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Everything posted by conker

  1. Yeah i think this sounds more like ocarina of time overture mix then original zelda 1 good mix but i was more dissapointed that there was very little of the original "main theme overture" being that in zelda 1 it really ws just the main theme plaed over again and this is deffinatly more of orcarina of time than anything other wise good mix
  2. not sure if this will show up properly but the english trailer is now up <object width="600" height="500"><param name="movie" value="http://adisney.go.com/disneypictures/pirates/atworldsend/pirates3.swf?eclipid=b10000"><embed src="http://adisney.go.com/disneypictures/pirates/atworldsend/pirates3.swf?eclipid=b10000" width="600" height="500"></embed></object> if it doesn't just travel over to my myspace and watch it there www.myspace.com/ranmaonehalf
  3. for any of those that use rapid share here is the leasked version of the russian trailer - the trialer is supposed to debuet at 10pm tonight in english during dancing with the stars or something. http://rs31.rapidshare.com/files/21675713/piratesofthecaribbean3_russiantrailer_640.mov
  4. well i recen;ty picked up this game on wednesday nad and beat it last night (thursday approx 11pm) my semi spoilre is way at the bottom but not relly much of one very fun game couple puzzles that through me off for an hour or so but i beat the game in under 14 hrs lol.prob not a great record as i was pretty slow and i beat it on sparten (normal) i don't know if it's really worth plaing though again on titan mode just to unlock stuff when the ending wasn't anwhere near as good as the first one i'm not much of a reviewer for things but to anyone who had played or beat the game what are your thoughts graphics 10/10 gameplay 10/10 controls 10/10 story 10/10 all 10's but the ending would have to make me drop the overall to 9.5/10 SPOILER BELOW (but probably already known by everyone) no real ending which is the main piss off you just go thorugh all the S**t just for it to end at the climax and have you wait for God Of War III not that i wouldn't mind one with a new story but to give you a gay ending to lead into number 3 is pretty gay. kinda like the 2 matrix movies but both of those sucked
  5. star fox command is good online is fun but i kinda get my ass kicked and so far i got 7 of the 9 endings really waiting for mario hoops - final fantasy III, Children of mana, and pheonix wright 2: justice for all
  6. not sure about last boss but i've been playing kingdom hearts:COM and the 4th encounter with riu is one hell of a fight - i cna't even get him out of his first bloody hearth bar out of like 3 or 4. hate to see waht last boss would be like
  7. hey it got accepted - sweet - i was was eaiting to put this one in my official oc remix folder. i loved this mix on the wip boared a while ago - and it's still sweet - hope to see some more zelda - or any toehr remixes from you again - sweet ass mix
  8. i lioke the mix over all but i'd have to say the intro is way too long - over a min of nothing - that part of the mix is anying and too repetitive to get me to listen to the mix without having to skip the first minute too actually get somewhere to recognize the theme or even get any music playing at all. well other than the long intro i'd say it's a solid mix.
  9. well took me a few tries and i had to change pictures but i got it to work, thanks endblink.
  10. just checking mine
  11. i just got FL v4.01 and i will probably have some questions for this thing later, i could just put. "How do i use this?" and get majorly flamed but i an't doing that, i just dont really want to look through 35 pages to find a decent tutorial taht will help me, as 4.01 didn't give me any help with anything under the help section. plus i looked at 1 tutorial on the first page, but i didn't get any little "step sequence" to help me out. i feel like a total dumass posting this but whatever, my fl 4.01 obviously didn't come with everything as with the little "demo" thing to play with when it opens, i can only play with 1 of the 4 sounds so it's pretty gay. oh well i'll ask something inteligent next time.
  12. Sweet ass mazedude. this mix sounds soo cool. this game has been seriously overlooked for remixing as it's only had 1 privious other mix that was like 40 seconds long or something. (*psst* hey do that one too and make it longer and better ) it was the second starting theme. if you wait long enough at the title screen it will changet to show all the weapons ond stuff it the game. but it was too short. anyway back to the subject of your mix . it really kick ass man. it actually kinda sounds like the lord of the rings as well the theme from hobbiton, but i think that's a good thing as tehre isn't even 1 mix of that here. Edit: it also sounds like lords of the realm 2 overveiw theme yha well i liked your mix and keep up the good work.
  13. well actually i like this remix alot, the first part mostly as i have been wanting that song remixed for sooo loong, nice work protricity, and since this is called part 1 i assume there is a part 2 coming well if not this is still great, but if you get a chance when your not busy doing other tracks from this soundtrack (which i know your doing the whole soundtrack anyway) but would you beable to make a seperate remix of the main theme to the game by itself, i know you put it in this mix but if you made another version with more of a upbeat/dance/techno like version of it that would be really sweet, if not well i guess you won't well just a suggestion, and again great mix i will listne to it many times just for the opening, it's kinda a little dark tones but i like it just the same, if you did make a seperate mix i know it wouldn't be too long so if you actually do get around to doing it, just loop it once or twice or something, thanx anyway for maybe thinking about it, if you get around to reading this keep up the great work conker
  14. well personally i think this mix kicks ass, i made another thread to it but i don't think anyone posted in it so i'll post here well i love this remix i think that is got a great beat and it just plain rules, if you plan on doing more ff9 remixes do the "place i'll return to someday" or something like that, well i love this remix and hope i hear more great mixes like this from you, i even played this mix for a couple of my friends and they loved it too, and they don't even know this site exists so i told them where to go, the only thing we need back to find it easiee is to get djp to bring back the scroll down menues that were so helpfull to keep people udated to what was new by what was posted on each day and/or in alphabetical order oh well maybe in time well anyway back to the subject, again great mix i love it, want more conker
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