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Super-Duper Sombrero

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Posts posted by Super-Duper Sombrero

  1. I think there are two ways to handle the reserved slots at this point, really.

    One way is to do it by donations only (and admins obviously). $2 a month is a very reasonable price, and I'm sure most people wouldn't mind paying for a slot (or two). Would help alleviate server costs and keep the amount of reservations down.

    The other way is to make it so all the regulars get a slot, regardless of donation status. This means there are more people with slots, and even those without paypal or otherwise can join in as valued community members. This option removes any sort of benefit for donators though.

    It was also mentioned that money isn't really an issue for server costs at this point, so I'll ask this: If you don't need money for the server, why take donations at all?

    Personally, I'm in favor giving reserved slots to donators and admins only. However, since I do plan on setting up donations here shortly, I'm a bit biased there.

  2. So I have the server! I will link the IP info and stuff probably in a new thread when it's ready for game playing (hopefully today). I'm still in the process of setting everything up.

    Awesome news! I haven't played TF2 in a long while, looking forward to a server breaking (in) night!

  3. Maps: I like having customs available, but not on the rotation. Also tc_hydro is no good, keep that off the rotation.

    Arena maps have never really been my fancy, and I don't like how they leave people out of the game after dying or if they get stuck spectating. Personally I don't want to see them at all, unless specifically nominated for whatever reason.

    Plugins: The array of plugins that Powerlord had running was pretty good, though apparently the sheer quantity was what tended to bog down the server quite a bit of the time. I want to at least keep the mapvoting on the F1-4 keys, that was nice.

    That plugin that showed you who's spray you look at was good for spray enforcement, and a necessity if you want to continue with the 'no porn sprays' rule (which I am in favor of).

    I'm not really sure what most of the rest of those plugins that powerlord had listed do specifically, but most of them seem to facilitate map voting.

    You may also want to look into the plugin that kicks people who change their name every half second or so? I remember it being mentioned a while back, but not sure if it was implemented. The name cycling makes it difficult for admins to target for bans.

    Settings: Alltalk should always be on. This is the primary reason I favor this server and community.

    Crits... are a source of ambivalence. On one hand, it can seemingly punish good players for no reason at all, and instant death is very rarely what I would consider 'fun'. On the other, it can help even the battlefield on occasion, and gives newer players a bit more of a fighting chance. In theory, anyway. Personally, I'm in favor of no-crit with option to turn on. But then again, I primarily play Sniper, so take that as you will.

    Features: The replay system is nice to have, but seems to be a bit buggy. I'd like to have it, but not at the cost of stability.

    The ranking system is kinda fun but ultimately unnecessary.

    Some sort of party mode vote would be nice. I like party mode.

    Also the full moon all the time mod, that's a good one.

    Admins: Be careful who you pick here. Admin abuse is one of the most annoying things to put up with as a regular player. I remember playing on the server one night on a relatively slow night, there were only about 8 or so of us on. One of the admins joined and started playing with noclip and whatnot. As a spy. Very very annoying so I left.

    I personally have a bit of experience running admin on a counterstrike server a long while ago, and I'd volunteer if you need people. I'm usually online and available pretty late at night if you need more coverage in that timeslot.

    Reserve Slots: Depends on how you want to pay for the server. If you're looking to take donations, I would recommend reserve slots only to donators and mods(obviously). If you're paying for it entirely by yourself, probably just give slots to regular community members.

    Just my two cents. I'd be willing to donate as well, if you're looking to see how many might be interested in doing that.

  4. Resurrecting this thread from nearly a year ago.

    Picked this up after I got a guitar about a month ago, and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Great for beginners, and far better than what Rock Band 3 tried to do.

    Here's a few videos of straight gameplay (NOTE: this guy has the note highway upside-down to correspond to tableture-style reading):

    Hit detection is pretty damn good for the most part, but my hammerons and pulloffs don't always read correctly. Maybe they're not strong enough, or I'm not doing it right?

    There are also minigames that give you individual frest to hit, specific chords to hit, and bending practice and whatnot. And videos on how to perform these techniques, and some basic guitar maintenance information.

    Anyone else get this game? Thoughts, questions, comments? Any experienced guitar players opinions on this, it would be interesting to hear an actual musician's thoughts on this.

    Also the guitar amp functionality is pretty high quality, I wish they would release a standalone VST version for music software.

  5. I've played a few times over the last few weeks myself, but I definitely want to play a bit more. I did see that some of you guys were in a Highlander match recently; how did that turn out?

    Still ongoing. Terms of Enrampagement is currently 5-1 (correct me if I'm wrong).

    We're about like halfway through the tournament or something right now.

  6. Now, this is how I understand it, and I can't speak for how everyone thinks here. But just from reading the thread, this is what I've got.

    I'm just trying to understand, because I just don't get it.

    This is what I'm seeing (correct if I'm wrong):

    1. Sam submits good song.

    2. Judges say no, it's not good enough, but it is possible if it's super good.

    3. Now if Sam can't do it, no one can do it.

    4. No one makes chiptune remixes anymore.

    I feel like I missed something :?

    No, that's pretty much how it worked. Sam may not be the end all and be all of chiptune creation, but he's pretty damn good. Espergirl at the time was one of the best chiptune remixes available, and not being passed caused other chiptune artists to see that decision and opt not to submit things to OCR further on.

    It seems to me like no chiptune has ever gotten onto the site because no one has tried ever since Espergirl (according to what I read in this thread, no one has). I have faith that if people did then we would see it more often.

    Correct. That seems to be how it's been happening as I understand it. OA says Espergirl was the only chiptune-only remix they've recieved in his six(?) year run of managing the submission inbox.

    Like Darkesword said, more chiptunes need to be submitted. I can't help but feel like the judges are heavily encouraging it at this point, as I (and this is just me, but I can't be certain) feel like they want to reverse that precedent at this point. Given a good enough tune, that is.

  7. - Added draw/swing/stab forces to the Black Rose

    - Added missing forces for Three Rune Blade

    - Added more detail to butterfly knife draw forces

    - Modified Overdose recoil force to more accurately reflect new sound effect

    Do these refer to the weapon animations, or am I interpreting that wrong?

  8. I have found that being in a better mood tends to make me do better.

    Laughing (taunting) puts me in a better mood.

    This is about the closest thing I have to proving that taunting makes you a better player. You should try it sometime! It's just good manners, too.

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