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Everything posted by damathacus

  1. A Horse With No Name, by America.
  2. Is that a Sweet Dreams homage I hear from about three and a half minutes on?
  3. This is our first underground sewer mix. Our we missing any other CT songs? Anyway, this is rather nice. Good job.
  4. Wow. Production is incredible, and I don't think the arrangement is repetitive at all. What an awesome piece. Your chops ain't lukewarm, Tepid.
  5. Oh, this is lovely. Really. I would absolutely love the sheet music for this. Anyone with a midi music program wanna cook something up there?
  6. Er, I stand corrected. I should have read more carefully.
  7. Um, the original composers of the piece aren't gonna be checking a review thread on a remix site. You might just as well go to a forum discussion thread about Mario and post open questions to Miyamoto.
  8. This is really nice. It's a surprising thing to say, given the volume and diversity of remixes on this site, but this is ... different. Subtle, but different. Yeah. I think that's really saying something.
  9. This is pretty sweet. Two thumbs man. I just burnt a rock cd from OC and I came across this one while looking for good songs. It's not rock, per se, but it's got an awesome bass line and drum track, and that's good enough for me. Great stuff.
  10. I'm very impressed with this. You took a highly ignored track and basically created two excellent remixes of it, which you then fused together quite smoothly into a consistently masterful single arrangement which was never repetitive or boring, despite it's length. Amazing job, both of you. I'd really like to see you guys collaborate again. Techo/orchestral mixes always make for an interesting combination, though it's not always quite pulled off. One Winged Techno and Big Shell West Bristol are two of my favourites that did a pretty decent job of combining the power of an orchestra with electronic stylings, and this one is up there now as well.
  11. I daresay this is my favourite Neskvartetten tune yet, and that's saying a lot. Briliance, truly. I'm happy to see something new from them again so soon.
  12. Awesome, awesome stuff. Definitely one of the best pieces I've heard in awhile. It's amazing that it sounds this good and was performed live. The last couple songs I've praised so highly were true remixes, with heavy mastering and arranging, while this is just a few musicicians doing their thing without additional effects added later.
  13. I really liked this. I wasn't expecting a remix from this game, but I'm definitely not complaining.
  14. I didn't really give this a fair shake before. So many remixes posted at once, I just listened to them all through once, and this one sorta slipped by me. But hey, this is awesome! It's been awhile since there's been a really great Chrono Trigger tune. Good stuff, keep it up!
  15. I was excited when I saw we had something new from McVaffe. If we don't hear from him again in awhile (which seems likely), this is still a good note to go off on. Absolutely awesome mix. It's been awhile since we've gotten some good Zelda 3 love, and now we have two amazing mixes posted in the same day. It's no unappreciated.
  16. DJP was nonetheless accurate in his hashing. When someone as great and infallible as I am eventually makes a semi-mistake (I suppose its bound to happen at least once after all these years), that it is truely an event. To clarify, my NO had nothing to do with sound quality or tuning. Rather, I did not like the arrangement at all. Song is barely more than a cover, and while it works as that, this website is not for covers or genre changes, but for rearrangements and remixes. If more attention was payed to the messy keys at 1:00, and more effort was put forth into rearrangement, this song would have been much improved. Regardless, it was worth mentioning that the lacking attention to tune and recording indeed cut the song down a bit. It's a mega-event! Like when electronics stores sell stereos at 75% off because the boss went crazy.
  17. Absolutely awesome. I loved this. The tuning, intentional or no, worked perfectly. Remember, some of the greatest discoveries in history were accidents.
  18. Wow! This was different, in an entirely good way. Loved this. I could rant and rave about it, but I won't. Quite simply, this is one of the most original and well-done tunes I've heard here in a long time, and there's been some pretty good ones lately too. Two thumbs up!
  19. There aren't a lot of remixes of the various FF battle themes, not unsurprisingly, a piano version is not something I'd have expected, but it's a great idea. I like how people take a somewhat repetitive, simple, though catchy theme, and put their own spin on it. But I think this is the most original one I've heard. Anyway, I really did love this mix. I look forward to hearing more of your stuff in the future. I really can't get enough quality piano mixes.
  20. I've been following blak_omen's work on the WIP forums for a while now. I'm glad to see his finished work on the OCR main page. I'm also a big fan of MC's work, some of my favourite OCR songs are by him. Thelonius Temple comes to mind. I'm not at all surprised to see that this collaboration has produced splendid results. Kudos to both.
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