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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Render it to WAV, edit a clip and post a sample of what you mean.
  2. Video #4 - Dirt Devil Walkthrough, pt1 Definitely go to youtube itself and add &fmt=18 to get the HQ version... that normally won't embed. Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/2866973 (much better direct download in the lower right)
  3. It's not officially distributed anymore, though.
  4. Video #3 - phat beats 101 http://www.vimeo.com/2864302 Download AVI link on that page, looks even better.
  5. If you're already posted, it's hard to change names and we REALLY don't encourage it. I think it has hardly ever been done. If you're just talking about subbed mixes, then just write another letter or PM Larry (Liontamer) and we'll take care of it.
  6. Laptops can have "high class" soundcards in PCMCIA format or USB/firewire, so what you're saying doesn't make any sense... $100 soundcards can have native ASIO drivers, even.
  7. Yeah, lack of 64bit is ridiculous across the board. I guess Sonar and REAPER are leading the pack in that area. Anyway, Hy, if you saw me work in FL Studio you'd see what I mean about ridicluously awesome workflow. Maybe I'll make a video today...
  8. I'm only going on because it frustrates me how many DAW manufacturers concentrate on adding all these great new features (and they are actually pretty cool) but then don't add such basic things as customizing your piano roll mouse commands. Sonar did that starting with version 7 and that was awesome. I just wish MORE companies did it, because then people like me and Jimmy would have more choices, being spoiled by the best piano roll in the business. To be honest, I want to move away from FL Studio. There are some aspects of it, primarily the fact that it won't ever be 64 bit, that frustrate me, but every other program just has such crappy workflow in comparison (to me) that I can't make the switch - and yes, I've spent plenty of times with other DAWs, such as Logic which is required for school.
  9. Yeah, I guess that audio is Live's strength, but then why do they keep releasing synth plugins? Sample libraries? Drum sequencing tools? Clearly, they want it to be an all-in-one workstation, so I have reason to complain that the MIDI isn't up to snuff. If we were talking Pro Tools, I wouldn't since clearly that has ALWAYS been a multitrack audio editor with MIDI as the icing on the cake. It's also amazing how many features in FL people don't know about... you can, for example, put it into "Live mode" and trigger patterns, quantized to the beat, on and off exactly like Live can. I mean, I've been using it for years and I'm still finding out new things about it. Image-Line is great at not only developing new features but also adding ones borrowed from other tools, where appropriate. Why can't more companies do this? WHY? Argh.
  10. How is that as easy as FL, when FL is literally just one motion to drag the sample, create the VST instrument and create the MIDI track? Objectively speaking, there's no comparison. :/ I know people use Live to great effect, but it's just frustrating to me that no one is taking more pages out of FL's book. Also, it's nice that you never have to drag or separate patterns in FL - they just size as you need them, simple as that. One click on the playlist duplicates EXACTLY that pattern and then you can simply edit the duplicate.
  11. Haha, Will's track is friggin' amazing. But everything sounds really cool, can't wait for the release.
  12. Here's basically what "makes" FL for me. You have a browser on the lefthand side with ALL of your wav samples/loops in a simple file structure. Left click to preview instantly. Drag and drop to create a sampler channel and its appropriate mixer track and step sequence lane. All that in ONE motion! Not to mention you can switch samples in and out with equal ease, even while a pattern is playing. Then, it takes me less than 5 seconds to actually make an awesome beat, and even less time to copy that whole beat and do a variation on it in the next pattern. See what I mean? There are always all these BS steps that other programs add that get in the way of that kind of workflow.
  13. I've tried to use Live a few times but unfortunately the piano roll and workflow is just so crappy to me that I can't bring myself to use it. If only people could just replicate the FL piano roll and step sequencer... that being said, the Max integration is cool as hell.
  14. I thought those settings just affected the stereo image. I never knew they actually added EQ.
  15. I call BS on this... that game was developed by BioWare, COMPLETELY independently from Sega. Sega just published it. This guy claimed to be in localization, but that doesn't make sense given that BioWare is an Canadian company.
  16. Nope.. dithering has nothing to do with removing things like that. It simply helps to preserve bit resolution.
  17. I honestly don't know what to tell you, except that it's either the soundcard or just a crappy processor for audio. If you can get a 7200 RPM hard drive that might help, but huge performance differences stemming from that seem unlikely.
  18. There's a lot of misinformation here. I appreciate the effort, but it's not good to spread incorrect facts. This is just completely inaccurate. By default, FL's mixer runs at a high bit rate, which simply means that all the audio summing and mixing is at a high resolution. When you export your file to put it on a CD or in MP3 format, by default it becomes 16 bit, which is standard resolution, but slightly lower than FL's mix engine resolution. Without getting too technical, "dithering" just enhances the conversion, and while there's no harm in checking this off, most people aren't going to be able to tell the difference. No idea what you're talking about here. The TS404 is a built in synth in FL. "Aliasing" is an undesirable effect in some digital synthesizers that creates distortion and unwanted harmonic noise at high frequencies. So, alias-free TS404 removes this effect on the TS-404 only if you're using that synth in your project. Most people don't even use this synth anymore, but if you are, switch it on. You're completely off. "Disable max poly" simply removes any limitations on the maximum number of voices that can be played simultaneously. If you have a really dense project, and you DON'T have this option checked, then as Zephyr said, FL will start cutting notes out. No, an "ACIDized" file just means that it is written with certain metadata, like tempo, which MANY programs (obviously including ACID) can read, namely beatslicers. Some plugins have innate latency, such as linear phase EQs and convolution reverb. This option means FL will try to deal with that automatically, however in my experience it doesn't always work. Lastly, The interpolation has NOTHING to do with download speed. Not sure where you got this from? It's also basically useless to go above 64-point sinc, and debatably above 6-point hermite, as these only make a difference in quality if you're repitching a lot of stuff within FL's engine (ie. with FL Sampler.)
  19. I don't think that mix was ever an OC ReMix, was probably just a work in progress tagged wrong.
  20. There are a few potential factors besides the processor that could be causing speed differences. 1. Operating system. Are they the exact same OS, same service pack version, same amount of updates? 2. Background software. Boot up both PCs and check the task manager before opening ANYTHING else. See how many processes (not tasks) are running as well as the total RAM usage. They should be the same, otherwise the comparison might be tainted. 3. Sound card. The ASIO drivers on one sound card can be a LOT better or worse than another. If you're comparing different soundcards, the comparison isn't accurate. 4. RAM speed. Maybe the desktop is using lower-quality RAM. With regards to processor, somehow your laptop processor edges out the AMD according to CPUBenchmark.net, so that alone will result in something of a performance difference too.
  21. Unrelated to the current line of discussion, but Civilization: Revolution DS is awesome. It's the perfect portable Civ game. Can be played in little increments, takes only 1-2 hours per game (tops), challenging, varied gameplay.
  22. I'm going to move this to the G&T forum shortly, just wanted to make it visible here first. http://soundtempest.net/the-best-free-music-software/ The name says it all. This is something of an expansion of my (now obsolete/abandoned) "remixing on different budgets" guide, with lots of useful information for anyone. Check it out.
  23. Boooo. Last year I was working with a team of Drexel students who created a device that translated neurofeedback into game control data. It was pretty damn cool. For example, to manipulate a manhole cover in the game you actually had to concentrate in real life. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2008/08/games-brain-sig.html In other words, a bunch of students developed and implemented this exact technology independently a year ago. Lame.
  24. For everyone complaining about advertising... you do realize that magazines make basically pennies from subscriptions, right? Advertising is by far where the revenue comes from. Subscriptions barely factor in at all. So, if a magazine is featuring tons of ads, chances are that's because they are not in good financial shape. The best magazines IMO are ones with high subscription fees but no ads. For example, Consumer Report.
  25. Oh! You're still available for this, Josh? I had forgotten that you offered to do it. My bad. If this timetable works for you just hit me up on Gmail
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