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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. Bare Knuckles Blitz by Willrock Overboard by Poets of the fall
  2. do you draw big giant crope circle too?
  3. at both but for separate reason to be honest.
  4. the internet browser is neat. posting from my 3ds.
  5. i agree, i just kept some in long cliff due to the increased speed.
  6. no cart booster anymore, damn, need to rework on that train track then.
  7. Chthonic - Squarewave Dungeonbass (WIP from VGMix) ?
  8. There is also a 255 char limit.
  9. sure, but text sig doesn't really separate post like a picture do. I understand that you want a bit more flexibility for your sig and the various link you put there (like mine) but some people tend to put bazillion quote in there that makes reading a thread confusing talking from experience from a forum where only text was ok as sig, so a 17px high picture was a bannable offense but 10 line of quote from a random movie was ok. I'm pointing the extreme maybe but that's was my point in the porevious post.
  10. This limit is more for pictures than text. Having a wall of text at the end of a post doesn't help the global visibility of a thread.
  11. don't disturb the old geezers talking about the good old time. and happy birthday.
  12. need color now :3. nice work as usual binjovi
  13. need colors and glow sticks now.
  14. Lazy? We have a solution: http://www.downthemall.net/
  15. The V5 OST is now Online. Rejoice ! http://sorr.doulifee.com/
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