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Everything posted by Aureolius

  1. Cyborg Jeff, I love your remixes. They are quite lovely. You are one of my new favorite remixers. Both of your furry remixes hit me the right way. Looking forward to more.
  2. I am enjoying this mix, especially the delayed drums. The only beef I have with it is that there doesn't seem to be any bass besides that provided by the bass drums....and I personally believe that bass is a necessity for hard hitting electronica.
  3. Brace yourself....here comes the negative review....lol Well actually for the most part I think you did a good job on the song. The instruments are excellent and well calibrated. The only thing that keeps me away from this remix is..... The singing. Don't get me wrong, you have a very nice voice, but I think the singing could have been better. Also as previously stated the level is too low on the vocals. Suggestions on improvement: Try singing in a higher key? Try singing at different times of the day? I dunno. It just feels like there are certain parts where you have found your focus, and others where it strays.....I love the music and instruments. Your skills in that aspect far surpass that of my remixes. That is all.
  4. After submitting this song I decided that it had a little too much bass. I re-recorded it with less bass and corrected some other quality issues. If you like this song you can get the better one here: http://www.stationmp3.com/abjurator Thanks.
  5. Great stuff! I love the lead synth. It is full and rich. My favorite part is the filtered drums in the second half of the song. Very professionaly done. You got da skillz.
  6. Some of the notes in this song were indeed learned from a midi file. The majority of them were figured out on my own though (like 90%). The drums are 100% original. I didn't not use one premade sample or loop. I took the song, gave it the makeover I felt it needed, and to many, the end result was quite pleasing. It is true that the notes used in the mix don't stray far from the original, but it is not always necessary, and in this case I felt that it was appropraite for the song.
  7. Ahhh such a lovely song. I am torn with my opinion though. It doesn't wander from the original much, but then again I don't think that one could change the original composition and maintain the same atmosphere the song resonates. Very good choice of instruments. Good production quality.
  8. I LOVED THE WAY YOU USED THOSE VOICE SAMPLES!!!!!!! Are they from the game? WAY COOL!!!!!!!! They fit so well!
  9. Thanks for the kind review. I used a simple GM-bank string sound and manipulated it with a sampler until it sounded right. Basically, I adjusted the attack and release rate, tweaked the cut-off and ressonance, then ran it through some reverb. Yummy.
  10. Thanks Ryan8bit. I was not aware that anyone requested that a remix be done for this game, nor was I aware that this many people knew about the game. I have had long hair almost all my life, so when I first played the game, I can remember trying to whip things with my hair like the kabuki guy did in the game....
  11. Thanks Ginnsu, I appreciate it. I have a few other mixes in progress, so you will definitely hear more.
  12. I love this song. Its is absolutely superb in every aspect.
  13. I don't see why people are still posting because I alraedy said who the hardest boss in Video game history is.
  14. Why do I start almost all my paragraphs with the word well?
  15. Ok no matter what any of you say, I know for a FACT who THE hardest boss to ever star in a video game is. Ever hear of an old NES game called "Time lord"? It was actually made by Mattel. Yes the toy company. Well. The game goes pretty smooth until you get to the 3rd level. While traveling through time you somehow end up in the wild west with cowboys shooting bullets up your ass from all directions. Well, if you manage to survive the level, you are rewarded with meeting the HARDEST BOSS IN VIDEO GAME HISTORY! I KID YOU NOT! Basically, the boss is this gigantic Mexican looking dude with a poncho, sombrero, and a six-shooter. Well I fought him a couple of times and died after a few minutes or so, but eventually I found his pattern. My brother and I would sit there and keep fighting him, but we could never win. Well, one day we were determind to defeat this pesky villain! We got to the end of the level, and began to fight him. And fight him. And fight him........Then we realized we had been fighting him for THREE HOURS on the same life! WE NEVER DIED! WE FOUGHT THE BOSS FOR 3 HOURS ON THE SAME LIFE! We must have hit him a MILLION times!! Pow! Pow! Pow! 4 Hours passed.......5 hours passed......still the same life.....took a few breaks.....took turns fighting....still the same life......HE WILL NEVER DIE!!!! HE IS FREAKING IMMORTAL!!!!! We finally gave up and turned the game off in grave dissapointment. Well, now you know who THE hardest boss in video game history is. The stupid mexican guy in a poncho and sombrero with a six shooter.
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