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Posts posted by Rexy

  1. Hi, guys!

    I'm contacting you again to submit a new Legend of Zelda' "The Dark World" METAL cover / remix (original song from the game The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past, later re-recorded on The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds).
    Thank you for your time and, of course, enjoy it!!
    Here's all the info you requested:

    Contact Information

    • Your ReMixer name: mikestamper (Mike Stamper)
    • Your real name: Aitor G.
    • Your website: http://www.mikestamper.es
    • Your userid: 32612

    Submission Information

    • Name of game(s) arranged The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past / The Legend Of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
    • Name of arrangement The Darkened Land
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged The Dark World
    • "The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past" was one of the first games I played during my childhood. It's songs got stuck on my head for all my life, especially this one. This epic piece of music inspired me to make something heavier, keeping the amazing original melodies. And so, this is the result, :)
  2. ReMixer name: Astral Tales
    Real name: Ernesto Bernal
    Email address: 
    Website: astraltales.bandcamp.com

    Submission Information
    Name of game arranged: Metal Gear:
    Name of arrangement: Snake's in the Jungle
    Name of individual song arranged: Jungle
    Own comments about the mix: I've had this song stuck in my head since a long time ago and I wanted to write a Synthwave version of it. The OST of this game is great and I am very happy on how it turned out! I hope you enjoy it. :)

  3. Contact Information

    ReMixer name : Bak.R

    Real Name : Backer Ruth

    Website : www.Bak-R.be

    Userid : 34757

    Submission Information

    Name of game arranged : Final Fantasy IX

    Name of arrangement : Crazy Moon

    Name of individual song arranged : Jesters of the moon


    Link to the original soundtrack : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUCeXApQxNw


    Comments : This is my arrangement of the song. I try to keep this clownly mood in to the hole song. I have added a new variation on the song, trying to keep the same spirits with this new original composition. It’s orchestrated a lot of classical instruments with modern cinematic touch.



  4. RebeccaETripp
    Rebecca Tripp

    ID: 48262
    Game(s): Skyward Sword, Breath of the Wild
    Song Title: Hidden Shrines
    Songs Remixed: Temple of Hylia (SS) Cave Shrine (BotW)
    TPR Collaborated with me on this piece.  Here is a link to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/phoenixrisemusic/videos
    He’s already agreed to let me submit this. :)
  5. ReMixer name:  Deadly Ax
    real name:  kouichi naruse
    website:  https://da-pf.blogspot.com/

    ID:  30500
    Name of game:  MEGAMAN X (
    Name of arrangement:  Armored Armadillo
    Additional information:  Super Nintendo Entertainment System,山本節生(Setsuo Yamamoto)
    about the mix:  I used VST Instruments for all tracks.
    When I was young, I played MEGAMAN X over and over again.
    The days passed and I started to like Metal.
    So when I arranged,made the genre Metal.


  6. Remixer name: Bluelighter
    Real Name: Guillaume SAUMANDE
    ID forum: 21840
    Game & Songs: Final Fantasy X & Yuna's Decision
    Composer: Nobuo Uemastu & Junya Nakano


    Hi OCR!

    This is a piano arrangement of Yuna's Decision. In the game, the music came after some difficult events. The contrast between this peaceable scene and the last events was clashing and the music was so remarkable.  

    I really love this melody, so peaceful and nice. So I made a piano adaptation; trying to keep the spirit of the original. I put a lot emotion in this piece , a little romantic but without romance in the story : only hope and sense of duty of our charactere Yuna

    Enjoy :)



    0'00 Melody A

    1'05 Melody B



    1- 0'00 Mel B – high notes, like a dream

    2- 0'28 Mel A – the main melody starts; respectful of the original structure with piano ornamentations

    3- 1'17 Mel B – the structure continues, with quick arpeggios. It is followed by culminating point of the piece with loud harmonies. And still arpeggios

    4- 1'54 Mel A – some variations of the main melody

    5- 2'43 Mel B – reminder of the part 1

  7. Contact Information

    • Your ReMixer name: aluminum
    • Your real name: Zac Changnon
    • Your email address: 
    • Your website: blurringline.net
    • Your user ID (number, not name) on our forums: 2776

    Submission Information

    • Name of game(s) arranged: Equinox
    • Name of arrangement: Meridian
    • Name of individual song(s) arranged: Tori
    • Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equinox_(1993_video_game) SNES, 1993; composers: Tim Follin and Geoff Follin
    • Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): https://youtu.be/RW3bsU_9rwY
    • Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.:

    Hello again OCR, I’m back with another track for you.  I actually started this piece quite a few years ago now but recently dusted off the project to finish it up because it seemed like an arrangement worth completing.  The sound design is perhaps slightly uneven because of that time gap in production, but I polished it all up and I think it turned out well.

    Because I took some liberties with the arrangement, I wanted to take a moment to go through the source usage in this track.  I didn’t use the entirety of the original because it’s quite lengthy/atmospheric.

    • The plucked melody in the original that starts around 0:44 shows up prominently in my arrangement at 1:02.
    • The lead melody at 0:53 in the original is the basis for my “verse” melody that plays at 0:25 and 2:55 in my arrangement.
    • The melody at 1:05 in the original is the basis for my “chorus” melody that plays at 0:43 and 3:14 in my arrangement.
    • The section of the original that starts at 4:25 (Rexy's note: technically 0:00 as that's when the track loops) is the basis for my bridge section that starts around 1:31.



  8. ReMixer Name: PSK
    Real name: Per Kiilstofte
    Email Address: 
    Website: https://per.kiilstofte.net
    UserID: 35773

    Game Arranged: World of Warcraft
    Name of Arrangment: Legends of Warcraft
    Songs arranged: Legends of Azeroth (Composer: Jason Hayes), Elwynn Forest (Composer: Jason Hayes), The Barrens (Composer: Derek Duke).

    I’ve always been a big fan of Warcraft, since Orc’s & Humans in fact. I also used to play quite a bit of WoW. When I saw the recent WoW expansion coming out I got quite nostalgic and just had to create some music, which eventually became Legends of Warcraft. While the track clearly builds around Legends of Azeroth by Jason Hayes, there are also two nods to both Alliance and The Horde in the piece at 1:14 (Elwynn Forest) and  2:08 (The Barrens) respectively.

    Using Legends of Azeroth as the base with two iconic motifs while creating a highly epic sounding orchestral composition I feel encompassed the essence of Warcraft, and in particular the latest expansion “Battle for Azeroth”.

    Thank you for your consideration :)



  9. Game Arranged: Skies of Arcadia
    Name of Arrangement:  The Silver Crystal
    Song Arranged: Fina's Theme
    "I had been in the process of working on my own interpretation of Fina's Theme when I was asked to take on Fina's Theme for this remix album.  For this remix, I included some inspiration from "Short Skirts" by djpretzel and Vigilante, as well from the track "To Impress the Empress" from the Nujabes compilation album Modal Soul Classics. Where most tracks I do usually take about 2 weeks to a month to complete, I set a personal record for myself with this remix as I finished everything within about 3-4 days.  The result is a smooth jazz-y, breakbeat-y thingy that I hope you'll be able to chill out to."


  10. ReMixer name: Michael Hudak

    Real name: Michael Hudak 
    Name of game: Skies of Arcadia
    Name of arrangement: Antarctica and the Moon (Dec/Jan)
    Additional Info:

    Sending a WAV. Thrilling!

    Hi there! The idea of using this particular track from Skies of Arcadia came from the terrific “Arcadia Legends” album released at the end of 2018. I'm a big fan of that game's music, but missed out on contributing a track to the album because I was too slow. “Dungeon of Ice” was one of the few tunes from the OST that wasn't remixed from that album, and it happens to be one of my favorites from the, so this was an easy choice. 

    The original uses your typical frosty “ice level” sounds, but in a lilting jazz arrangement. Lots of melodic and harmonic richness. Now, I've been watching a lot of Scott Walker interviews recently, and he talks about his music-making process as being a “reductive exercise”, stripping down the grand musical ideas in his head, and then dressing songs with only what really matters. I find this quite interesting, so, my idea for this one was to consider the “Dungeon of Ice” source as an already-produced remix, and think of what the true original could sound like, without ever hearing it. The end result is somewhat of a spiral – looping but also linear, cold and warm at once.

    Additionally, I've been very interested in the work of Carsten Nicolai, who experiments with repetition and extreme frequencies in music. According to him, if the brain is exposed to a large frequency spectrum, it sort of diverts attention from the ones more difficult to perceive. But, what if we are ONLY exposed to frequencies that our brains like to divert attention from? The first section of this song presents that question, and is an experiment in how we become accustomed to high frequencies, and perhaps don't even notice some of them until they're gone. Nothing too harsh; not trying to be completely subversive and not have a chance at passing the judges. (I had to carve a huge notch at around 4.5 khz because it was painful). The second part o the song is similar, just on the lower end of things, with most of everything being under 1,000 hz. How does this butting up of high and low frequencies make you feel? In the context of this “reductive exercise”, I personally think the final result is more interesting than if the two parts were playing at once. They could be layered on top of each other to make one fuller-sounding piece, but side-by-side, they're two different versions of the same feeling. I think the toughest part of making this was finding the right amount of repetition to hook our reptile brains, while also keeping the song engaging for those unfamiliar with the source. (I have my own 8-minute version that I use to sip tea with.) I know this might be a tough one to evaluate, but I hope you at least get something real out of it! Thank you!



  11. Original decision

    Remixer name=Audiomancer
    Real name=Eric
    game=Dragon Warrior 2
    Arrangement name=Epic FootSteps
    Name of song=First walk-about theme
    Link to original= 
    I thought I would give this tune another shot at the panel:) I've made changes based on the feedback given, and I hope that the panel finds this to be a more polished version with some better instruments, and small arrangement changes.
  12. Hello,

    Key facts on us and on the ReMix:
    • ReMixer name: BigLeagueBoys
    • Real names: Jack Cunningham and Luke DeMuro
    • OCR Forums Userid: 35898
    • Game arranged: Pokémon Trading Card Game (GBC)
    • Arrangement Name: "Card Shark Shuffle"
    • Song Arranged: "Duel"
    We hope you like it!
    More about us:
    We're BigLeagueBoys - the VGM dream team made up of Jack Cunningham and Luke DeMuro. Jack was the first intern over at OC Records (hi Larry!), and Luke owns and operates a private home recording studio. We've been arranging game tunes together for about 8 years now, but have only released our works to smaller audiences.
    When considering submitting to OCR, we landed on this track as our first choice immediately. Both of us had played the incredible, underrated gem that is the Pokémon Trading Card Game GBC game, and both of us were stunned that this principal track hadn't been attempted on OCR before. Pokémon TCG is a simpler take on the series compared to the mainline games, but it's just as much fun to play, and the soundtrack is just as memorable. I'm sure that the analog between "comparatively simpler gameplay" and "comparatively less technical music" was deliberate, but really we just like this soundtrack because the music does more of the heavy lifting when it comes to being totally immersed in the adventure. After all, something needs to smooth the transition between monster fighting and card collecting, right?
    Our approach here was what came most naturally to us: beef up this criminally misrepresented track with a groovin' bassline, sick guitarmonies, and the rhythm section it deserves (did you pick up on the auxiliary percussion bit at 2:37?). From there, the blues riffs and trumpets helped to really pack a wallop the second time through, and the last part... well, we couldn't resist. Some card clubs in the 50s used to sing, right?
    Anyway, thanks for your time in reading and listening. Looking forward to making much more!
    Sincerely yours,
  13. ReMixer name: VelkkuEvilBastard
    Real name: Veli Matti Suhonen
    Userid: 35294
    Name of game arranged: Castlevania (NES)
    Name of arrangement: Wicked Bastard
    Name of individual song arranged: Wicked Child
    Composer: Kinuyo Yamashita
    Link to the original soundtrack:

    Own comments: I have loved this song from the moment I played Castlevania for the first time when I was around 10 years old. I try to be pretty faithful to the original arrangements and bulid my own stuff on top of that cos' it brings my piss to a boil when you have a metal remix of some tune and it's just filled with double kick and "djent", it just feels so lazy to me. Hope y'all enjoy what you hear!

  14. Overclocked university and Oceansandrew
    DJsnivy’s smooth moves 
    Pokémon black
    Route 12, gate, Musical: "A Sweet Soirée
    A mix of some of my favorite tracks from Pokémon black, I really love Hitomi Sato’s chords, and I think I’ve blended the three themes pretty well. Has a good dance beat and some funky bass playing.
  15. Remix Title: A Full Moon Rises Over Nowhere

    Remixer: Somewareman AKA Ben Molulon

    Game Arranged: Mother 3

    Songs Arranged: 
    Mind of a Thief (Duster's Theme): http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Mind_of_a_Thief?file=MOTHER_3-_Mind_of_a_Thief
    Going Alone: http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Going_Alone?file=MOTHER_3-_Going_Alone
    Gentle Rain: http://earthbound.wikia.com/wiki/Gentle_Rain?file=MOTHER_3-_Gentle_Rain

    Now here's a little something I've been working on for a while. I've spent quite some time figuring out FL Studio, and now I might just have something of acceptable quality to submit. (fingers crossed!) Mother 3's always been a special game to me, and to a lot of people it seems. I actually heard a lot of the game's music before I was ever able to play it, and Duster's Theme was one of my absolute favorites. I kept pretty conservative with the remix. I wanted to keep the laid back, quaint, yet almost melancholy feel that a lot of Mother 3's music evokes while changing up the rhythm here and there so the track doesn't feel too stale.

    Mother 3 is a treasure trove of hundreds wonderful tunes. Impressive, considering it's for the Gameboy Advance. I wish it were more accessible to people so we could get more awesome remixes.



  16. OC Remix I'll try my best to follow the instruction on th site for the submission, in case of any missing fields please contact me:

     Personal Information
    - ReMixer Name: DuplEx
    - Name: Leonardo
    - Game: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
    - Name of the Arrangment: Cataclysm
    - Original name: Song of storms/ Windmill hut
    Hope to receive a reply soon,
    Farewell DuplEx
  17. Contact Information:

    Submission Information:
    • Name of game arranged: F-Zero
    • Name of arrangement: Brass City
    • Name of individual song arranged: Mute City
    • An arrangement of the theme originally composed by Yumiko Kanki
    • Link to the OcRemix page for Mute City: https://ocremix.org/song/2/mute-city
    • Produced in Cubase, please enjoy!


  18. ReMixer name: Hanging Waters
    Real name: Withheld (please contact via email if needed for legal purposes)
    Email address: 

    Website: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRlQGhP1jx50S59UV7JNn7Q
    Userid: 35742

    Game arranged: DeltaRune (Chapter 1)
    Name of arrangement: Groove Buster
    Name of individual songs arranged: Rude Buster, Field of Hopes and Dreams
    Composer: Toby Fox
    Game Platform: PC
    Game Release: 2018
    Comments: This electronic funk fusion re-imagining of the DeltaRune battle theme aims to maintain the spirit of the original while ramping up the adrenaline. The slapping bass, spaced out square and sawtooth leads, staccato horn synth, and heavily reverbed pads attempt to give the tune a new sense of atmosphere. After a brief venture into 7/8 and an extensive synth solo, we fade out into Field of Hopes and Dreams and reach a dramatic focal point, before climbing up to one final drop and then reminiscing with a transcription of Toby Fox's original Rude Buster solo. 
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