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Everything posted by Protricity

  1. I just want to point out that this IS my favorite OC song. It has been since first I heard it.
  2. ah, one of my favorite songs being remixed... Pros: hmmmmmmmmmmm Cons: Chorus is imporperly used at the beginning, sounds way too fake. Bells are heard, but off beat with the chorus, and wayyyyyyyyy too quiet SFX are just there to annoy me, I guess. Bells are off key This is no march (Why is this a problem? I wouldnt title an orchestral song TECHNO HARDCORE REMIX) Doesnt seem to be getting any better... getting repetitive and annoying, Wow, my hand is being drawn towards the little X on the wmp window how odd.. OK, NO
  3. I say, dont use the original chiptune if you aint gonna do something cool later on. It just makes you seem lazy Pros: hmm.......... Cons: Repetitive, annoying. Use of chiptune and ugly melody Off key at parts Quiet Simple beat that dont change much. Some parts have lead but no background/bass All the chips sound very ugly like they were stretched out with cooledit or somn. NO
  4. Id think that the title "The Other Otherworld This is my first remix using Acid Pro, so I wouldn't doubt it if you don't add it to your site. " is a bit too long, dontcha think? anyway, Pros: Nice Jumpy beat Cons: Use of drumloops :( :( Ugly guitars (but thats not a reason not to post, still the guitars could be helped with 5ths(or is it 4ths?), reverb, and all kinds of things. SOOOOO repetitive. Encoding job could have been better - I feel some flange on those hats. This is from uematsu? Big cons are: the whole thing is a 4 second loop * 20, guitars could have been helped. OR YOU COULD TRY OTHER INSTRUMENTS good luck next time NO -Pro
  5. Pros: Nice synth, nice use of synth Cons: Simplistic (or as proponents of the style call lazyness, Minimalistic) The beat was weak. Some synths got annoying, the brassy lead synth at certain times. I believe this song could experience more effort. No -Pro
  6. Sounds exactly like the original. I hate when that happens, cause then it sounds like a midi import. In fact, almost everything is exact from the original, even the echo effects. Pros: Sounds good because the original sounded great. Ok beat. Ok bass Cons: No real variation from the original. Possible midi import - even if it wasnt, starky must have worked hard at getting it to sound like a midi import. In either case, thats a big con. Ugly at 1:45 jumbled up notes. Overall, in the best case that this was not a midi import, it still didnt vary much from the original. Just some simple bass, some simple drum loopin, and a few wrong notes later on. sorry starkyman, but No
  7. argh, makin me dl from vgmix again ...(4 min later) ok I reviewed the awesome Trapezoid - MonkeyBrain song in the mean time, anyway... ... yay for 5kbps, ok lets have a listen Pros: Swingin beat. like it. some sax solos are nicely sequenced. Cons: ugh, sax with vibrato and bend ugh, no reverb when needed winds sound real bad (not the instrument quality, the way they are used) offkey at 1:35 and a few other places volume issues ew ending too many problems, not much happens in the song. Work on those winds. No
  8. GAH!!!!!!! It logged me out and I lost my review GAH!!!!!! (again for effect) anyway, I was basically saying that this remix is great and I found nothing wrong with it aside from very minimal panning problems and brass flooding. To me, this mix is exceptional I can tell a ton of effort went into it. Big YES -Pro
  9. Pros: Good atmosphere/Sfx. Good piano chording. Cons: Seemed quiet, I couldnt tell, there are no eqs on stupid media player. Seemed kinda simple and boring. Ugly ending. Good enuf Yes -Pro
  10. lets see, there must be some reason why this is here. Dont see any reason yet Pros: PROFESSIONAL PIANO YAY I LOVE PIANO TAKE THAT Bach's Goldberg Variations Cons: uh.... uh.... too short, I guess. Yea, could have been longer. So many sub-par remixes coming in. This was my ray of sunshine on the Gondor battlefield as the ghosts ships sailed ashore with naught but my allies. I doubt anyone will even understand that statement. ANYWAY YES -Pro
  11. yay for car sfx. Pros: Nice use of synth. Nice uppy beat and synth play. Seems to me that a drumloop was NOT used, and 'hornpipe' actually sequenced the drums, something I dont see much anymore in this judgepanel Cons: Not much happens its nice for a simple rerender I suppose, but it could have expanded on the melody A LOT more. SFX a bit loud and blunt. Too short. Im gonna give this a yes simply because its had some effort put into it. Next time, try for longer song, more expantion on a melody, and try to incorporate those SFX a bit more fluidly. -Pro And no, we dont remove songs from this site unless one plans to start a new game music websi.. er, I mean, unless someone has a damn good reason. "My song sucks I dont like it anymore" isnt a reason, sorry
  12. Pros: uh.. Cons: The whole THING is off key from beginning to end. There is nothing that has been added to this mix save for a simple beat. This is an example of a great song that has been used in an attempted remix by simply adding a beat to it and resulted in off notes, sound problems, and overall awkwardness, so NO. -Pro
  13. Pros: Creative ideas on the melody Cons: Off-note fiesta Unvaried Beat no ending no midtones - high flute, low guitar dont sound right. Not up to standard, sorry NO
  14. 45seconds = NO
  15. ok, its one thing to not directly link to a song so the judges dont have to go scrounging around on the directory through html files and jpgs saying "JOIN NOW" to find something that might be an mp3 and might be another HTML file. Its another thing to not even tell us which song one is submitting. Cant say Im in a good mood about that. But I'll try to be unbiased from this point on. (TRY) Pros: Ok beat. Simplistic but ok. GAH, gets annoying at the end clippin galore. Cons: off notes, beat is off. Piano is like 2 octaves lower than it should be. Ending - There is none. Kick is WAY to loud, responsible for the clipping. That bass is just BAD. lead is cool, but the background kills it spaser synth is horribly arranged. Very loud and annoying. This gets a NO for a ton of reasons. Mainly the bass was off, beat was too loud, there was clipping. Sounded like you had to end the mix at 2:40 due to a FL trial limitation or something. On another subject, Mixes arent put here based on if they are better than what is on this site already. And yes we do have some songs still on OC that should probably not be here, but our standards only went up since then. This is why we have a judge forum now. There is no simple reason why a song SHOULD be posted or not. Every song will go through us or pretzel like any other. Its only fair. -Pro
  16. Sorry to insert a minor discussion on a no-discussion board, but if it gets accepted, can we at least request a decent encode of the original? We shouldnt have badly encoded songs on this site
  17. Ah, I heard this through its production. Defintely a great start for a new OCmixer. Pros: When ya got such a short theme to make into a long theme, you'd best be creative at varying it and expanding on the melody. PXFury is. Cons: Cant think of any. Gj. YESH, mi lo'ad -Pro
  18. Pros: Ok sequencing. Great Lead. Cons: Dont like the background synth. Doesnt vary much. Some of the synth effects got annoying, namely the flanging, if that was what it was... Gets repetitive. I no like looped songs >:0 This is one of those songs that border on Yes and No for me. The lead was very well done and is enough for me to go with Yes for this time, but more variation, longer song, no loops would make the song Much better imho. YES -Pro
  19. Star Salzman submitted this long ago. I believe it deserves recognition on the judge forum. Hes a good friend, so I wont vote. Enjoy... or not. -Pro
  20. OMG, that OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY Sh*zit made me lmao OMG thats so funny. OMG Thats great, thats hillarious!!! OMG THOSE lyrics. BIG NO This song has nothing to do with this website. OK, that was the most annoying song I have EVER heard. And yes, I am keeping it on my hard drive for a good laugh when Im down. If there were a site dedicated to originals with lyrics based on video games, this should be a definite submission, but that was not pacman music, and has naught to do with oc.. argh... I already said that.....already.....k Im done. -Pro Edit: OK, I stayed up with the OC folks loopin this song for 2 HOURS. WHY the hell I did that is still beyond me. This song has taken control of me. I think it is very well done. SOMEHOW, I came to that conclusion. Either way, it is not OC material in my honest opinion. Its not a game remix. it is... something, but not a game remix. so my vote stays the same, but OMGWTF, I lost sleep over this. dont ask... just... dont ask.... great.. now everyone thinks Im crazy, thats just what I need..... goodnight
  21. Midi Rip NEVAR!!!!! er, I mean NO!!!!! NO MIDI RIPS, DADGUMIOT!!!!!!
  22. Pros: sssoooorrrttaa groovy, but not really, like the strings. Cons: YO, YO. very out of place, melody doesnt follow the chord structure of the slap bass. off-notes. needless sfx. Repetitive. Beat is some kinda weird 4/4 3/4 hybrid, dont think it works. ouch on the ending. Cons win No We need more effort on these kinds of mixes. -Pro
  23. Pros: Horn is played nicely. Beat is actiony. Breaks sound good, not great, good. Cons: Lead stays on horn the whole time, dont like that. Variation is your friend. Beat doesnt change much either, gets tedious because it makes the whole song seem like a 20 second loop. WHOA, put my headphones on, that encoding sounds like mp3 -> wave -> mp3 -> wave -> mp3 -> wave -> mp3 -> wave -> mp3. sounds very ugly, especially that hat. at 128, this should sound way better. Horn is used as lead and as intro background, dont like that. too many cons thus, NO oh and btw, I would say NO on the encoding quality alone. Something this badly encoded, even if it were a godly remix should NOT be on this site, period. There is no excuse for that. -Pro
  24. Pros: Light and melodic. Cons: Too short, loops, simple. Not knowing the original melody, Im assuming that this song didnt vary/expand on it much, but I cannot make such a judgement, cause well... I havent heard mm9 stuff. basically I think this song is nice, but seems like it could have been MUCH better and isnt more than a nicer render of the original, based on that assumption, I'll say NO until someone proves me wrong, in which case I'll be happy to change my decision. In other words, is this song really an expantion of a game tune? or is it just a 'better version'. We have enough 'better versions' on this site as it is, we need remixes, not rerenders -Pro
  25. DiveMan MM4 recognized it in an instant cause its one of my favs. Pros: Good instrumentation/bass/beat Really like that flute. Cons: Song doesnt work. why? well, the original was a rockin fast paced load of bangin sound. This turned it into a soft 'groove'. So some of the 'bam' of the original kinda makes this one sound weird at some parts. Too short. would make a good background while they talk in SRX, I suppose. Its the kinda song I have to give a No because being as short and simple as it is, denotes lack of effort. -Pro
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