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Everything posted by Ness757

  1. The best thing about Diddy's Kong Quest was it's music. This piece take two of the three best songs in the game and merges them into one remix. I have to say I'm impressed. I never thought of these two songs as being able to go togther, but you you pulled it off pretty well. I am, however, disappointed that is focused more on "Hot-Head Bop" instead of "Stickerbush Symphony," my favorite song from the game. Other than that, i can't find anything wrong with this song. 9.5/10
  2. I've always been a fan of the Besaid Island music so I was happy to see a remix of it on OCR. This remix was good, but you guys added too much to it. The vocals, while beautiful, were completely unncessary. I love this mix, but more isn't always better. 8/10 P.S. Can you put up an instrumental version of this song for download? By the way, I loved the style first minute of the song. If you had gone with that for the entire song, it would have earned a 10/10.
  3. Classical songs like this one have always been hit and miss for me, but I'm happy to say that this was a hit. 7.5/10
  4. I'm loving this mix. It's fast-paced, but not offensive to the ears. The song itself is very simple, but that's not always a bad thing. Many potentially good remixes have been ruined by people trying to make a song into something it is not. It's catchy and I really can't find anything wrong with it. It has an excellent replay factor, which to me is the most important aspect of a song. Afterall, can you really call a song good if you only want to hear it once? 10/10
  5. Are you sure this mix wasn't supposed to be on OLremix? I'm not feeling this mix at all. It sounds off-key and out-of-synch. Like Mario was high on shrooms when he started playing. Hey, wait a second... that was the point, wasn't it? In that case, good job.
  6. I like the beat. It's a cute song that keeps me interested. 7.5/10
  7. It's been awhile since we've heard from Quinn Fox. It's good to know that he's still alive and in the music mixing business. Like all the other mixes he's done, this one is amazing. It's quirky, nostalgic (all the 8-bit sounds), and an overall great tune. The only drawback is I can see myself getting tired of it really fast and I don't like that stuff in the middle of the song too much. 8.5/10
  8. ...scary. I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or not...lol Considering it's one of the most well known pieces of techno out there, I'd take that as a compliment. It's also one of the most overrated and overplayed pieces of techno out there.
  9. Personally, I love this song. It's one of those songs that's good for working out or running because it has that "pump up" sort of feel. If there's one thing I would change, I would make the piano melody that's present in the last few seconds of the song present throughout the entire piece. Overall, I give this song a 9.5/10. It's perfect in almost every way, but still has room for some minor improvements.
  10. This song is definitely one of my favorites. There's something about a good piano piece that never gets old. I could see myself rocking out to this song 30 or 40 years down the line.
  11. This mix is good, but somewhat disappointing. The song started out like any other progressive trance song: only a few intruments playing. Then it starts to build up as most good progressive trance songs do. By the first minute I'm thinking "Oh yeah, this is going to grow into something amazing." But it never does. It stays that same level. It's like an airplane riding on a runway. It's picking up speed and you expect it to take off, but it never does. It just keeps riding down the runway. Overall I give it a 7/10 because it had the potential to be a brilliant mix, but that potential is never realized.
  12. This is an excellent song! I love the duet you guys have going.
  13. I love this song. It just as your Gerudo Valley remix, but in different ways. This song as a peaceful, upbeat feel to it. I give it a 9/10.
  14. It was a very good song and the vocals only made it better. They definitely weren't the best vocals I've ever heard, but they were still good. The song kind of had a "Linkin Park" feeling to it.
  15. Rap sucks and I can't stand it, but this mix is awesome!
  16. HELL FREAKEN YEAH! I fell in love with this song as soon as I heard it. I've been waiting for a Snow wood remix for a long time.
  17. This song is beautiful! I'v heard some excellent music here, but few songs can compete with this one. The best part of the song is from around 1:50 to about 2:35. I could play that part over and over again. The vocals are the best part.
  18. When I first downloaded this song, my expectations were low because it from Ducktales. It didn't start out as much, but it picks up and turns out to be a really awesome song.
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