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Posts posted by Hemophiliac

  1. Fixed. I know you indicated that by saying that the root is approached by a half-step, but Phrygian half-cadences are always minor.

    The augmented 6th chords have very little application. I was going to say they have no application, but apparently Hemo likes to crush my dreams.

    Neapolitan 6ths are awesome though.

    ok that's the phrygian cadence, thank you.

    and heck i like the sound of the augemented sixth chords thank you very much. they have plenty of application, they work like a subdominant pretty much.

  2. Originally, it was me looking for people to play M:tG with, and learn from, so maybe eventually we could go to Grand Prix, or Pro Tour Qualifiers and kick tail. Unfortunately...nobody's playing... It's actually very disappointing for me.

    i was good enough to do that, however; i did not want to spend the money to metagame as was required to be in pro tour and the grand prix. it's rediculous the amount of metagaming required to remain a constant winner in MTG. the metagame literally changes every week because of articles online from weekly tournaments and etc. decklists will get posted and there become copy-cat decks everywhere...and then someone tries to make the answer to those winning decks. it's a vicious cycle that won't end. that's just the constructed side of MTG, there's always the limited end (drafts and sealed).

    unless you're playing with very experienced players already, don't expect to do well.

  3. In the film industry at large, generally speaking, the composer does not start working until the film is completely edited, or close enough to it. Then, the director will sit with the composer in a 'spotting session' wherein they go through the film, and the director points out what sort of mood or style of music he wants at which point. eg. in a car chase scene, "I want it to be edgy and heavy." The composer's job is to take thorough notes and write down exactly what the director is looking for. This will come in handy later if the director complains about a musical choice you make, contradicting himself earlier. At this point, a track with dialogue and possibly sound effects and temp music (probably unmixed, in all likelihood) will be available so the composer can get a feel for what's going on.

    Postproduction and music may receive increasingly less time in the overall production of a film, but five days is definitely unrealistic.

    generally depending on the size of the project. though i will say this is true for most productions.

  4. it's not unreasonable to ask for footage, but it's not necessary. all you really need are the cue sheets with SMTPE.

    and if they don't give you that, then they're just going to have you stab in the dark until they get something they like or they'll just drop you and use the aforementioned Moonlight Sonata.

    welcome to the world of scoring: It sucks.

    if you're interested in this field, this is the sort of abuse you'll have to expect.

    i learned how to sync the same as analoq here and agree that you can do it that way. thought the results may not be as good as seeing actual footage, you can still get the job done.

    heck i wrote a bid for a large candy commercial (read snickers) a few months ago, and i didn't see a cut or a cue sheet. i was only given a small description of what was happening in the commercial and a "should sound like this/shouldn't sound like this list" (in genres).

    i think really this all comes down to the kind of director you have. an ass or a considerate one.

  5. That's so annoying to me. I guess it could be considered flattery, but the guys who start saying that sort of stuff just never shut up.

    that's exactly how i take that...it happens every once in a while. i was a cal-i CS player at one point.

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