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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. You don't want a buffed D.Va. before they nerfed her it was common to see 3-man d.va teams in the beta. Also McRee is strong, but not op. All the other dps classes are still used plenty, if mcree was op we would be seeing triple mcree comps everywhere (though we do see double mcrees in some maps on defense at pro level, but then again we also see double tracers in some others too)
  2. Mercy is the only pure support. The other three are hybrids, as they can do offense/defense and support at the same time. Mercy can only support.
  3. As usual now with Jorito, we get a solid arrangement but with some production issues bringing it down. In this case there's a lot of mud in the mix, obscuring the drums and bass, and instruments competing for space around the low-mids and mids. The mix could've had more air and be crisper and brighter. The wubs worked ok, but had a bit too much of a white noise quality to them. I will agree with Deia that perhaps a slightly harder sidechaining could've helped clear up some bottom end. As previously noted, the shining aspect of this remix is the arrangement, which is creative and flows well, while also going a lot of places in the song's duration. I loved the lead solos. I know Jorito has been working on getting his production game up lately, and when he does he'll get one easy pass after the other. Right now that's not the case but regarding this song the non-ideal mix and master is not that big of a hurdle for the excellent arrangement to overcome. Take our feedback to heart and keep improving! YES
  4. Man this is a tricky one. On one hand you've got some excellent musicianship thrown in here, but on the other hand there are some questionable production and structure issues. First, some of the instruments are pretty bland and flat, such as the synth at 0:18. The structure of your song is really bipolar, sometimes the transitions are just genius (like at 1:26, 1:50, 2:26) but other times the track does a full stop into nothing of importance and builds up to barebones sections (2:09, 3:01, 3:21). The whole 3:20-4:20 section, while had ok melodies, felt like too much meandering and too detached from the other sections of the song. On the bright side, those drums and bass are tasty. I liked the diversity in your arrangement and the performances. I was pleasantly surprised by some of the transitions from that groovy beat to piano solos with orchestral elements, and I loved your arrangement ideas that took the original into new territory. I'm very torn on this one. I'm leaning towards a NO because of the structure and transitions, and some of the weak sounds. I feel like if some of the fat is cut this mix would be an easy pass for me. I am going to let this one sit for a while, and leave my thoughts for other Js to see in the meantime. Also, I checked your soundcloud page Brandon, and I think you have mixes in there that are potential OCR material, I.E. I liked your Rygar mix a lot and with some small fixes it can be ocr material IMO. Consider submitting those too in the future. (Revisit pending) Revisited 10/06: I will go with a NO on this one. My remarks still remain true after further listens and the comments raised by the other Js ring true to me. Maybe a rework is in order here as like I said before the musicianship is present. NO (resubmit)
  5. There's more source in the new version, and now It sounds more like a Doom remix. I think Emery had some valid points on the disjointed feeling of the track... but given the source material there's really not much to work with here. I think this will be a divisive track regarding the sound design (which I'm sure will be very annoying to some people) and arrangement (which is a bit iffy) when/if it gets posted, but for me the new version complies with our standards now. YES
  6. Love the idea, but I'm not liking the production on this one. The guitar is really loud and piercing and I feel the ep's performance could've been a bit more lively and the timing tightened up slightly. I loved the sax by the end, that performance was really awesome. The adaptation to the genre was spot-on and the arrangement explores the original in plenty of ways. I liked the details like the simple percussion, which fits for the genre, and the shouts in the background. The deliberate pacing was also something I found enjoyable though some may find it plodding. I am pretty torn on this because my biggest issue is with the balance on the lead guitar, which could be solved easily with some eqing and making it sit better on the mix. I think it detracts enough from the song to warrant asking for a fix before giving it a pass. NO (resubmit)
  7. I can hear the Piazzola influences here from songs like Libertango and Adios nonino. I don't think we get many subs inspired by latin american genres, which I'm more familiar with, so I'm happy you guys decided to give us your tango-influenced remix. I wil have to echo the Js sentiments regarding the performances. I think the pacing works just fine, but the intonation goes off more than I'd like. Some pretty noticeable such as around the first minute mark and 1:20. I didn't mind the bends and those worked well for me to add character. The arrangement is pretty damn solid. It repeats the motif quite a few times but it is also being expanded and explored in different ways, and the supporting harmonies are always evolving. I would easily pass this if the tuning was tighter in the first section, but I'm afraid I find it too distracting and takes away too much from the arrangement. Please consider a resubmit. NO (Resubmit)
  8. Good Games with @DusK last night, though we got queued with a lot of clueless teams XD I need to carry harder. Dusk's got a killer Widowmaker too. Anyone who added me on bnet don't be afraid to invite me over for some matches if you see me playing.
  9. Mercy is my go-to champion when I want to play more relaxed. Playing Tracer, pharah or junkrat for too long is pretty exhausting, if you tryhard.
  10. your bnet id should have a # and some numbers in it.
  11. I find interesting how many people are willing to take on the support role compared to other games like dota, lol or even tf2. Blizzard did a good job on making the support role interesting, if you want to be a classic support, you can do Mercy, although her mobility options specially when paired with a pharah make her more fun than your usual support. If you want to be a hybrid dps/support you can do zenyatta and do fine (a debuffed tank goes down surprisingly fast if your aim is good) and if you like running around a lot and not having to babysit anyone you can do Lucio and play almost as a normal dps character. Symmetra is imo kinda boring and clunky atm, but still fills a nice niche of a supporting/zone control character. The rumors are that the next character, Sombra, is going to be a sniper/support, so I'm excited for that. Blizz really broke the mold with supports in this game, and people aren't as reluctant to pick a support as in other games. They will never be as popular as dps characters but at least people don't loathe having to support in this ow, while in other games like LoL or WoW, it's very hard to get anyone to go support.
  12. Well its not as much as the kill cam being wrong but the tick rate being too low. I've been caught by stuff where in my screen shows that I already had started to dash/speed up away and they get me first anyways, which the kill cam shows. Other times its getting to the point at the last second and losing anyways because the server didn't register it on time. It's pretty bad. csgo runs on 60 and it's VERY rare to get killed behind a solid wall, in ow is pretty common.
  13. The low tick rate is getting noticeable the higher the level I get and the more tryhard opponents I find (and the more tryhard I get). I hope competitive runs on higher tickrate servers because its kinda ridiculous sometimes how different the killview of the opponent is, and also how it completely ignores your clutch dashes. Also those hooks and flashbangs through walls are bs on either end of the deal. Other than that, it's been some of the most fun I've had in a long time, though I played more than I should've and kinda hurt my arm now. Level 55 though.
  14. AoS and DoS are, in my opinion, some of the best soundtracks the series has to offer, so I'm always happy to see new remixes from it. However I've been torn on this one for quite a few days now. There are a few instances of noticeable dissonance such as the bell around 0:30, but my main issue are the rhythm guitars, which felt kinda robotic to me at some points, like around 00:52, also the intonation of the rhythm guitars at 0:51 is something that has been bothering me since the first listen... Its not off, it's just an odd choice of chord that doesn't sit well in the progression and frankly sounds pretty ugly. It may be that the lower note of the chord is too low for it to sound good, or that it's trying to play power chords all the way but the song's progression is going into diminished and it's clashing, but I would've preferred to do another chord (or maybe just unison) that is more pleasing and flows better with the progression of the song. That aside, I wasn't hating the synth used as much as the other j's. In a rock song like this one you don't really need the best of synth sounds but they need to be decent enough. I think the synth that's used both as lead and synth string accompaniment for the lead guitar is not as static as it may seem, as there is some vibrato and modulation going on it at some points, the main issue to me it seems that the rhythm guitars are way too strong when that synth is trying to be the lead melody, and as such it falls into the background and its very hard to recognize, so maybe a combination of lowering those while beefing up your synth may work. The sections where the guitar is leading are fine though. This vote took me more than usual, because I had to figure out what was bothering me about those chords in the rhythm section. I would advise to try just using unison as in the original, or trying to go up in the progression, right now those chords are bothering me a lot and I'm usually quite ok with dissonance, but perhaps the intrument in question makes it sound worse than whats acceptable. NO (resubmit)
  15. Tracer is very strong at pro level. Her squishiness is very deceiving because she has basically a full heal + escape in one ability, plus her other ability allows her to escape any situation pretty easily.
  16. After re-listening I have to agree the moonlight sonata parts are more than a simple nod, but constitute a fairly important part of some of the main motifs of this song. Sadly this means I'll have to change my vote accordingly to a NO.
  17. This is one of my favorite super mario songs, and I'm always happy to see people hitting it from new angles. Some things of note when it comes to issues: the hard orchestral hits around 0:55 were a bit resonant, as well as other sections where the strings go into the very high registers. 02:14 sounds very busy and bordering on bringing the mix down. The guitars weren't the most real sounding, ending up very thin and anemic, as well as the brass instruments. Also I hate fadeouts. Sounds like a lot of not-so-great stuff up there, but the creativity in the arrangement adds a hefty counterweight to the production issues. The arrangement starts conservative, as is an usual choice for artists tackling this theme, but evolves into its own piece by piece, and we're treated to several elements and blending of styles that you would think wouldn't fit in a primarly orchestral arrangement, but they feel natural here. There's a lot to like, and all of it is very varied so most people will find out something to latch on to here. Those looking for a creative arrangement of this beloved theme and are willing to look away from a few production quirks will find this one to be quite satisfactory. YES
  18. Excellent work, that percussion is delicious. Disco strings are on point. The sax and guitar performances are full of personality and I enjoyed them thoroughly. The mix is balanced, if you want to listen to anything be it the percussion or the wah guitars, it's all there and clearly audible, but the mix doesn't lose focus of its lead instruments. Excellent performances all around. I got nothing, please post. YES
  19. hmm, very interesting indeed. I see a few things that could be worked on before this can get a pass though. First, the string melodies playing the quick notes have too long of an envelope to sound natural, we can hear this at sections like 0:22. I get your idea of fusing orchestral, ambient and trance elements (hence the name) but the blending is not quite as natural as it needs to be, and the transitions are very abrupt. 0:50 comes out of nowhere with a full-on trance beat then goes away only to come back again at the next measure. I think the blending needed to be subtler here, with a slower and less exposed introduction of elements until the meat of the trance section hits at 1:15. Some sections don't sit well in the mix and clash with the arrangement for both genres quite a bit, such as the sections at 2:22 and 3:57. I also feel the trance drums and bass are on autopilot for the most part, and sometimes don't follow the flow of the rest of the mix well, such is the case towards the end around 4:35 when the song setting up its exit, the drums still keep going hard, and the kick even keeps going for an extra measure at 4:54. I think your arrangement would be better served by making your drums fit the pace that your sections are going at. In sections such as towards the end you may want to go half time on your drums to match the slowing pace and transition to more orchestral elements, or even getting rid of the 4 on the floor kick and slowly introducing orchestral percussion. As it stands now the contrast is very jarring. Overall, an interesting concept that requires further development and fine tuning to work IMO. I also think the repetition of the same motifs can get a bit tiresome. I can see this passing with a more natural fusion of the different elements and better structure plus less repetition, for now though: NO (resubmit)
  20. I made over 50 presets and a demo song with probably more coming, bug testing etc, and I think I'm part of the community. None of this money is going to me either. If you don't want projects like these to be associated with you, then don't associate with OCR. Newgrounds was, for a long time, a community driven website where it was all free content by a talented group of artists and programmers, that didn't stop them from embracing projects where money was involved or letting members of the community profit via the Newgrounds name. This is ridiculous and you're being silly.
  21. I liked reading your story about this mix. I can relate about songs that take so many years to get right. I also think it's great to see a departure from the usual orchestral submissions (although those are great, no doubt). I found the guitar a bit too resonant and wet, but since it's raining in the mix's ambiance, wet isn't that bad :). I would've liked it if it was dryer, with less reverb. I think the song hits its stride with the introduction of the violin at 02:04, excellent handling of the performance, very expressive and interesting articulations. In general the production was full of little details, like the hand percussion touches, which morph into the soft battery drumming towards the song's climax near the end. The raining ambiance comes and goes depending on the mood, and I liked that it wasn't ever-present. The arrangement, although fairly conservative, is well executed and shows great appreciation for the original theme, I think this arrangement is building up on the original rather than being transformative, but since the elements and variations are woven so naturally, and the structure is adjusted to fit a song form instead of the original loop form, this approach works very well for me. Solid work as is now usual from Mr. Roe. YES
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