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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. Nolan has a plan, I firmly believe this. He has envisioned an epic second sequel involving the Joker -- long before Ledger died (probably while writing TDK) -- and will likely follow through on that vision with a new actor. And you know what? I wouldn't be entirely opposed to that. Nolan saw the potential in Ledger to pull off the Joker he wanted, and I have faith that he can find someone else to deliver just as good a performance as Ledger to keep with the vision.
  2. Asking for details in a movie that's immersed in utter chaos? Just can't really happen; the entire point of the Joker (as he had said before) was that he was an agent of chaos whose ultimate goal was to turn absolutely everything on its head. Details are not necessary. But there were still a lot of 'em.
  3. Face-palm magnitude is OFF THE CHARTS.
  4. Saw it for a second time just a half hour ago. It's even better than the first time, because you catch all of the forshadowing once you know what's going to happen such as (Alfred responding to the "known her all her life" statement regarding Rachel with "well, not yet" or something to that effect)
  5. Pencil trick. Want. Learn.
  6. Man, that last pic is not kind to my girlfriend. Must have been the way she was leaning on me -- her arms are not flabby at all
  7. Since a PodXT is my primary weapon, hit me up with a PM sometime and I can walk you through the use of it.
  8. Can't give it out right now, it's on the judge's panel.
  9. It looks like dPaladin and I are about to turn to each other and start making out in the first picture. The hand on the shoulder doesn't help Oh, and Paulo forgot that bitchin' red shirt of his in the hotel closet D:
  10. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=430034&postcount=183 Face.
  11. Can't speak for the OP, but I'm of the opinion that Rush was garbage. Bought it on all the recommendations of "it's just like the best Sonics! Return to form! A+A+A+A+A+A+A+A!" and was bitterly disappointed. Techno pop soundtrack that was just BEYOND bland, bossfights that seemed as if they were thrown in at the very last moment just to HAVE boss fights, a graphical/art style that just reeked of plain-ness, etc. Garbage. Never played the second.
  12. People were laughing their ass off at the IMAX theater the meetup was at when that scene occurred. The image of it was priceless, especially the Joker's reaction to things not working exactly correctly.
  13. Best. Movie. Ever. Will be seeing it again, and then again.
  14. Oh snap, an Indy show? When? We might have to go to that one, too. Great stuff, guys. Special thanks to Paulo for driving for what had to be an excruciating number of hours (double digits), just to make sure everyone got there.
  15. Yes, all live guitar.
  16. Sinewave, if you haven't yet, you REALLY need to get ahold of (ie call) ifrit. Our directions hinge on it.
  17. Remove breathing? Aren't you supposed to record in a manner so that you don't have to do that?
  18. Hot theater? If anything theaters are always too cold -- which is fine, it's easier to dress for the cold than it is for the hot.
  19. http://youtube.com/watch?v=qGW8N8Jx3x0 This is the video for my ChronoTrigger battle theme remix. Now, as I peruse the youtube videos of other people's works (including covers of songs, VG or otherwise), they seem to have one thing in common: the audio quality isn't compressed to a complete and total shit tastic bitrate. How do I encode a video for youtube to make it not sound like shit?
  20. Who else is compromising seeing it tonight by SEEING IT IN IMAX SATURDAY MORNING 1upped nig
  21. Also, FYI, a groundrule: NO MASTURBATING TO FURRY PORN ON YOUR LAPTOP AT THE MEETUP WHILE EVERYONE ELSE IS AROUND. Before you ask, yes, it has been an issue before.
  22. If you are alright with it, we would honestly much rather have you pick us up, because having this guy give us a ride is really asking a lot. It'd also save us on his hotel room, and of course we'd all contribute to the gas situation. Let us know.
  23. Okay, we know a guy who is willing to take us. He works on campus here, but isn't willing to let us borrow his car, but is willing to take us. That means we could still swing by and pick up Sinewave, but we'd be riding with someone else. He'd stay at a motel, and being that he's older he wouldn't be along with us for anything. Just a ride. This is all if he can work out his schedule though, so I'd say it's about 70% likely. FUCKING CAR! Edit: We got the ride. Sinewave, we can still snag you should you need the ride.
  24. Short answer: No. That's a lot of money to ask for.
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