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Everything posted by damathacus

  1. By the way, I'm gonna be gone for the Canada Day weekend. I'll be leaving tomorrow night, but not 'til 10 or 11 pm, and I'll be back Monday night. I hate to go out of town when so many people will be lined up to not play me, but what are you gonna do?
  2. Righty-o. I think I should win by forfeit.
  3. Update: dama continues to hold the lead, with more than twice as many points as the next leading player, and an equal number of points to the rest of the players added together, excluding his nearest competition. He's held this position for over a week now, and the competition appears to be quickly drawing to a close. Is it not time for the finals now?
  4. Win vs. grayfox. Win vs. Nemitor. Loss vs. Dave.
  5. Loss to Keegan.
  6. I've usually been pretty good about getting my games done, so I'm sorry I said I would play this last month and proceeded to barely be around. I hope I'll do better this time. I probably won't be able to play much when I'm in China since my sleep schedule will be opposite everyone else's. (But maybe I'll play Dr. Wily.)
  7. 1-1 with kamoh, and I'm lucky to have done that well. His playing is really impressive lately. I need to step up to the plate.
  8. Two wins vs. mechasonic. Two losses from eppy.
  9. I graduated. Today is my last day as a university student. Officially, as far as the school is concerned, I'm done. In one hour and 50 minutes I will cease to be a student, and will magically metamorphose into a full-fledged teacher. I'm going to work tomorrow, to teach, just like I have every day for the last five weeks, and during three practicum blocks before that, but tomorrow, tomorrow, I actually get a paycheque. And now that I'm only subbing part-time, not prepping, I officially have free time again. Are we ready to start now? We got (some of) the old gang together, let's play some chess.
  10. Guess it'll be a mini-tourney, but I'm still in. Call it a warm-up, maybe?
  11. I'm back. And in.
  12. Can't participate in this one. Teaching full time for the next month (and then graduating, finally). I'll catch you guys in the next one.
  13. Atlas contacted me to play and I elected not to. I forfeit my games against him as well.
  14. I earned a well-deserved loss to Fire when I made the mistake fo getting involved in an involved chat conversation with somebody else at the same time. Before I knew it we had made only a handful of moves and I was down to three minutes while Fire still had most of his 10 (or possibly even more). My half of the game then became rush chess, and even still I continued to try to hold up the conversation. Switching back to my chess window, I saw he had moved and went ahead and made my pre-planned move in a combination I had worked out, except I got mixed up and made the wrong move and gave up my queen. I briefly considered an undo, but decided, mistake or not, it wasn't a legitimate slip, and I deserved what I got for not paying better attention. I did what I could with what I had left of my game at that point, and, not surprisingly, lost. This followed a lucky draw from our previous game, in which I also performed not so great (but I don't want to take any credit away from Fire in this first game, because his playing was quite excellent). So, to sum up, dama vs. Fire: 1 draw, 1 loss for me.
  15. Two wins vs. grayfox. Two (tough) wins vs. kamoh. Haven't seen hide nor hair of sketchblue, atlas, dolittle, or fionn. Where are you guys? I'll be on for a little bit in the morning tomorrow but then I'm gone all weekend. Someone try to be around?
  16. Man, I totally skipped over that post after the first line, "Blah, blah, busy, can't participate . . ." but credit fraud? I'd actually be very interested to hear the rest of that story, and whatever else is going on in your life misspelled king. Post the whole sob story whenever you're next on so we can feel better about ourselves.
  17. Don't. They're expensive and they have cooties.
  18. Whiiiiiippppeeeeeddddddd!!!!!!
  19. Kamoh and I both have girlfriends. In fact, mine gave me a new chessboard for Christmas. Sounds like you're clingy/whipped. What does everyone else think?
  20. Here I am. Where are you guys?
  21. Sorry about the accident Kamoh. At least you didn't have to get your penis amputated. I had a win against SketchBlue. Our game was delayed because he was flirting with porn bots, but he finally came in and we got it done. I haven't seen either Rainman or the other guy on at all this week. Tomorrow night I'm at my girlfriend's, so let's try Saturday?
  22. Win vs. Kamoh. Loss vs. Keegan.
  23. I wonder where John has been. It's not like him to be gone for so long at a time. I'm online tonight, anyway. If I see him I'll play him.
  24. Falchion showed up long enough to have several games tonight, including one against me, which I lost.
  25. A win vs. Fire. Falchion has no intentions of playing me, but I'll do my best to hook up with John soon.
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