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Everything posted by zircon

  1. Compared to DirectSound and my computer's "Primary Sound Driver", as well as Asio4All, EMU's ASIO drivers are superior in just about every way. The only downside is that they seem to be a little less stable in the latest build of FL. Loading a really big project with EMU ASIO selected causes crashes for me almost 100% of the time. I avoid this by switching to ASIO4ALL (never crashes) before loading a project, then switch back to EMU ASIO when the project is loaded.
  2. I use the EMU 0404 with FL... it works fine. You just set your audio drivers (in FL) to "EMU ASIO" then select "PCI Card In L" or "PCI Card in R" as an in on a mixer track, then you're good to record!
  3. MIDNIGHT TOMORROW NIGHT (11:59pm the 31st) is the deadline.... send in those ReMixes!!!
  4. "Who Am I?" is still free... it wasn't on my list because, if I recall, it was mostly reiterating other themes from the OST. But you're welcome to do it. The other two you mentioned are taking.
  5. Hey guys, 2:40am right now, still hanging out over here - just wanted to say that we popped into Nintendo World briefly and they played the following ReMixes... Star Salzman - Duck Tales - Duck Blur Disco Dan - Mega Man 3 - Snakeman Get Down! Dr. Fruitcake - Super Mario Bros - Mario's TropicalParadise AmIEvil - Castlevania - Castlemania Mazedude - Ice Climbers - Snow Cone Heaven aneurysm - Mega Man 2 - CrashedMen aneurysm - Super Mario World - TheDarkReachesofSMW Mazedude - A Boy and His Blob - Cyborg Blobby Apparently several of the employees are OCR fans and have a few hundred ReMixes that they play in rotation. How cool is that?
  6. Keep the entries coming! Only 4 days left.
  7. It would probably look at things like how to change the texture throughout the course of the song, proper use of tempo and key changes, structure (eg. intro verse chorus verse chorus outtro kind of stuff), dynamics, production complimenting arrangement (subtly fading in big bass pads before the climax)... you know what I mean? These are universal concepts. I'm not going to say stuff like "first write this note, then this one, then work on the chords".
  8. Yeah, specifically you want to go "Uptown" just one stop from Penn Station... that is how it is labelled.
  9. Hey guys, my cell # is 215-531-0798. Call if something comes up.
  10. Yeah, Souliarc is right. And again, the judges routinely critique people on their arrangements (in the traditional sense) and interpretations. If you say it's something that can't be taught, or if teaching it defeats the purpose (as Doomsday said) then we would just stop writing out votes.
  11. From the Port Authority I think you only need to walk to 42nd street station, which is a few blocks, then take the Shuttle to GC.
  12. Nope, djpretzel is the only admin and he's also the only one who can ban people. If mods had ban powers (which some of us will in vBulletin) we could have fixed this in 30 seconds.
  13. Vocals don't just fall into two categories, "good" and "bad". There are LOTS of aspects of vocal recording and performance, as well as how the vocals are treated in the mix. Comparing "Rest Tonight" with this is comparing apples to oranges. Hmm...interesting. You do make a good point. It could be that my ears aren't trained to differinciate between certain technicalities. So hypothetically speaking...it's possible that you would say "yes" to a vocal mix with a voice as good as Pixietricks even though the production values aren't up to standards? Or do both the voice and the technicalities of recording have to be "above the bar"? It's sort of the whole package that needs to be looked at. I don't remember any mixes that were rejected where the vocals were well-performed and executed, but the recording quality brought it down...
  14. Unfortunately, we can't do anything more than we're already doing. We've been working as fast as we can to delete the posts but some threads (not even FORUMS) have 10+ bot posts 20 minutes ago I cleared out the ReMixing forum and it's already got a ton of new posts. I think this is a losing battle. We need Dave's intervention.
  15. Did you try refreshing the browser of the channel->add->more menu?
  16. What's the exact error? Loading VSTs into FL is easy. Drop it in the FL Studio\Plugins\VST . Anything in that folder will show up in your Channel->Add->More menu. Ideally, try to INSTALL the VST into that folder.
  17. * A book on making money from writing soundtrack, jingles, and production music * The Indie Bible 8th edition, which is a huge directory of radio stations, publishers, labels, magazines, disc manufacturers (etc) helpfully organized w/ contact info * A book on Google's backstory (a business perspective) * 3 CDs by BT (Movement in Still Life - import, IMA, and ESCM) * The CD "Bohemia" by ILS * A sample DVD with lots of oneshots ("The Producer's Vault") * Season 14 of Law & Order, my favorite TV show * A couple simple articles of clothing * Some sheet music * A stuffed animal (pink polar bear) - you can guess who gave me that * Some assorted small items So nothing major, or too electronic in nature, but very appreciated and practical nonetheless. I'm happy
  18. The VTB-1 is pretty much intended for vocals. It even says so in the feature list: "A superb vocal mic pre with a warm, transparent character". So, it is highly unlikely they would produce a stereo version (nor am I aware of one).
  19. Not wanting ReMixes to be overly liberal (as we call it) is valid. We rejected Hetcenus' Ice Cap mix for that reason, among others. However, site projects are NOT bound to the OCR standards. We don't evaluate every mix on the project and see if it passes our arrangement and production bar. That would be inane and limiting. Site projects like this let artists branch out and do things that they might not normally be "allowed" to do on OCR, yet still get spotlighted on the site. Of course we do prefer if we can post the majority of the songs from the project to the site, if they were submitted.
  20. Rest in peace. This man inspired entire genres of music. We even had to learn James Brown style drumming in my Percussion I class.
  21. Vocals don't just fall into two categories, "good" and "bad". There are LOTS of aspects of vocal recording and performance, as well as how the vocals are treated in the mix. Comparing "Rest Tonight" with this is comparing apples to oranges.
  22. Sorry, but I wouldn't write about those topics. Everything I write in my tutorials pertains to OCR and ReMixing. Even if it can be broadly applied to original songwriting/production (etc) it all ties back to OCR. So something that doesn't apply to OCR will not be written about. If I did do a topic on interpretation it would have to do with passing the OCR standards.
  23. Thanks for the input so far. A few points of clarification. 1. soc, DJSeith's music would never make it on to OCR today, and the Minibosses would be a really close call. I wouldn't use those artists as examples of anything, when it comes to current standards. 2. The overwhelming majority of ReMixes we get are rejected on creative grounds - eg. they are not interpretive enough. Every time we "NO" these mixes we are essentially giving the artist a brief lesson on how to be creative. So, an expanded tutorial on the subject isn't really anything special. This is probably the #1 issue for mixers in general. There is just massive confusion on the subject. Keep the comments coming! I see numerous "Other" votes, but no one actually specified what they wanted, so I'm not going to count them until they do.
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