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Everything posted by zircon

  1. It seems unlikely that Kirk would say "remember our plan" or "stick to the plan" (something to that effect) to Spock, if Spock was the one that made it up.
  2. Remember that Kirk also devises the plan for how to destroy Nero's ship with Spock.
  3. Thanks guys The game is actually pretty fun. It's (obviously) like Geometry Wars in setup, but you have varied weaponry and a wider variety of foes - namely, bosses. The bosses actually change depending on how many players you're with. For example, if you have two people, the boss requires a strategy that involves two people (and no, the strategy is not just "shoot at it a lot.") Plus there are some fun head to head modes. Anyway, it'll be worth checking out once it's released. Here's another YouTube freebie. When I said it was a varied soundtrack I wasn't kidding.
  4. The point of copyrights is to allow people to monetize their work and create better work as a result. Take all that away and you're basically saying you don't ever want there to be any professional games, music, movies, or books ever again. By your logic, why not just ban entertainment entirely? It doesn't help society. It's pointless by definition. It's just for fun.
  5. Haha, well, I've also posted on KVR, VI-Control, Gearslutz, Taxi, Image-Line, Newgrounds, and Futureproducers... for starters. But I realize that it's also not technically out yet and some people don't like doing preorders. Once we get some reviews and press releases out on the release date, maybe we'll hit it big.
  6. Haha, yeah, it would be nice to be rich from GB. However, somehow, I haven't gotten even a single new order after this video came out despite hundreds of views and heavy promotion on many forums. C'mon guys! You know you want phat drumz.
  7. I definitely agree with you that after a certain point it's hard to tell the difference between a super-PWM and supersaw. I also admit I could be wrong on this, but I'm basing it off the fact that for my Zebra 2 patch library I spent a long time making various patches based on supersaws and super-PWM oscs, and my ear just leaned towards the former for this one. Anyway, for practical purposes, the latter is made basically the same way... except set your oscs to pulse and then an LFO to their pulse width. LFO depth should be pretty intense and the rate can be fairly high too. It's impossible to give specific numbers because many synths have synced LFOs or LFO timing based on beats rather than seconds, so you just have to play it by ear. Zebra also has a really weird PWM implementation where you can simply take a saw osc, invert its phase (there's a button for that) and then modulate the phase knob of the osc.
  8. Well... the point of the Heavy is also that he has a ton of HP. He has way more than a Pyro. It's hard to kill a Heavy even with direct pipe bombs/rockets, especially if they know what they're doing. You NEED to focus fire them, whereas a Pyro is pretty light in comparison. Furthermore, the Minigun is way more powerful than the flamer and at least CAN hit at farther than very short ranges.
  9. This doesn't sound like PWM... it's a pretty dense supersaw, like most poly trance leads Just use two saw oscillators, 50:50 mix, lowpass filter with cutoff high, unison/chorus/delay. Play big block chords. Synth1's saw unison is OK - there are better synths for that, but not for free. Supersaws are hard to match exactly because almost every synth does it differently. The best ones have free-running phase per osc as opposed to phase reset per note (which sounds.. bad, like all the FL default synths.) However, the type of verb, chorus and delay all impact things too.
  10. Here's the YouTube link if you want to vote it up/share/view etc, though analoq is right - w/o some serious external force this wouldn't go viral.
  11. x2 for me and Jill.
  12. This video was so cool that I asked Harmony to do a similar one using drum samples from my new drum library, Groove Bias. The result is a ridiculously awesome remix of Peter Gunn's theme (also BGM from Spy Hunter) and James Bond (also BGM from Goldeneye.) Check it out - http://vimeo.com/4682836 I've shown this to a number of drummer friends of mine IRL who are furious that they can't play like that on an actual set...
  13. Let's not hate on Escariot, guys. Initially, when Doug first showed me this mix, I basically had the same opinion - that it wasn't a valid source. It wasn't until I conferred with the other judges and spoke with Doug more that I was finally convinced of its legitimacy. So, while we might not agree with him, it's still a valid opinion. As for the mix - despite my initial view that the original source wasn't valid, I still loved it when I first heard it. Doug certainly earns his name. His arrangements are always good but it's a real treat to hear him perform live parts like this.
  14. Why wouldn't it have online play given that SSBB did? Doesn't mean it'll have GOOD online play...
  15. http://www.vimeo.com/4682836 Live keyboard drumming jam using Groove Bias. Performed, arranged and produced by Harmony!
  16. Heh, well; Maybe if you limit it to PRO studios only that will change, but FL Studio is still surprisingly popular
  17. I've written a game soundtrack for an upcoming co-op shooter on Xbox Community Games. The game is called "FITTEST" and it's really, really fun. It has a bunch of changing graphical themes, each of which gets its own musical theme to keep things fresh - the soundtrack has twelve full length BGMs in all. The genres are pretty varied, though most of them rely heavily on synths. Here's the first track I'm releasing, called STAR COMMAND, a rather heavy rock/metal track with screaming guitars by Sixto! Don't forget to hit "HQ" to get better audio.
  18. Dunno why you would go out of your way to post that. 8bw; Awesome stuff. I'm glad someone finally put this into sample CD format! Best of luck with the sales.
  19. The timestretching is way better than any other app I've seen. Ridiculous realtime stretching with NO artifacts.
  20. Nope, you're not crazy. The similarity to Goldeneye is where the name comes from. "Rare Square" - "Rare", as in, the company which made Goldeneye.
  21. Yeah, I think this is more of a Reason upgrade or expansion than viable standalone product. The lack of VST integration is really bad, but not when you factor in Reason devices. Additionally, the timestretching is absolutely sick.
  22. Fair use is not solely determined on whether the use is for profit or non-commercial. It actually depends on four factors: 1. Commercial vs. non-commercial, educational usage: obviously, the latter is preferred. This isn't an educational usage, though. 2. The nature of the copyrighted work. Is it a for-profit endeavor? A non-fiction biography? Has it already been published? In this case, the original work is published (better for fair use) but commercial and fiction. So... romhacks lose again. 3. The proportion of copyrighted material to the new work. In this case, it's ALL recycled CT assets. Not good. 4. The effect of the use on the potential market for the original IP. Hmm, well, ROMs and certainly romhacks can easily impact the potential market for the original IP. I would say the odds of romhacking being "fair use" are awful. Good luck arguing that.
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