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Everything posted by zircon

  1. FL7 is insane. I'm not blown away today because I've been using all of the betas and release builds, but if you're upgrading from 6, it's amazing. So many cool new features.
  2. The Community forum is basically the only place where meetups are organized. People are free to organize meetups whenever and wherever they want, including yourself... so go for it!
  3. Yeah, it's lame, but driving the samples at all makes 'em sound shitty in that range. The same thing happens to me. It's a problem with how they were recorded. You have to EQ/keep volume down to get around it :/
  4. Hmm, I don't think it is really "white noise" per se. Sounds like the volume levels are causing the sound to distort. Or at least, certain frequencies are peaking too much. Use some EQ to try to get that out of there.
  5. Yes. Please to see recitals. I take ze trains to see pixietrick! .. In all seriousness, I hope y'all OCR people can make it. Jill will be great, and I'm sure we're all going through MAGfest withdrawl.
  6. In response to an earlier post, even the upper editions of Vista don't REQUIRE 128gb of RAM - was that the implication, or did I misunderstand something?
  7. Better to have no examples, or less examples, than bad examples - at least, in my opinion. Don't rush it.
  8. Hey, I'm allowed to let off some steam once in awhile
  9. "Write your own musical platform"? What does that even mean? I suppose we should get rid of all mixes that use guitars, right? They're not "writing their own musical platform". After all how many songs are there that use guitars. And don't even get me started on orchestral remixes! That "platform" has been around for hundreds of years and people are so uncreative that they're still using it. Man, shut the hell up. There are lots of legitimate reasons for not liking a remix, but somehow implying that we're uncreative or unoriginal is moronic and insulting. Grow up.
  10. We're working hard! 24 final tracks, 9 more close to done.
  11. I'm in agreement with Larry on the intro. It's lo-fi, but I don't think it works really well musically. I would try a different effect there, maybe something automated. Anyway, once the vocals come in, the use of effects is stronger, so it's not a big deal. The production sounds kind of off to me. The volume is perhaps too loud and the highs are piercing. It also seems like the frequency spectrum is rather full for most of the mix, not giving the listeners' ears time to breathe. With some of your other mixes I think you had it balanced more in that respect. 2:54 is a nice breakdown but you could have done some stuff before that. Because of the full frequency spectrum I also felt like the leads were a bit buried. The beatwork is on the lame side, I have to agree; the clap is loud and the sequencing isn't that varied. It gets the job done but I don't feel it's particularly polished or creative. Switching up the four-on-the-floor pattern with a different pattern every so often would have been a welcome change, even if you didn't change the existing one much. Lastly, the "Don't Hold Back..." vocal sample is cheesy (not a big deal) and doesn't quite line up with the beat sometimes. While I'm not feeling the arrangement quite as much as Larry, the interpretation factor is certainly there. There are variations, original sections, and the treatment of the original is creative. I like the Vampire Killer quotes though the transitions are a little on the awkward side. I'd say this aspect is strongly above the bar based on other, similar mixes we have posted in recent times. This remix is somewhat borderline for me. There are numerous production issues, but the arrangement is strong enough (despite a weak ending). The deciding factor for me is that there IS a lot of creativity going on, even if the execution is on the weaker side. It's just enough to push me into yes territory. A re-encoded version with better EQing/mastering would not hurt, of course. YES
  12. LIGHTNING ROUND! * Arrangement sticks very close to the original except for the original section around 1:00. More of that! Feel free to vary things more, add an intro etc * Genre change is cool but transition could be smoothed in terms of volume levels * Rock section is definitely good - solo??! * Whole mix could be longer so you can develop your ideas - ending seems abrupt! * Instruments could be changed up more often (eg. adding more during the first part) * Production is somewhat muddy towards the low end (too much reverb?), and is pretty crowded in the second half also Overall: some cool concepts, but not developed enough, and production is a little messy. Keep working on it! NO
  13. No, they probably wouldn't... but he didn't specify the style he was interested in creating. At least as a place to start with I think a notation program would be good. Once he gets used to that kind of program he could move on to a combo sequencer/notation program like Cubase or Logic (or whatever).
  14. I don't quite follow what you mean. Take this product for example; http://www.logicsupply.com/product_info.php/cPath/47_68/products_id/561 Am I understanding this correctly, that this $25 product will turn one (1) functioning PCI slot into two (2) functioning PCI slots? So rather than ONE DSP card fitting there, I get two?
  15. That's a silly thing to say, OverCoat. This guy can use a program like Finale or Sibelius. They now come with fairly high quality samples, better than most free things out there.
  16. Hmm, the samples I have of fretless basses tend to be more mellow than normal electric basses (even fingered ones). There is of course the infamous "Fretless" on the Korg M1 that is fairly unique. But I have no idea what the deal is there.
  17. Actually, Larry (Liontamer) and myself have been the go-to Site Projects guys since the guidelines were revised several months ago. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Album_Project_Guidelines
  18. Wait, so "use hardware buffer" lets you use MORE plugins?
  19. FXTeleport probably isn't an option due to latency issues, but I'm considering trying it. There are no USB versions of the PCI devices I want (DSP cards). The closest thing would be Firewire or PCI-E versions which are 3x as expensive. Thanks for the help guys.
  20. The thing is the PC I ordered is already on it's way, and I had it custom built for a reason... I don't want to open it up and gut it. Plus, there are no Core 2 Duo-compatible mobos I've seen with even 4 PCI slots.
  21. You could check out my tutorial in the Guides & Tutorials forum (it's the first one). Truly, the best method is just to practice and listen to drum patterns and styles you like, and then mock them up.
  22. Whoever is actually serious and interested can PM me and we'll go from there. Shipping is whatever it costs to ship to your location
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