqueenxiii/groove-of-the-ancients-jazz-funk-dance-mix I decided I might as well throw myself into the deep-end (hope I'm doing it right), but yeah. Any advice, pointers, or criticisms (good or bad) would be great. Hoping to get something into submission at some point... I realize Cakewalk / BandLab is not on the usual list of DAWs to work with, by the way, but it's all I have to work with at the moment. I am extremely new to composing, arranging, mixing and mastering music on my own, (with nothing but me learning from YouTube vids, what bit of information I still have on music theory from years ago in band, and other tidbits on the internet). I'm practically a tadpole in a pond. Don't want anyone to go easy on me despite all this, please. Look forward to the comments. o/ Cheers!
  6. Hello everyone! (Wow, I'm extremely nervous ...and shy, haha!) To make things simple outside my username / artist moniker, just call me Angel. I've lurked around the OCRemix sphere for, jeez...years, I'd figure. Had my first taste way back around mid-2006 or so, from an old ex-friend who was heavily into it. I don't know if some of the OGs are still around, but I definitely remember two of my firsts I've heard from here was "Ace of Space" by Beatdrop and "The Scarlet Halls of Night" by The Wingless (I'm a big Guardian Legend nerd)--been hooked ever since! Been raised on games since a child, been raised for a passionate love of music and art since a child...only made sense at some point to combine the two things, but up until now I've been too scared to try. Like many here, I want / plan to improve my knowledge and experience in composing music, and (hopefully) at some stage have them featured here. I am totally new to creating music from scratch, on my own, but am not new to playing music or experiencing the process of it from start to finish. I'm a fan of many genres, and love to work within and outside "conventions" in any one of them! Hope to make new friends and learn a lot by mingling here. Feel free to message me for any pointers or guide me to workshops, (I have no idea where to start!) o/ Have a good one guys, and look forward to the future here!
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