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Everything posted by Mogrothir

  1. Hmm...it appears that I'm not the only one who is a fan of the line, "RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE." I must say, I've never played the game, probably never will, and don't regret it. Which would mean that I would never have listened to this song, were it not for the BitTorrent downloads. And I'm very glad for them, because this remix rocks. The melody is one that I want to play for all my friends, even if they all think I'm weird for making them listen to something that tells them to "RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE." But it's really good. The only part that I'm not so hot on is the middle section that starts at 1'57", but even that's fairly well done. I just think that the real strength of this remix is it's loud, imposing presence, which, thankfully returns to just pound this one home. Another great remix from the creator. Keep it up. (even though this one's rather old...so sue me for reviewing older remixes).
  2. My compliments, sir. I must confess, I am very much not a fan of rap / hip-hop in any form, yet I cannot help but enjoy this, and all of your other remixes. However, since it is rather early in the morning, I am afraid that I cannot analyze this piece in any greater detail. Either way, I was saddnened to not see any more of your work in the section of remixes form OC01001 to OC01250. I am hoping that you have another planned for the future, but even if you don't, the four that you have posted here are extremely good and will satisfy. Once again, great work.
  3. Well, I'm definately no connisuer of music of this sort. My taste in music tends to be the louder and more furious it is, the bettter. That being said, I cannot stop listening to this song. And I have NO idea why. Unfortunately for me, I'm about two years late for the lyrics page you linked to (>_<), and the lyrics that were posted on the song's description page are incomplete... But, in my opinion, the voice is what makes this song beautiful. Your voice is so beautiful...I can't even begin to express it. This song mellowed me out nearly completely when I first heard it, which, for someone as angry and harsh as I am almost all the time is QUITE the accomplishment. I don't care if I can't quite connect with the lyrics, or if I can't quite understand them all...they're beautiful and it makes me smile. It also saddens me, because I'm alone, but let's not get into that. I compliment you on your work. Even if it may not be perfect, it touched me in a way most songs cannot.
  4. I have to say that after I heard this song, I IMMEDIATELY burned it onto a CD and now listen to it at least once everyday. It has to be THE FUNNIEST song I've ever heard, and EVERY time someone asks me what I'm listening to, I play it for them. I DO NOT want to know where the inspiration for the song came from, but I do have to say keep up the good work. This is a masterpiece. If your next pieces are anything like this one, I will be a fan of yours for a LONG time.
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