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  1. I recorded this to my keyboard in May, but was only able to actually get an old Petium 4 laptop with line-in jack working with puppy linux live cd to export it to wav in high quality yesterday. Strangely recording it through the line-in at 44100hz or 48000hz left lots of vinyl sounding clicks and I had no idea why, then on a whim I tried raising it to record at 192000hz (and then at 96000hz) and that made it finally sound smooth. Hooray! It's basically the same melody for 900+999 measures... because I wanted the melody to remain stuck in my head as long as the keyboard memory would allow, or something, but has some slight movement along the way, which made it interesting enough for me to listen to probably 200 times since May, but maybe I'm just weird and I'll be the only one who manages to enjoy it to the end, I'm not sure haha Link: https://youtu.be/4Xd9BJs7EUw Download: https://archive.org/details/choksta
  2. I've been posting keyboard recordings pretty much daily for fun: Link / Alternative Link 1 / Alternative Link 2 What do you think? Which is your favorite? Yes, you have to listen to all 18 to answer! hahah.
  3. Hi, I come from the future to speak about my favorite numbers of the triangle alphabet. 6 - I love this. It's like some kind of decent into doom, with the creepy background sounds and haunting bassline. I feel like that area in The Labyrinth where the girl is falling down that endless pit and all the hands are trying to grab her. Maybe I feel like Farq when he made this - haha. The length and atmosphere at the end was also great, same with the nice break at around 3:10 - and how the chorus comes with a hanging delay at 4:30 with that newly introduced brass-like melody. Is this garden black with red candy and yellow sparks? 11 - Cool atmosphere at the start. The building up at around the 2-3 minute mark with the catchy drums gets me pumped every time, especially when the piano starts to enter - and gets even better when it makes it way to a new octave at around the 6 minute mark. I've always been a fan of songs that build up and last like this. It's like ascending into some mystical light. 12 - I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS, THIS IS THE BEST GARDEN EVER!!!! SCREW YOU ALL!!! AHAHAHAH. I'm kind of reminded of something from the Aphex Twin - drukqs CD, or maybe ICBYD, I dunno... maybe I'm just a giant crackhead. In a way, I wish it was longer, but just using my REPEAT button works too. Peaceful and touching little track for me. I'd write a review about the others, or do an extended version of #12 on my keyboard, but I have too much homework, so I'll just keep listening to these in the background instead! Yay. This paragraph looks really uneven on a 1280x800 screen in Firefox, so random text will be inserted here in this ugly textbox until it looks the way I
  4. Hey guys, I'm back! http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=219790 Alternative Link 1: http://www.sharebigfile.com/file/24463/catheads2.mp3.html Alternative Link 2: http://www.4shared.com/file/6370569/55c1796a/catheads2.html Alternative Link 3: http://www.mysharefile.com/v/2062190/catheads2.mp3.html Alternative Link 4: http://www.filefactory.com/file/327c5e Alternative Link 5: http://www.megaphile.com/file/545/catheads2.mp3.html My roommates were making too much noise while I was trying to study, so I made this to drown them out. By the way, someone HAS to make a Cat Heads 3 now! Seriously guys!
  5. Well, it's not that unbelievable considering...
  6. At last, I have found my twin!
  7. To Do: Win PRC so I can use the song I've wanted to use since PRC10... or something. lol
  8. Cool. Sounds easy enough. Thanks for the post. That was an interesting read. I'm definately going to try this with a different keyboard soon then, as I'm starting to think that my Optimus MD-1200 might just be midi-retarded.
  9. I am curious to hear more. Did you have to install any of the plugins and drivers on the CD, and was doing every step on the instructions (I think there's atleast 12 of them) necessary to get it to work? How do you normally record? Do you save it into your keyboard memory, then send the bulk file into a program, or do you just open up your midi program (anvil studios, Cakewalk, FL Studios, etc.) and then press record in it, and the notes automatically show up when you play? Let's sit by the campfire and you can tell me all about your midi making adventures, since you have some successful stories to share.
  10. I have had one of these forever. Could never get it working for some reason. Can you guys post exactly the steps you used to get it to work? I'm using a pretty new laptop with Windows XP Pro. So it might be something wrong with my keyboard itself? Hrmmm, interesting. I never thought of that.
  11. The sound is originally coming from Packs\Shapes\HQ\HQ_SmoothInvSaw.wav After you "Show Children", click on any red L, R, or Thindist to get to it's Channel Settings window. From there, switch the "Plugin/Smp/Ins/Misc/Func" bar to "Smp" to change the sound, or "Plugin" to change it's settings. Those shapes are then routed through a shitload of mixer plugins/effects on Mixer channels 9-13, and 25-30 has some more. Guitar is just a Layer that controls everything from Param. EQ to the last L, so if you put notes on it, it will use all those things. You can set Guitar to use different channels with "Set Children"; lighting up channels to green on the bar to the right of their name. If you want to reset it and start over, right click that red "Guitar" in the Step Sequencer, then go Replace->Sampler. Now just pick a sound on the left browser, like Packs->Percs->PERC_Isle Mallet_C4 and send it to the channel to mess with it. Ha.
  12. I have programs like this. Like Wingroove, even though it's really old.
  13. Use the compressor on the quiet part, save it to wave, then replace the quiet section with the wave file. Just temporarily erase the other sections in Reason to make the wave, or chop them off later in Sound Recorder. You can just add the wave sample to an instrument in the Redrum or something, then hit it once when the quiet part is supposed to play. Or make two wave files, one compressed and one not, then slice and blend the parts together in Sound Recorder / new RNS file. Tada!
  14. Weird. I never really paid much attention to what this stuff means, just playing whatever sounds good to my ears, but for the first time I actually tried to envision how the theory of scales works in relation to what I play, after looking at that site, and apparently most of my stuff right now is played in C# major/minor variations. I use mostly black keys (sometimes going for E-F or B-C natural) and the lowest one is usually C#. Haha. I think I started off with mostly C, G and F scales for the first few years, then I got interested in doing stuff in F# for quite a while... now everytime I hit the keyboard I have a natural tendancy to want do stuff in C#. Now I'm trying to figure out which scales I know well and which ones I don't try much, could be interesting to figure out. I never really knew what a scale was until now, so it's rather interesting to see where my piano techniques fit in with this whole "theory" stuff. Hrmmm... this whole scales/major/minor stuff inspired me to doodle around until my keyboard ran out of memory.
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