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Super-Duper Sombrero

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Posts posted by Super-Duper Sombrero

  1. Forza23.jpg


    Not my most inspired work so far. Car handles beautifully, though.

    I might make a few class-specific cars later on at some point, but character portraits take a long time. I'm thinking an Aston Martin for the spy, maybe a land rover for the Sniper. BMW something for the Medic perhaps.

  2. I feel similarly, Top Gun. I only ever found one gift, but I got blown away by Monoculus before it actually materialized.

    Instead, I've pretty much backed out of the halloween event entirely. I got my Book badge thing, I got the achivements. Everything else is only available on halloween, so not really worth my time in my opinion. Unless there's anything I didn't know about, that is.

    In other news I may try to make a TF2-themed car in Forza 4. Any suggestions (car model, icons, color, etc)?

  3. I'm back, to return this thread from the dead. Now with more pony car.


    I tuned a Hummer for soccer, but it wasn't AMERICAN ENOUGH. So I removed all the weight reduction and pasted a whole bunch of AMERICAS onto it.


    This car is blue. I think it's like a Honda or something.


    This DeLorean is grey and red and stuff.


    I'm pretty sure James TopGear would be okay with this in his garage.

  4. Finally tried out the test server, went quite well for me.

    Except for Necro continually destroying me. Meanie.

    He uh, he does that. Don't mind him, it's just his way of being polite.

    I also try to be polite, but some people interpret my manners the wrong way.

  5. So I made a roller coaster. Some of my friends and I just run what's essentially a creative mode server (technically multiplayer survival, but no mobs and everyone can spawn materials and fly).

    I think it's one of the greatest things I shall ever produce in my lifetime. Shame it only works once.

  6. I see two things I consider deal breakers (one in game, one in the notes):

    1. Some of the new taunts make the heads move around wildly, making headshots much harder to pull off on the person doing the taunt. The only taunts in the game that do this now are the Schadenfreude's taunt, and those stay in roughly one place after the taunt starts. The Pyro's Shoryuken taunt is by far the biggest offender here, followed by the Spy's new "dancing" fencing taunt.

    2. The new taunts don't do taunt kills even when they should. This means that the Flare Gun, Detonator, Your Eternal Reward, and Big Earner all lose their taunt kills. Ironically, those are the same taunts I just complained about in #1.

    I was under the impression that the hitbox for the head remained in the idle position when a character was taunting, and didn't move. I may be wrong though, as it's rare for a head to stray too far from the idle standing position during a taunt, and then for me to actually have time to aim at them.

    Also I don't think that's the correct use of the word 'irony.'

  7. At Bark's suggestion, I'm like to try and coordinate a night sometime in the near future where some of us can get together and nitpick Launchpad to hell and back without the distractions of actual combat happening at the same time. Would anyone be interested?

    I'd be down for that. That is, if you haven't had enough of my nitpicking already.

  8. I've heard that the replay system doesn't allow you to make cuts and arrange them any way you want. It has to be chronologically correct with what was happening at the time. You can't cut big junks of time out.

    Correct, but you can always do multiple takes and patch it together in an external program.

  9. .

    Also starring a raging Brushfire and some unintelligible child.

    Was aiming for a style similar to Paranoid's spy videos, but this is my first time attempting something like this. Feel free to post criticisms and such, always looking to improve.

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