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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. josé made the video, level99 palpable and nutritious plus a few other staff peeps did some tracks , me jose and stevo made as much cover as possible, also thanks to Deia for coordinating all that stuff.
  2. i collected two mii on the street the other day, and i'm pretty sure (from the location i picked them it didn't take 20 min.) About pilotwings, yes the 3D is beautiful nut after a while trying to perform quick turn and himmelman to catch balloon and ring i start to see double too, but i tend to move the 3DS so i'm probably out of focus. My other game is asphalt and like ridge racer i found the same problem, the 3D is average at best when you look at the screen but when you play you tend to focus on the center screen where the road is and i don't feeel the 3D effect. i hope for update too. for exchanging data and maybe the possibility to connect to a nintendo online account or something and upload photo there.
  3. the 'platinium' template account is still around anyway. i'm sure Dave is ready to switch to that whenever it's needed.
  4. don't forget to sent me your source ;)

  5. it was clear for me. i got that strain too AFTER playing, probably your eyes adjusting from the 3DS to reality. I don't feel that anymore now that i'm used to it.
  6. only the first hour is straining your eyes (i got the same problem) but after a while you'll get used to it. Adjust the slider around 50% to begin.
  7. I need to post there because that track is one of my current favorite. The Cynic Project, hope to see more from you soon. thank you.
  8. Friend code: 4468-0951-2468 Games: PilotWings Resort Asphalt 3d
  9. you forgot the obligatory 'fire' in there, that's why it was rejected.
  10. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9785 go there and ask politely.
  11. we're not against negative opinion as long as you explain, also i like to have number about all those stuff before calling for the wolf. so far we have arek with a dead pixel and someone with a damaged casing (probably a problem of transport rather than nintendo) we are far from the rodd accident of the xbox.
  12. Ace combat 5 for story telling improvement. and i'll add ace zero from my personnal point of view for the difficulty. It's the only Ace i don't fall asleep playing in Ace mode.
  13. let's stick with the few people who have problem and forget the bazillion people who enjoy their 3DS. i know 2 shop clerk in town that sell video game, i'll ask about return of out of order 3DS just to see and give you number just for laughing in return.
  14. you can adjust the 3d effect and fuzzy eyes happen when you play it the first time usually.
  15. could be a good idea to have some of the mainstream compo with a thread like this stickied. so once you have subscribed to it, you are warned of the launch/vote of each compo you're interested in.
  16. you also need to move around a bit every 24 hours. how clever.
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