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Everything posted by Sir_NutS

  1. Cool chips dude. Very nice soundscape, lots of details to be found on this one, a lot of care went into making this very varied. The balance is fine, though just slightly a bit highs-heavy. There's one complain I have with this, and it's that there's no stopping, no letting go of the energy ever, and as such the track feels very static. A small break would have done wonders here, but after a while I found myself a bit tired because the beat just won't let go, you have to give the listener a rest at some point, even if small. Because of this, as detailed as the arrangement is, I'm borderline on passing this as is or asking for a resubmit, as this would be a fairly easy fix. I'll let this one sit for a while, and hear other opinions. EDIT: seems like my nitpick is not very relevant to most people so I'll give this one a hearty YES Nice Work!
  2. I'm in complete agreement with my peers here, the compression is just too harsh, the drums are basically reduced to transients, and the dynamics on the overall mix are going a bit crazy, you usually want dynamics that flow with the song but when you overcompress like this the rhythm simply disappears. Sections like 03:30 just become a wall of sound and lose musicality. The arrangement on the other hand was good, and I'm sad that it's being brought down by the production. As the Js above pointed out, the mix needs to be rebalanced and the mastering needs to be toned down a lot, until we get a clear mix. NO (resubmit)
  3. Alright I updated the track, get it here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AttiFhzqbCiXiFpQn-y66ISVNSS2 -Bassline notes changed around -Some slight changes in the drum EQing, also changed the drums in one of the sections for variety -Slight embellishments nobody will notice.
  4. Nice approach, but I agree with Kris' vote on its entirety. I was not a fan of the distortion on the lead synth... I get that it was probably an stylistic choice but I don't think it was a very good one to fit this song. There's distortion to be found in some of the chords in the piano as well. The bass hits near the end felt really dull and dry, I know what you were going for at this point but this sound is not cutting it for the impact you want to make. The best part of the arrangement was the combination of the two sources which work very well together, but overall this song feels a lot like a WIP, not like a complete package. NO
  5. Leaver issues fixes coming soon already: http://us.battle.net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20745746206#post-11
  6. Right now a big sticking point is how koth works and hero stacking. If any of you follow competitive tourneys, the hero stacking is getting incredibly ridiculous now. Thankfully a lot of leagues implement a hero limit rule, but some of the biggest like Gosu don't, and I'm pretty sure that when blizzard gets to organize their own tourneys they won't either. Good news is that the OW team is always listening and making changes, OW competitive will be in a good place in a few months from now for sure.
  7. This song has a very strong start, when the drums came in at 0:27 I thought that was how hard the track was going to get, but I was in for a surprise at 0:58!. It was a really strong way to launch everything into high gear however the song really tapers down from there on. I have to agree with Wes on the leads, they're very weak compared to the rest of the song. There's some uneven handling of the dynamics, as when most of the hard elements go away at 1:46 the beat becomes way too prominent and exposed, and the other instruments are pushed into the background. The violin and piano sections are very robotic and stiff, and also portray a very odd selection of notes and a bit of noodling. At 03:05 there are some artifacts happening with the attack of the bass sound that you may want to fix. The arrangement comes back strong later on, but it becomes really repetitive and in the sections with less elements going on the beat becomes too prominent again. Fadeout endings are a no-no in my book. This is a good start, but needs more work, the other Js offered pretty good feedback and I recommend you heed it. NO (resubmit)
  8. Very happy to seal the deal on this one. Faseeh was very receptive of feedback on this one and it was for the better, the song sounds tighter now, and has a better flow and structure. I would have liked to hear move evolution in the way the track progresses, but what we have is not bad. The bass sequencing and the selection of textures contribute to the chill vibes, even with a solid beat behind them. My only big nitpick left with this track is the ending, which wasn't developed enough and just stops, but I don't think that should stop this from a pass. YES
  9. I would've liked to hear more from the artist than just "I have 2 other tracks too", but I guess he lets the music speak for itself. And this one does a very good discourse in its favor. The arrangement is super conservative, but there are some sections where you take the time to give your own spin to things. The pacing is pretty well handled here and the production is clean, the drums sure are punchy and fat, although the sequencing is pretty simple in general. I had no issues with the mix balance at all, the track is hot but it's not unpleasantly hot, it's pretty par for the course of modern edm productions. My main issue with this song is its conservative nature, there's a lot that I like here but how much you stuck to the original melody is not one of those things. The structure is pretty similar to the original as well with a few changes here and there. Overall, I'm very borderline on this one and I can see how this can go either way for the other judges. Usually I lean in favor of arrangement, but the more I listen to this one the more I feel like what was done in the interpretative sections and with the harmonies and changeups is enough. I think I can pass this but it's VERY borderline, and I wouldn't be surprised if other Js think otherwise. (Or if they manage to sway my vote to a NO later) YES (borderline)
  10. Gotta disagree with Gario here, I think there's a lot in both the main motif and the background accompaniments to set this apart as its own arrangement. The percussion was very well handled as well as the mix of different instruments, which flow in and out of the arrangement naturally. I loved the droning instrument in the background, a didgeridoo perhaps? very cool nonetheless. The use of bells really emphasizes the mystical nature of the arrangement, it does feel very thematic and it gave me images of being in a mystical place where a primitive ceremony was taking place. The instruments seemed well humanized enough to me, and the mix balance, while a bit muddy in the low-mids, worked for this track. As I said previously the arrangement is fine imo, the only issue I had with this remix was repetition, as for such a short track it feels like it repeats the main motif one too many times, but it's a short track based on a very short loop, so I don't think the repetition drags along that much to be a bother. If this had an intermediate section with some exploration of the basic progression but with more original riffs and melodies this would've been a sure yes, but I do think this is just above the bar for a pass. YES (Borderline)
  11. I would quote both Wes and Gario on this one but that would make this vote longer than it should. Basically, they pretty much said everything that needed to be said. I have to put emphasis in Wes' point about lack of a coherent structure and the whole mix feeling like a mix of different ideas loosely tied together, and Gario's point about the production, since I feel that in an arrangement done in this style you want subtlety to be of paramount importance yet that is lost by the smashed down dynamics. Like I said at the start the other Js made great points so you can check their assessment. EDIT: This is very weird, I checked the video provided by the artist and the production sounds MUCH nicer, maybe he submitted the wrong file? EDIT2: Confirmed that the song used in the video is a cleaner render, I will ask for a resub of the clean version, but my points (and the other J's) about structure still stand, so if that could be worked on a bit that'd be great as well. NO (Resubmit)
  12. Man, I have to agree with Wes, giving this a NO seems way off. The adaptation is on point and the arrangement is really fun and interpretative. The original was changed quite a bit to make it fit the genre and it works surprisingly well, I certainly don't think big room edm when I remember Gobi's valley theme. The samples from the game are just plain fun and silly and they fit very well too. The production was good, for the genre this is pretty much what you would be looking for, and the different textures are interesting. It's not a perfect mix but definitely over the bar for me. Aside from the goofiness inherent on the original theme and the samples used, this isn't very far from what one would hear in a big room house song. YES
  13. wm is strong, but I don't think she's OP, not now at least. before the nerfs a case could be made against her because she could oneshot-bodyshot squishies like zen, and her ulti was silent so she could wipe out several teammates popping out of a corner with no counterplay. She's in a good spot now imo, she'll still get picked a lot because defense will need a sniper on most maps, and Hanzo isn't really a reliable long-range sniper. So until we get Sombra, WM will have a high pick rate, but not really because she's op, but because there aren't other real alternatives.
  14. Ok here we go. I like this because Magical Sound Shower. Also Sax.
  15. I know this soundtrack by heart, as it's one of my favorites. The production on this one isn't bad, though I felt the drums were a bit upfront and dry compared to the other elements, and the song overall was a bit on the quiet side. I have one issue with the bass, it's only present for a couple notes and for the most part the track lacks any low end. This is not a problem in the original as it was mostly an ambient track, but in this remix there's less of an ambient approach and the drums are much emphasized so the lack of bass or low end in the pads makes the otherwise busy soundscape seem like it's missing something. Production aside, my issues with this mix are mostly with the arrangement, as it feels very static and repetitive, mostly because the usage of the same underlying base throughout the song. Sections like 1:30-2:08 don't show any progress and seem to just repeat without any feeling of progression. Most of the lead instruments and motifs are centered around the initial arpeggio notes in the first half of the original song, but there are portions of the original that have been largely ignored, i.e. the lead melody that plays near the end, that could've been used effectively to break the monotony, but we mostly get variations over the same riff. I would like to hear changes in the structure so it feels more dynamic and more representation of the entirety of the source. NO (resubmit)
  16. Man, people love this game don't they? I feel like "that guy" for not liking it. We get a gazillion remixes of this game; not many are as good as this one though. The powerful sax performance in this one is really something else, this whole thing sounds like it came right out of film noir, I'm just waiting for the gruff narrator to start talking about the lady in red and the dark corners of the city... but I digress. Everything in this mix is done with expert musicianship, I feel the strongest aspect of this mix is the adaptation, but the build down towards the end starting at 04:19 is just genious. The rainy ambience is something that people overdo but in this song is handled perfectly. I could sing praises on this mix forever but people just need to listen to it. YES
  17. Welcome to the Bitwig geek circle. I love tracks like this, mellow, relaxing arrangement. The first 2 minutes were a bit repetitive, but the arrangement picks up and is very varied. I didn't like the interactions between the two leads at 2:08, they seemed to be overlapping each other somehow fighting for attention. I think they would've been better off panned to each side and avoiding falling on the same melodies too often. The trumpet was much nicer though. I think the mix isn't too great, felt a bit muddy but not so much as to make the different elements unclear. Nice Work. YES
  18. So competitive is out, downloading atm. Widowmaker got a HUGE nerf with her ult being audible map-wide.
  19. This sounds very movie-soundtrack-like. Gotta agree with the other Js on production and arrangement comments, the performances need more work and the arrangement is fairly conservative and straightforward, with some additions and variations. Although I think the arrangement could be passable, the production is not, with the previously mentioned humanization issues and some mix balance issues as well. I think the reverb could be toned down overall, as it's contributing to the muddiness, and the instruments could be eq'd better because right now it sounds slightly mid-range focused, and the busy sections clump the instruments together in a very unnatural and messy-sounding way. I've heard other mixes by Rebecca and she uses this conservative approach on other songs, but I think your arrangements could benefit from more exploration, and from a more dynamic approach to structure and I believe you have the skills necessary to do it. Not that this is my reason to reject this particular track, but something I would like to hear. NO
  20. Clean production, solid performances, plenty of interpretation, this hits all the right cues for us. Really enjoyed the riffing around 1:50, and 3:28! Transitions between the different were well done. If I had to nitpick it would be that a break somewhere would've been nice because this song just doesn't let up like ever. Other than that, I got nothing. This is just great, and I'm psyched about getting more remixes from you guys. As a PC gamer, I agree we need more remixes from games in our platform. Please give us more. YES
  21. Pretty straightforward and conservative. The guitar performances are pretty good, but the drums leave a bit to be desired. The main problem here though is that it's not interpretative enough and sticks very close to the original in terms of arrangement and structure, so it doesn't really feel like a metal song on its own, but as gobi valley's theme with guitars. I think you need to make the arrangement your own, tackle it from a different angle that makes it sound yours. NO
  22. I'm having issues understanding the direction of this remix, it seems like you're trying to go for a melancholic, but sort of odd/off left field sounding lo-fi guitar infused arrangement, but the approach feels like it clashes with the arrangement. I was thinking this before listening to the original and after I did it made more sense. The original is a very tropical sounding/relaxing arrangement. I think that, because you kept the original cues pretty much intact for the most part, it's not working well with this different approach and would require to do some changes in the structure of the original arrangement to make it fit. Regardless of this feeling of clashing visions I'm getting, which is honestly borderline subjective, I feel the arrangement is very static and I hear your attempts at keeping it interesting by adding several different variations and embellishments on top, but the core of the arrangement remains pretty static throughout, and even makes the song feel longer than it really is. It's a very short arrangement but due to its static and repetitive nature it feels like it meanders about for too long. Regarding the production, it's good, the lo-fi elements are handled well and the mix is clean, I was not very fond of some of the choices regarding the sound palette such as the short synth used in places such as 0:27. The drums are well sequenced. Not a fan of the ending, pretty uneventful and sudden. I think Gario also has some points but I think we mostly agree with the issues here. NO
  23. @DragonAvenger @Gario Jorito has provided an updated version: I had pretty much the same opinion as the other Js on the first version, but I'm glad that Jorito worked more on the production and now the mix is much tighter and balanced. Gario has a point about the intelligible vocoder quips, and while I agree they could've been clearer they're also fine like this, as they're used to add detailing to the arrangement and not really as the main focus. The best part about this arrangement is definitely the chorus, it's so catchy, it could be in a "radio" pop song and nobody would notice. I loved the Magical Sound Shower bit, as anything with a little outrun in it is bound to get better. The disco feel is maintained throughout the duration of the song and its fairly authentic, with staples like the staccato strings emphasizing the harmonies and the constant groovy beat. I think Jesse's vocals fit very well this adaptation, even though I find them slightly exposed, but nevertheless, I can say this is pretty damn cool overall. YES
  24. Cool arrangement. We get A LOT of Undertale remixes nowadays and this arrangement really caught my attention. I have to say though that this won't get a pass because the mix is really not good. The low end is a big mess, the drums basically disappear, and the guitars are squashed pretty hard. I think you need to relax your compression levels everywhere, bring your mix to a clean state where nothing is squashed first, and then eq your instruments properly so they don't fight for space. Other than that, the Js above gave good feedback on how to improve the song. NO
  25. Not much to add really. The hard panning is not something I like as it's not very natural sounding, it only distracts from the arrangement. The amount of compression on the master is obvisouly too much, and you should try relaxing your levels by.. a lot. I might also add that you probably want to tone down the reverb levels on your song, and reign your sub frequencies under control. On big hits and other busy sections, these two combino to create a lot of undesired rumble. I really can't tell if the synths are good enough with this level of compression present, so I can't really comment on synth quality. The arrangement is not bad, you have a good grasp on structure and I felt the song developed well, nice climaxes and breaks (well, the breaks would do their function if the dynamic range wasn't squashed and they actually released some energy). Try to fix the obvious mix problems and maybe there's a good song underneath there. Use our workshop forums, there are people there that will help you with feedback, including myself. NO
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