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Super-Duper Sombrero

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Posts posted by Super-Duper Sombrero

  1. Water depth is just a display option if I remember right.

    Are we going to start on the new version, or the current one? I see you already generated a map, but I'm not sure if it'll carry over to the next release if that's what you're planning.

    Also it might be worth just uploading the entire folder somewhere, to prevent any discrepancies between player files.

    A suggestion for player order would be to have an experienced player start for year one, then alternate between less experienced and more experienced players. This would probably give us more room for mistakes without the fort falling apart entirely, and gives us a pretty decent timeline. Year 1 is like setup and general self-sufficiency, year 2 is mostly crafts and exploration, year 3 might be a military setup and expansion, year 4 could be a bit more exploration and expansion, and year 5 might get magma. There's no hard rules or guidelines for that kind of thing, so it's really anyone's guess, but keeping newer players separated can prevent a progression drought.

  2. Doing a cursory search from musician's friend netted me two results:


    Schecter Guitar Research Omen Solo-6 Electric Guitar



    Schecter Guitar Research Omen 6 Electric Guitar

    Both are $299 from Musician's Friend. Is that a good place to buy from? Or should I actually go to a physical store (gasp!) and talk to... persons?

    Thanks for the help so far!

  3. I might be able to help since my job is to sell guitars at a music store, but I need to know exactly how much of your budget you want to place there (you can tell me in PM).

    Do you mean for budget? I'm looking to spend up to around $200, but I'd be willing to push a little higher if it's really worth it. The one I linked is about $120, which a rather attractive price range.

  4. I've been looking at picking up an electric guitar recently, but I know very little about what to actually look for. Hopefully someone with a bit more experience will be able to help me out!

    I should start by saying that I have very little experience, with no formal training at all. I've been using a Fender Squier Stratocaster. I had purchased it for the rock band usage, but I ended up just plucking around with it more than with the game.

    Looking at taking lessons, but I'd really like to have an instrument of a bit higher quality (i.e. that can actually stay in tune and isn't a MIDI controller). I've been looking at a Squier Bullet Strat. It seems like a good introductory level instrument, and about the right budget range I'm looking for. I've heard good things about Musician's Friend, but I've never purchased anything from there myself.

    Any thoughts on this? I'm really just looking for something to learn on; not exactly aiming for a professional level instrument here, but a guitar that can last is important.

  5. Bought it after previewing a few tracks. Definitely more of a movie-soundtrack kinda feel to it, really liking this one!

    Also, any objection to these appearing on some sort of poorly made youtube video at some point (properly credited, of course)? Not really sure about copyright law or whatnot, but it feels better to have permission.

  6. The bastards keep running away from me. They fly around way beyond my bow's range, then when they finally get close enough, they just ignore more of my hits.

    I finally got one to land, got it down to half health, then it took off, flew straight up, and despawned. I've only gotten two dragons down so far. It's really really annoying.

  7. So out of curiosity, is there any reason why half the regulars have been playing on a random password-protected server over the past couple of days? I've been pretty bummed that both RED and BLU have been completely empty every time I've logged in itching to play over the past week. Is there something going on I don't know about?

    That's likely to be Gamemaster's (I think) server. Seems to be the go-to place for when OCR is empty.

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