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Posts posted by Hemophiliac

  1. i think the ninja gaiden one isn't that close at all the first few notes are the same but it digresses quickly.

    i have a remix i'm working on right now where i was just using a C minor chord and i had to curse John Williams' name because the order and rhythm of the notes i used was Vader's theme. completely unintentional and i didn't realize it until afterwards when i listened to the track rendered.

  2. Stuff sent.

    Just looked at the track list and everything is shaping up to be an awesome project. One question though - how the HELL did you get Protricity, the most hated man on OCR, doing some stuff for you? :o

    hated nah...misinterpreted yes

    i don't hate prot :D

    also we should take a moment to appreciate Lea for her awesome work done, you all seen bits and pieces of the awesome she did for this project.

    thanks Leah.

  3. "Hello, i'd just like to say, "Christian is a badass"

    Odd way to start a song if you ask me. Can't complain over that though lol.

    The piano in the beginning could use some humanization and the bass at that point is overpowering it. Actually through the whole thing the piano is just being drowned out, bring it up more or lower everything else. I also think the piano could use with some more parts to it rather then just a solo line...this is because of not much going on (despite having the soundscape filled).

    The drums could go for some more variation and interest...they're rather cookie cutter and uninteresting.

    String break was a good change up.

    I don't quite understand the point of the clip still.

    So my biggest comment would just be, add more stuff overall to the whole piece.


  4. My interest is piqued, however many questions come to mind:

    -Is this actually legal? Can you obtain the rights to sell the songs, even if it is for charity?

    -Who is Dr. Simone, and what is his/her involvement with this concept? From your original post, this is presented in a rather vague manner.

    -What kind of arrangements are you expecting to hear from this project?

    -What style of singing do you plan on doing on your "reserved tracks" (meaning you MeleeGurl).

    -Will you be able to stick with this project until it's completion, or are you going to bail out?

    for now those questions will do, i may be interested in singing, i don't know about arranging however...i'm a low end baritone.

  5. well now, witch hunt much?

    yes, i can be a jerk.

    does that mean i shouldn't be an admin? no.

    the only thing that i do that would warrant using my admin access for my own gain is to put up mapvotes, and that's usually to gage interest in a mapchange.

    i do my job in terms of keeping things under control and ban people when necessary. i use kicks as warnings if need be as well.

    to tensei: why do you not believe that i kicked the 2nd guy that one time on accident? the admin menu stays open after a kick or ban, and this was right after we switched mods so i was still getting used to it...again, ever since then you seem to see every little thing i do with admin and like to point it out negatively. the ("Do you have a problem with my authority?") came because you constantly seemed to keep questioning why i did things. i've told you this before on irc.

    as far as the spawn camping tonight, i killed two people at the badwater spawn, both at least a minute apart. after i killed the first person i ran away and let people get through, then i went back. i was aware that i was in a gray area for this, so i didn't constantly just spam stickies until i died there. edit: make that three, a pyro saw me running around and i killed him in self-defense (not at the spawn doors).

    Bahamut hasn't told me not to do anything i have been doing, and i'm sure he knows i can be a jerk at times.

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