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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. well if you can provide the source pic, that will be easier
  2. i'm ready to own a ps3 if sony pay me 600$ for that privilege.
  3. Too much CnC here now that my First Decade package is here. so 2 sig for the shoppe:
  4. i learn how to do sig by myself, and working here at ocr. Lot of good sigmaker, and idea. also there is probably lot of tutos outside there for paint shop pro, photoshop or gimp, whatever software you want to use. Just try and play with them.
  5. choose your color.i know i switch right and left. on another side not, try to avoid a sig higher than 200px thx
  6. Welcome everyone, enjoy your stay. I quote Arek's faqs for emphasis; This took too long to write for it to only be seen by two posts a page back.
  7. some track still need mixers i think. contact Orichalcon via pm
  8. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=41441 ask there
  9. Why hello there big brother sig shoppe. Anyway, what font is that I always see in those banners? the small one i use all the time for small text, badge and rank? it's a pixel font
  10. because the phpBB size limiter for off-site avatars doesn't work. you can set it to 1x1 and load a 42379x234789 avatar with no warnings at all. this would destroy the forum. a gallery is the only way to go.well, there are some java-resizer for custom avatars, but they make the code heavier. in fact, you can do that, but the problem is, that the browser download the whole pic and resize it after. that mean if everyone (like some stupid forum i know) use a wallpaper size pic, that slow a lot the navigation.
  11. thanks to nineko didn't check anything for ages i post more than one pose, so you can chose a good one. well anyway, i deleted all those now ;_; a few week ago
  12. Perfect! Do you mind if I put them in the shoppe? I will definetly use one of these. Thanks a lot. use them as you see fit.
  13. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=2506616#2506616 those can be uploaded too btw.
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