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Everything posted by RocketSniper

  1. See if you can watch American Sniper. Highly interesting, slightly less comedic than australian sniper though.
  2. I once team fortressed. It was a long time ago... I think I was in Burma at the time. My time occupation slots are weird, so I can't really gt on just randomly. Would be fun to hop in at some point though. give me a shout out at some point when a couple people are on and I'll join up
  3. Nice. If you manage to find a rocket launcher, default minigun, knife, scattergun, or sticky launcher, I'd be happy to trade for that So it's been about two years since I posted here last - is Nice Work Guy still a fad?
  4. Percussion could use a little work - seems a little repetitive, and not enough kicks for a metal song like this. I like the guitar work a LOT though. Might want to check this beat... -.,.-.,.-.,.-.,. K......K.K...... ....S.......S... H.H.H.H.H.H.H.H. K = kick S = snare H = hat Of course, vary it up, but for this tempo, having something other than straight kicks / hats every beat then a snare every other beat is kinda meh. Didn't notice anything about a weird buzzing sound, the rest sounds great to me. Did I mention the guitar work is fantastic?
  5. Similar - didn't even find out about it until tonight. WTB links.
  6. Just posted the song to the upload site - I can't really think of anything else I can do to it.
  7. Having some problems finishing my particular track. If it doesn't work out so well, you guys might get a bonus song along with said 2-3 minute song.
  8. I do have to say though, thank you to whoever requested Oppression. it's a fun song, but I would have definitely skipped over it if not for this contest / your request. Back to FL nao!
  9. I do! Great WIPs guys, as we're not allowed to vote, I'm not gonna post a favorite or anything, but it sounds like a decent portion of people are actually competing this year. Cheers.
  10. Bump. Anyone know of any good, free hosting services for .mp3s? All I"ve got is google pages... in any case, here's a quick preview of what I'm working on.
  11. I hadn't thought of this until just now, but a lot of people are working on more than one mix at a time. If we're already remixing the song that we get from this competition, do we just use the one we're already making, make a new one, request a different challenge, what?
  12. It's not too late to enter until sunday, because all of the challenges will have stopped coming in by then. How are the challenges coming, by the way? Do we need more / are there more than enough already? Edit: Top of the page again, three pages in a row. Looool
  13. - That is all. I guess you're good for something.
  14. Be careful, it's a trap! Edit: Wow, I'm about an hour too late. Found a lot of the SF64 sound clips though, if anyone wants them. ( http://starfox64.baldninja.com/sf64snds.htm )
  15. Pikachu! Get the ball! No, not the stick, Get the ball! Pikachu, Pick up the ball! No! Goddammit I'm out of time ... Oh, now you get the ball. NO DON'T DROP IT YOU YELLOW FAILBAG
  16. Bump for first day of remixing challenges. Who do we PM, and is there a certain form that would make it easier for whoever is receiving them? Also, is there a limit on the number we can suggest?
  17. Sign me up. Do we get PMs / Emails when the phases are over? I would love that.
  18. ^The Derrit -Becoming aware of your dreams is called Lucid dreaming, there are actually ways to induce this, though it takes a while to really get into doing it. easiest way for me is to set my alarm about half an hour earlier than normal, and having it go off in 3-5 minute intervals so I remember what's going on in said dreams. Really sucks when the alarm goes back off, though...
  19. My record was just over 70 hours, I was playing runescape at the time (Oh shut up, I was ten. I had no taste then.), and was pretty much hungry all the time the last two days. I don't think I was hallucinating or anything by the end, but I slept for ~16 hours when I came out of it. This was, of course, *after* taking the jet from Ohio to Oregon. *faceplant*. Jet lag + no sleep = insane people, usually.
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