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Everything posted by zircon

  1. You may be interested in my guide on effects and my guide on general production values, both of which are available here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3314
  2. I know CDXtract does create some weird stuff like those Orphan Perf folders, however somewhere in there yo ushould get usable files. Try converting to soundfont and then searching for all .sf2 around there? You could also look for other conversion utilities like Extreme Sample Converter.
  3. Hey, you go to Drexel? Awesome! What major are you? We should hang out sometime. Edit: Also, do you have a car? It would be sweet if you could gimme a hand with picking up 1,000 CDs from discmakers in New Jersey. It's ~7 miles away, I'll cover gas and give you a free copy of the album too.
  4. Topless girls at a press conference is kinda taboo, goat aside.
  5. So it's been a little over a year or so since the last Philly meetup. Who's up for another one? DATE: June 16th - Noon MEETUP SPOT: In front of city hall, facing towards the clothespin ATTENDEES (DEFINITE) zircon pixietricks Dyne Darkesword Atma Bustatunez Merk w/ friend Faduger Kutrayn (w/ girlfriend) Bahamut Jiggles McPuff Jose the Bronx Rican ATTENDEES (POSSIBLE) Kroze Sporknight Queezenorph Moguta Broken * Sequence of events. This will be solidified over the next few days, but here's the general plan: 1. Meet up @ clothespin (noon) - center city. Wait a bit for potential stragglers. 2. Head over to the convention center area, meet up with Darkesword/Atma, grab some lunch, get day passes/tokens as necessary (for public transport). We'll probably be here until 2-3. 3. South Street? 4. Arrive at the apartment (via subway) by 5 or so. BBQ prep + dinner. 5. General hanging out, video games. 6. Bubble House for more dessert & beverages - this is where Jill works. So, we're NOT going to be going to the apartment first, because it's actually over 20 blocks away from the meetup point. This means that if you're bringing anything, you should travel light. * Video games. Multiple people have suggested bringing some systems/games, but remember, there's no dropoff point for them. Also since the apartment is small, we'll still have a big group when we arrive there for dinner, and we'll be outside at the grills anyway, so there won't really be a chance to make use of them at that point. Only after dinner. * Parking/transportation. There is only street parking near me (non-metered) but I can't guarantee you'll be able to find anything. There are two garages relatively close, but I don't know exactly when they close, or their rates (they're not terribly expensive though). Center city garages are expensive, so the other options are probably best if you're driving. Regional rail, Amtrak, NJ Transit, SEPTA, and Greyhound/Chinatown bus will all take you into easily accessed areas. If you are coming in and need directions on how to get to the meetup spot post NOW... I'll help you out. * Overnight guests. The only person staying with me and Jill is Wes (Bahamut) - we REALLY REALLY REALLY do not have space for anyone else. If you absolutely need a place to stay overnight then you should start asking other people in the thread. It's not that we don't want to put up other people... we simply can't. The entire apartment consists of a combined living/sleeping space and a little kitchen, that's it. * Dinner Money. Jill and I just got back from the grocery store where we bought a ton of food + drinks. Everyone coming for the BBQ will be expected to chip in; the final amount per person will depend on exactly how many people we have at that point, but it will be between $5-10. Cash only! So be sure to bring small bills. * Make note of my cell... 215-531-0798. Call if you're having problems, need last-minute directions, etc.
  6. Pretty nice ambiance, but I don't know why everything is so quiet. Seems like 5-10db softer than it has to be for much of the first part of the mix. 2:26 is sort of anti-climactic and there's no realy transition to it. I don't know if it was supposed to be epic or what but it didn't feel particularly powerful. Then things went back to soft & quiet again which seemed kind of weird - it's like the mix peaked at 2:20 and the rest was just an outtro. I don't get it. I'm all for atmospheric, ambient mixes but I don't think this one was executed too well. The structure & pacing were off in that the mix really only picks up at the middle, and then only for a few bars, before jumping to the outtro. The texture is dynamic enough but a lot of the sounds aren't so hot to begin with in terms of realism & sequencing. Lack of any percussive parts kind of hurt too IMO. I felt you could have had more pad parts to fill out the mix as a whole, too. I didn't like that you didn't use the whole source tune. Feels like you could have condensed what you have to 2 minutes and then spent the rest of the time focusing on other sections of the source. Otherwise, the arrangement you do have is good, though it needs more direction as Larry pointed out. Getting there, but keep at it. NO
  7. I haven't had any problems with that. Sounds like your drive is screwed up or the disc is?
  8. The mountain game sounds like Super Solvers: Treasure Mountain. http://www.classic-pc-games.com/pc/educational/super_solvers:_treasure_mountain.html I used to play it also.
  9. Don't buy it from there. The people selling it through Amazon are not "authorized" distributors, they basically just list product that they don't have, mark it up, and buy inventory when they get an order. If you buy from them you will never receive anything because IP is currently sold out. Unfortunately CDBaby is my only physical, mail-order distributor. I will have some retail distribution too but it's US-only. Your best bet is to try for a digital copy.. iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, one of those companies. If you can get Paypal you'll be able to buy a physical copy that way too.
  10. Thanks for the enthusiasm guys. I am about 50% towards my preorder goal which is really cool
  11. You heard it, folks. Our very own Beatdrop will be on the next DDR title from Konami, with his song "Until Forever". He did this through a Broadjam contest and snagged $1,000 in the process... as well as some extra attention from Konami for future work, I'm sure!!! Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS and major props to him and y'all DDR players can look forward to hearing some goodness from our favorite industrial remixer/former judge. Movin' on up! PS. Check the song out on Beatdrop's new album "In the Dark", available here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=8767
  12. The production here is off. The bass seems overcompressed while the high end is peaking through. The snare is too soft and it's hard to hear the kick. There's a lot of pumping on some parts but not on others which is just confusing to listen to, and the whole thing feels on the quiet side for some reason. It definitely needs to be re-mixed/mastered to sound right. Also in terms of production, a lot of the samples and synths are pretty plain such as the main lead which sounds like a simple FM synth. Put some vibrato on it (mod wheel), automate the filter, have it move around more, anything to make it more interesting. The arrangement is OK with some good ideas (changing the rhythms etc) but just peters out and doesn't have much of a structure. Plus the overall concept of your mix sort of mimics how the original is set up with the four-on-the-floor drums and similar harmony riffs. Try to expand on those ideas more, make your remix dynamic. Soem good ideas, but keep at it. Hit the WIP and ReMixing forums for more advice, also hang out on #ocrwip on IRC. NO
  13. Phantasy Star is my pal. Right off the bat, the orchestral sounds are really fake. The brass just sounds unrealistic, there's no saving grace for it. I would use strings instead for those long sustained notes. The percussion is too loud with respect to the brass when that starts coming in. Taking until 1:31 to add strings is just too long... that whole first part is extremely boring. It's minimal in a bad way, and repetitive. I would take it out entirely or rewrite it in a big way. After the strings drop out again, it goes back to being sparse and minimal for awhile. No good. As Larry said 4:08 is where it actually picks up and that's over halfway through the (very long) track. Considering the length here there are very few arrangement ideas. The samples and mixing are weird. The orchestration seems off. Perhaps it's the source tune you picked which is really not melodic or harmonious to begin with, but either way, it just doesn't click. Larry pretty much summed it up. Feels like half the instruments are missing. NO
  14. Very simple. Do not use the "real name" for any other purpose than your actual real name. I've sent out about 10 PMs today to people misusing it. No warnings yet, but now that this very clear sticky exists, I *will* start making official warnings to people that aren't using it properly.
  15. I know it's a longshot, but is anyone here experienced with writing press releases? Surely we have at least one person in marketing or PR. I could use some help writing one and I am willing to pay for the service.
  16. ATM it's kind of, whoever shows me the most promising wip right now...
  17. This is a ridiculously amazing remix. Ever since Star first posted the wip (which was great even though it was only 2 min and not as polished) I was in love with it. Seriously, I must have listened to it like 50 times every update. Too awesome.
  18. I find that... unlikely, given that it's not done done yet and thus does not have a final version.
  19. Please review the album project guidelines. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Album_Project_Guidelines You should ideally already have *five* ReMixers who are interested before posting about your project. After that point, you should post in Community Discussion, not ReMixing. On a personal note, there are far too many site projects at the moment. Even the major ones like Voices of the Lifestream and Summoning of Spirits are suffering from lack of activity. There are at least 6 other projects underway besides those two. Please do not start another one right now unless you've got a kick-ass concept with great mixers just DYING to remix songs for you. Topic locked.
  20. His last remix was posted mid 2004 and he wasn't even really active around then. His website has de-registered and he stopped posting on the forums around '05 or early '06. Seems like he is not pursuing music actively... I have talked with him a few times via email, even in late '06, but he's pretty sure he won't be doing more remixes anytime soon. He still wishes he could do music I think.
  21. I agree with Larry and TO's comments. The guitar playing could be tighter, the mixing needs work, the drums could be better, and I would also add that the overall volume is WAY too quiet for the style. This needs to be much hotter. Check the ReMixing forum for mastering help. Arrangement isn't terrible; this isn't a cover. It's getting there and I like the things you did to personalize it. Less repetition later on would be good. Try doing more stuff over the original chord progression, adding new chords, and perhaps add more harmony parts too. NO
  22. McVaffe - a legendary OCReMixer - posted this way back in 2003 showing all the stuff he was working on. Sadly he has only finished one of the remixes. It is still fun to listen to, however. http://www.soundtempest.net/McVRemixPreview.mp3 TRACK IDENTIFICATION 0:00 - 0:19 Super Mario Bros 1 (Main theme) 0:19 - 0:41 Luigi's Mansion (?) 0:41 - 1:19 Legend of Zelda main theme 1:19 - 1:32 Dr. Mario 1:32 - 2:21 Mario Paint 2:21 - 2:37 Pilotwings 2:37 - 3:05 Startropics (?) 3:05 - 4:00 Zelda 3 Credits (?) 4:01 - 4:22 SMB3 Battle 4:22 - 4:39 Ice Climbers 4:39 - 5:22 Startropics 5:22 - 5:49 DKC 1 Aquatic Ambiance 5:49 - 6:29 Zelda 3 Dark World 6:29 - 6:59 SMB Credits 6:59 - 7:16 ??? 7:16 - 7:35 SMB3 Credits 7:35 - 8:00 SM64 Credits
  23. Well, previously I've just uploaded the raw WAVs. I was going to offer 320kbps CBR MP3s as an alternate option. My bandwidth is such that I can do the WAV thing no prob, and no one has experienced difficulties with it yet.
  24. Yes, actually, we do allow these to be posted in Gendisc (though they are moved back to WIP:O with a redirect after a time). Here's a bump for ya and a move to gen disc. AWESOME album and congrats on the DDR placement/contest win!
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