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Everything posted by Ness757

  1. Okay, cool. I was just making sure I wasn't missing anything.
  2. What is the official website for the track? I haven't found a link to it anywhere. You gave us a link to the forums, but what about the actual music site?
  3. It's been a long time since one of the songs here on OCR was awesome enough to give me a boner. 10 (inches)/ 10
  4. DarkeSword does it again! 9/10
  5. Two words: HELL YEAH! This is far better than the other cool spot mix the put up. 11/10
  6. Best Remix of the Green Hill Zone I've ever heard. 11/10.
  7. This is by far the best remix of the CT theme I've ever heard. Somehow, you've managed to make a song that's been remixed a million times unique. 11/10
  8. I love this mix, it's nice and cold. It really captures the snowfall. It's been awhile since a good chill mix has been posted. This is a welcome change for all the hardcore mixes that have been posted in recent times. That being said, this song feels like its missing something. I can't place it, but it feels like there is one more little thing that could make this song perfect. 9.5/10
  9. I can't say I respect his ability to choose user names, but I can respect Chumble's ability to make music. I can't find anything wrong with this mix. 10/10
  10. Once again, NoppZ take a song I didn't liek from a game I didn't like and makes it awesome. 9/10
  11. It's been awhile since I've heard from Star, but I love his work. He is notorious for taking a crappy videogame song and turning it into something beautiful. His Ducktales remix is a perfect example of this. This new piece does not deviate from the trend. He took a song I hated and remixed it into one of the most beautiful remixes I've ever heard. I rarely say this about male artists, but his voice was mesmerizing. 10/10
  12. Every once in awhile, you get find an artist who knows they are making a good song they design it to be loop-friendly. What I mean by that is you can repeat the song over and over it is sounds like it is just one long song. This is one of those songs. Excellent work. 11/10
  13. Great mix, but the part starting at 3:00 should have been used more throughout the song. Parts of the mix sort of the remind me of the game music in Jazz Jackrabbit (it's a good thing). 7.5/10
  14. This was a very good mix, but I think this should have two songs. The first 50 seconds and rhythm afterwards were too different to be put together. With that said, this was a great piece. 8/10
  15. I like this mix quite a bit. I'm a sucker for piano and string songs and this one puts both of them together. It's a good, relaxing song. 10/10
  16. I don't know if the artist intended it this way or not, but the title is sort of misleading. I downloaded this thinking it would be a sad or foreboding song because that's what the title implied. Instead, it was pretty upbeat and almost cheerful. I reminds me of the music they play during those Bank of America commercials. Don't get me wrong, I love this mix. Well, I loved everything except for the last few seconds. It was a bit annoying and didn't fit with the rest of the song. Other than that, this is a great mix! 9.5/10
  17. I agree, that whispering thing she does is bad ass!
  18. This mix surprised me. I didn't expect to like it when I downloaded it, but I love it. It has sort of an Arabic sound to it, which makes me think of Aladdin instead of Tetris. I'm not complaining, though. 8.5/10
  19. I was never fan of the Castlevania series or its music, but I love this mix. The name made me laugh when I first read it, I love it! The only drawback is that is does get sort of monotonous in certian parts. 9/10
  20. This mix sort of took me by surprise. It started out good and then kind of lost it's beauty a third of the way through, but then it picked up again halfway through the song and turned out be a good mix. Good job and it's always nice to hear your voice, Pixie. 8.5/10 P.S. The way your voice goes with the music sort of reminds me of "Everytime You Need Me" by Fragma.
  21. I like this mix. It's smooth, sweet, and easy on the ears. 10/10
  22. Short, sweet, and relatively original. Love it! 9/10
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