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Everything posted by zircon

  1. I know it doesn't always knock down, but do you necessarily always want a knockdown? I'm not a Makoto player, so I don't know, it just seems like a waste since you're not doing nearly as much damage as you could be, plus the mindgames are about the same (you could follow up the punch with another punch, grab, block, etc.) As for the commentator.. I missed Sessler so I have no idea how he was. However, I agree with Newt that Killian is just about one of the only good commentators in the SF scene, with a couple exceptions (namely the guys that typically comment on the Battlefield Arcadia stuff, like Hu and the other dude.) A lot of them just repeat the moves the characters are doing or ramble about their own personal skills at the game. Killian is simply way better.
  2. Nice vids, but why do you constantly sweep after a karakusa? Why not S.fp into hayate? Doesn't that do way more damage?
  3. Again... I never asked for an extension. Not only that, had the situation been reversed, I would not have posted even once asking "where are the results?" or anything like that. I'm used to waiting long periods of time for things related to music. When I directed VotL I didn't cut a single person due to them missing deadlines, perhaps even when I should have. So, I really don't want people to get the wrong impression here. When it comes to a fun competition like this one I'm very easy-going. That being said, I AM looking forward to the MMX version of this competition! I just finished my project mix for Darkesword, which leaves only one more project mix for me to do before my "remixing schedule" is freed up.
  4. OK guys... first of all, this is competition is completely for fun with no prizes involved so I don't think there's any need to create drama. Second of all, I never asked for a deadline extension or any sort of special treatment. Not once. Also, since early in the competition, Darkesword hasn't talked to me at all about it. So, it is 100% his decision (uninfluenced by me) to give me extra time for my entry. Why this is such a big deal, I'm not sure. If the situation were reversed I wouldn't care at all. It's not like this is a big project that is waiting to be released, and it's not like WillRock can't work on other music while he's waiting. I also don't mean to imply that this is somehow unimportant; the main thing I'm working on that's not 'real work' for me is actually a project mix for DarkeSword which I absolutely have to prioritize since the entire project is done except my mix. It's worth noting that I was asked by DarkeSword to do this mix because another mixer who had finished his track dropped out at the last minute, so the project was and is hinging on my substitution. Before that, I was working on a project mix for Emunator that was very late (partially because I was collaborating with tefnek, who disappeared for awhile, so when he sent me his part of the file I had to rush to get stuff done for it.) So, long story short... please just relax, we're talking about remixing video game music for fun here. I never asked for an extension, and if DarkeSword wanted to, at any point, declare WillRock the winner I wouldn't even blink. It's not that I don't care about the competition (remember, I already did 4 mixes over 4 months ago), it's just that I have to prioritize project mixes which are on strict deadlines.
  5. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, definitely. Hearing the boss theme as a kid renting that game was like going on a sugar high.
  6. The soundtrack was split among five people; myself, Dan, Jeff, Will and Jesse. From day one we had assignments as to who would be arranging what track. It was more or less groupings of tracks per person. So, for example, I did basically all of Dinky Island's music, as well as some of Phatt. Dan and Jeff also worked on Phatt, with Dan taking Booty Island, Jeff/Will on Scabb and Jeff on Fortress. Jesse and Will looked for additional composers for MI2SE because it has WAY more music than the first game - we're talking at least 4x more, especially if you count all the subtracks (interactive audio.) It wasn't through any kind of open call or job listing - we (the non-inhouse composers) were approached by them.
  7. The first SE had music arranged and produced by both busta AND Jesse Harlin. Will didn't just perform on it. As for more details... well, feel free to ask questions and I'll answer them
  8. Thanks for posting about this! Yes, the game has been VERY well received so far by just about every reviewer. It was a real pleasure working on the soundtrack to it, along with fellow OC ReMixer bustatunez (Will Roget, II), Jeff Ball and Dan Reynolds, two other OCR community members. If you're at all a fan of the original MI2, you gotta check the special edition out.
  9. rofl, I love posts like this. Happy birthday guys! Hope you enjoyed it!
  10. They actually preferred the SOUND of MP3s.
  11. Interestingly, there are apparently some findings which indicate youth today actually preferred the compressed sound of MP3s to lossless/CD.
  12. That's why I qualified my statement with "effectively" - it doesn't SOUND like 92% of the track is missing. That's what I meant By the way, I'm not anti-lossless or anything. All of the digital downloads on my own website are lossless, so I definitely think it's great to have the option.
  13. Bump! We're still accepting submissions from composers, and our catalog has now hit over 300 tracks (including new ones from Mazedude and Flextstyle.) Definitely check us out if you need music for anything but can't afford (or don't have time for) a custom score.
  14. Sorry we couldn't make it, guys! We hope to see lots of pictures, and are definitely looking forward to meeting up with everyone we missed at Otakon.
  15. 192kbps MP3 does not effectively remove 92% of data. There have been plenty of blind and double-blind tests done on the topic; even in lab settings, 192kbps MP3 is nearly indistinguishable from lossless. Almost any differences you hear can be attributed to pure psychological effects.
  16. The only reason I haven't done one is because I was under the impression that the final round was just for fun, and that it didn't really count for anything. So, it wasn't a top priority. If my title of grand robot master is in dispute, however, I'll do it when I get back from vacation (Sunday.)
  17. Thanks for all the well-wishes guys, and happy birthday to BP and ES! Today was pretty awesome. I'm up in Cape Cod right now with my immediate family (parents, two sisters, my two year old niece, and of course Jill.) We're renting a nice house just a few minutes (walking!) from the beach. After starting off the day with some homemade pancakes, I spent some time dying in Nethack before going with the whole family to a 2-hour narrated boat cruise down Bass River. It was a blast! After coming back and enjoying some authentic Cape Cod clam chowder and an awesome chicken sandwich, we all chillaxed a bit before going our separate ways for a bit. I took a nice, long walk in the beautiful weather with my Dad, getting back to play some more Nethack and then hitting up the beach with my mom and one sister. Next, it was dinnertime, and we came back to the house to find that Jill and my other sister had decorated the back with a Hawaii/tiki theme! We ate baked ziti (my favorite dish) and meatballs before heading inside for some homemade birthday cake (again, thanks to siblings + Jill.) We finished up the night with a family game of Pictionary followed by trying to think of anagrams for "Happy Birthday Andrew". We came up with: Dippy Beary Hath Prawn A Brandy, Thy Paper Whip Haw, Berpy Pithy Pandar (we were getting tired) Now, time to just Internet around and watch some TV. Good times.
  18. I am working on redirecting a domain (let's say, domain2.com) to a subdirectory of another domain with hosting associated (domain1.com). I have done this procedure many times and it works perfectly. The Domain2 nameservers are pointed toward the Domain1 hosting, and with a flip of a switch in the Domain1 cPanel, everything works. What I don't know is how to redirect an email sent to admin@domain2.com to a hosted mail account on Domain1, like admin@domain1.com. Anyone have any idea?
  19. I played through Crystal Shards. It was OK, but generally sluggish and kinda boring. The multiplayer wasn't fun either. It's not nostalgia to say Superstar is awesome. I've played it recently and had a ton of fun.
  20. Another vote for Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, 1st and 2nd gig.
  21. It sounds like you're only talking about the art style, which IMO is not a good complaint. A new Wii Kirby game in the style of Superstar could have really any graphical style - but I highly doubt it would be at all like the SS/Nightmare style because that wouldn't be taking advantage of all the neat graphical stuff you can do on the Wii. Gameplay-wise (which is whawt matters here) Nightmare is not really like Superstar on the whole. How much did you really play SS? The game had a number of separate minigame modes, all of which were entertaining. It had an enormous, non-linear treasure hunting map more similar to Metroid or Castlevania than anything else. It had a more traditional romp with a linear progression (plus a hard version with a completely different story/setting). It had an incredibly cool and challenging boss rush mode, and an epic space adventure that even had a 2D SHMUP as one of the levels (?!) Nightmare simply is NOT all of that.
  22. I don't think it is the same concept at all. The whole effect generated in that video is derived from headtracking... take out the tracking (eg. glasses) and there's no way to produce the 3D effect. http://www.tomsguide.com/us/Nintendo-3DS-3D-Glasses-DS,news-6237.html Looks like this is how it's actually done - essentially the screen is sending two different patterns of light (somehow) via a filter that can be turned on or off. Pretty cool stuff.
  23. Also, what games whored the "concepts" from Superstar to death? Just the three GBA/DS titles, Squeak Squad, Nightmare Amazing Mirror? Nightmare is a remake of Adventure which isn't really like Superstar (or more accurately it's a prequel - less features, less everything.) Squeak Squad/Amazing Mirror also did not seem to capture everything that SS had, such as the multiple minigames, interesting variations on the adventure themes.
  24. Looks like a cool game, but I do still wish for a true sequel to Kirby Superstar. That game was incredible on so many levels, and despite the fact that it had the 'easy' power absorption mechanic it was still pretty damn challenging, especially the arena. I logged many hours playing multiplayer with my friends years ago and despite our relative mastery of the game it was a blast every time, and we would often rack up lots of deaths. My ultimate Kirby game would really just be Superstar with more stuff. More minigames, more adventures (with different goals + mechanics), more powers, more bosses, up to 4p co-op instead of 2p, etc. I do think the mechanics in Yarn look cool, but I won't be getting it. I wish they had perhaps integrated mechanics like that into a mode within a next-gen Superstar game.
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