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Posts posted by Xelebes

  1. Starting from scratch, really. Well, save for the speakers, keyboard and monitor. I'm trusting you guys to help me make the purchases because... well... you guys often have the same needs as I do.

    So, let me state the purpose of the computer: music production & business. Budget maximum is 1 000 CAD. I want integrated video on the mobo, no accessory video card (well, until 2010 rolls around and Monte Cristo comes out with Cities XL.) Music production is... well, it has to be decent but not too full on. It's now as a passing hobby for me and nothing too serious about it. For business, I'm in business school so it needs to perform business functions as well.

    I want to hear your suggestions.

  2. Sounds like Toytown. :P

    Also, distort the kick to bang. It ain't happy hardcore if it isn't banging or slamming. That is, possibly make it sound like Toytown or any of the other classic bouncy techno tunes. Right now it sounds a slightly like sped up europop tune.

    Breakbeat also needs to be more aggressive.

    I might also suggest some movement in the synths. Try using filters or altering the fm depth on synths and whatnot. That is, modulate the sound a bit. It's sounding a bit dry and staid.

  3. My cousin Tracy is married to one of the writers there, Luke.

    Just sayin'.

    And I've been in their offices a few times, and the first time I went, they gave me free stuff, like a MDK2 shirt and game, and some comics, and other cool stuff. And I know where they eat, it's downstairs from their new office on the south side of Edmonton, and...

    Bioware's office used to right above Whyte, where is it now?

  4. Welcome back, Darkie.

    I've kinda taken this site to the backburner as I have new interests developing and am anxiously awaiting for school to start (finally! :D). My interest in video-games had been hitting a wall as I wasn't enjoying playing games as much and my interest in music was going away. While I am not that into it again - something I hope to address - I've taken interest in architecture and stuff because there is so much being built right now. I feel the music scene in general is generally not as interesting. So I've taken up a little job moderating/revitalising a small forum on a large architecture forum.

    So... uh yeah. I'm still peeking.

  5. ...Relocation assistance?

    Its something, but manufacturing is really not my thing.. which only makes me feel picky. However, I REALLY can't stand the job I'm at now. Finally got my paycheck, for a grand total of $79 for a week's work. They have me working JUST The hard hours of lunch rush.

    Manufacturing work isn't all that bad. I've worked it for a while and it is certainly better than many lower jobs. Concrete/chemical factories are pretty good work. Uses muscle power but you feel great as if you accomplished something after every day.

  6. The only thing I didn't, yes in past-tense, was the HUGE selection of different knobs and buttons you can press to edit the sounds. I'm understanding them a bit more, but they just don't work for Sytrus at all, since it isn't responding to change.

    Well, I don't know how to make my own pad or synth yet, but I can at least edit pre-made ones...sort of.

    BTW, how do I reinstall Sytrus...moreover how do I uninstall it to reinstall it? :S

    I like editing the patches but that's all I can really do. It isn't really fun at all making your own patches because of the convulated way the synth is programmed. If I want a delay, I will add one in myself. If I want to add an fm routing, let me actually see what's going on! I don't know - they just tacked too much things onto it that it is very hard to dig into the inner workings of the synthesiser. It is so superficial that it seems that I am stuck on the presets and warping them - which is no fun at all.

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