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Posts posted by Xelebes

  1. Guys, stop it.

    Yeah, you could say I'm into the stuff. Though I'd rather go to Resurrection or Rigormortis, myself. Saw Delta 9 at Resurrection XV.

    Also, drop the genre list. In the end, there is only so many genres people care to differentiate.

  2. Borut Mocnik - Father Scientist

    A butchered-humourously-through-translation short story, originally written sensible in Slovenian.

    Anywho, anyone want to discuss science fiction with me? I'm right now reading Alastair Reynold's "Galactic North" series of novellas. It's okay for plotlines and the sort, but the vocabulary employed reminds me too much of the science fiction works of the 50's and the 60's. That is, if the word is long - make it longer.

  3. Accelerando?

    As somone who spends a good deal of time beat matching I'm gonna have to say I'm not too sure about this one. Nothing worse than getting into a sweet groove with your decks then then realizing that one of the tracks just jumped 20 bpm.

    Not to say electronic music shouldn't have any tempo changes... Just not this one. Save that for all those kids who convert old midi archives into EastWest masterpieces. *ducks a brick* Whatever... You were all thinking it!


    In glitch/experimental tracks,variances in tempos are not much of an issue as you really just mish-mashing tracks anyways as a dj.

  4. My question is, why is the website news written in the middle of write ups?

    Valid question; currently using that space to emphasize activity on the forums, but may use it for announcements at some point. I *like* having the mix writeups read like an on-going, linear site blog of sorts, but certain announcements do warrant homepage status. Also looking at a mailing list for site news, etc. Whatever is done, I like having the gen disc. posts on the homepage & clearly visible, and don't want to get rid of them.

    Think more of it as a history in the telling, folks.

  5. Just played with the RADIAS today. It's general layout is much better than the MS2000 but I wasn't that much impressed by it. Too me, it sounded too smooth - the Roland SH-201, which also just came in stock at Mother's Music for display purposes, actually sounded a lot more rougher. Rougher being good because it means that there are more harmonics to play with in terms of using cascading post-filters.

    However I might get one as the price of the RADIAS isn't too bad.

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