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Posts posted by Xelebes

  1. Its possible, but people are alreadying bitching about upgrading their specs just to run vista. Who honestly expects the average person to have 4 gigs in their computer within the next year or two years?

    I remember about complaining about upgrading my computer so it could run XP. I was running 2000 Pro with 128 MB of RAM at the time.

  2. Vista is an OSX knockoff with extra DRM. Great, just what I wanted, all my memory taken up monitoring my actions to make sure I'm not doing anything illegal. Shouldn’t all this memory be put to better use, to monitor things like personal information, ss#, credit card #s to make sure they are not obtained by a hacker etc. I dual boot and I'll stick with XP for my illegal endeavors. I will probably upgrade to Leopard when the final release comes available.

    The "eating of the ram" might not be an issue when 4-8 GB of RAM becomes standard in computers to come. Right now the standard computer today comes out with 1-2 GB of RAM.

  3. For something that is skinned like oatmeal - one would think they would have come up with a more minimalist control interface. Just sayin'.

    Playing around with it - man, those filters are really musical with less resonance. They've got a real punch to them at low frequencies. I love the aftertouch on pitch - it makes a nice addition to my arsenal.

  4. No mention of Snakes on a Plane in this topic = phail. I mean, it was totally a spoof on the absurdity of the horror genre, it may have started out serious but after it got floored by the internet hype when they changed the scenes it turned into a spoof.

    I haven't seen it but I thought it was from the campy genre.

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