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Everything posted by Doulifée

  1. black rabbit! i can add beating all Legend of mana boss in no futur. (even you sierra damn it!)
  2. the slash was a bit awkward when you begun playing but after a while yes okami wii was fun.
  3. some of those songs was made by skinny puppy and type o negative so you could check their music first it's that fit what you're looking for.
  4. ladder are a bit more friendly when you use the 'use' bottom near top/bottom, so the game move freeman off/on the ladder.
  5. wii U pre order done an hour ago. :9
  6. i was disapointed by the army voicing. the content of the chatter indeed but also the way the voice is rendered in game. God yes, i was a bit lost in the blast pit with that. and with the small change made by the team you start to wander of they didn't change completely the location of a button you don't manage to find. you end up like the original half life, quick saving/loading a lot to manage health ammo. appart that the work on the bullsquid and the zombies is awesome.
  7. i found a second hand copy for my 360. i was a bit afraid of the difficulty before buying, but i'm enjoying the game so far. i should have call my guy Guts.
  8. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NintendoHard never forget, when beating those game was a feat of itself.
  9. damn that's game is finely crafted, just spent some time looking around on the various desk, also all those osha sign everywhere. it's also not a carbon copy some area are slightly different than the original.
  10. i only missed the quick silver one by 10 or 15 minute i think. never retried the whole thing after that. beating pixie with a F4 is a nice performance too, that plane is a bit like an anvil in term of maneuvrability. also Doom and doom II and a part of final doom, difficulty ultraviolence, starting each level with the pistol only. hell gate and deimos anomaly on the psx version ...oh damn you count your ammo.
  11. unlocking some medals in ace combat 6, platinum ace (no damage) sharpshooter (gunfighting only) older but i remember a 3 hearts run and a green armor run in Lttp.
  12. bon anniversaire level**. (CT style)
  13. nice picture of sixto btw. did my voting duty this morning. :3
  14. vote cast. interesting stuff as usual. some votes were difficult to cast.
  15. redownloading now, another unzipping and now the song is labelled being 11.03 minutes long. and stop at 2.45.
  16. i have the same problem curiously. Chernabogue, fun track i like what you did with the mystic cave theme, and KingTiger nice stuff too.
  17. randomly slapping his penis on the guitar? damn.
  18. i'm not a fan of rap but seriously nice work you two.
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