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Everything posted by Nekofrog

  1. How often did you play a GOOD Megaman game since the 80s?
  2. Simpler? Hell no. The C.Shot freezes the pillars so that you can jump on them. It's easy that way. Made it through that, but Wily Stage 2 is even harder.
  3. Wily Stage 1's music almost makes up for a mostly mediocre soundtrack, it's that rocking. Fucking flaming spires shooting flames.. I know to freeze them with concrete, but fuck the timing is so hard. You'll know when you get there.
  4. One might be able to think of them as "artistic" over "bad".
  5. Stupid motherfucking judges rejecting my remixes what the fuck I am a musical fucking genius, everyone could learn a thing or fucking two from my remixes. Who the hell do they think they are? Oh wait, both my mixes were accepted. Carry on.
  6. I'm guessing you never watched more than a few episodes in total, if any from beginning to end. If you had, you'd notice an incredibly grown up sense of humor laced in with the kiddie stylings. Very similarly to what Animaniacs did.
  7. Just goes to show you: anime = bad ratings. It's true for Adult Swim and it's true for Toonami. I'm not surprised to see CN shuffling most of its anime away and leaving it to Adult Swim (where it is constantly the lowest rated of all animation on adult swim). In short, lolanime. Oh, and FUCK Cartoon Network for canceling Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Best cartoon in 10 years.
  8. Rhythm in the first has too much gain and is therefor muddy. When I record, I drop the gain to insanely low levels -- but multitracking makes up for this. Combined, 2 or 4 low gain tracks become a higher gain.
  9. More party games with worthless waggle. Seriously, remember what happened last time when you fanboys got all hyped up about Nintendo? That was E3... and... yeah. Wii Music. Do you remember the hurt that caused you, deep within your heart?
  10. I am a shaky-cam hater, but quite honestly I've seen the movie 3 times and still don't see the shaky-cam argument. Not once did I get lost during an action scene -- I thought it was all quite clear what was happening and who it was happening to. Even the club brawl where Batman is going after the interim mafia headguy, with its strobe lights and techno music, was easily discernible.
  11. Also problems with sound effects from time to time.
  12. I was going to reply to him but then I read this, so, this.
  13. Not even remotely close. Don't make stupid statements like this.
  14. Exploration is what makes a Metroid a Metroid game, not isolation. Seriously, Samus exists in an almost endless universe with an endless number of races and people. She has to run into them SOMETIMES, and the whole "stick Samus on a planet all by her lonesome" schtick is REALLY old. She needs to start interacting with the rest of the galaxy, that is infinitely more interesting. That is the ultimate Metroid game; exploring its own galaxy and mythos.
  15. Not to say SPM didn't still have outstanding moments. Luigi's expanded role was great, taking him from ally to foe to ally to foe and back again. His dialogue overall was above the rest of the game. Almost every other secondary character failed to hit me with the same appeal. Most of them showed up and had little impact on the story, quite the opposite of Thousand Year Door. Even secondary characters and NPC's had good background information and some effort was given to explain them. Bleck was one of the only truly redeeming factors of the game.
  16. It was fun, but awful compared to Paper Mario 2. That game is AMAZINGLY top tier; I have trouble recalling a single flaw. SPM loses a ton in its transition to platformer-over-RPG. NPCs were bland and had no real shine to them, the "chapters" seemed lifeless and dull. How do you go from a game with an amazing train murder mystery, the awesome Rock Hawk chapter, etc., to that? Just felt like Nintendo was phoning it in.
  17. sIt's a great game, I rented it when it came out and kept it for like three months. That was a huge late fee, I tell you what. Still, the Paper Mario series (sans the awful Wii Super Paper Mario) has more charm, humor, and is overall stronger than Mario RPG.
  18. tensei should do all my drums
  19. Well, it is a WIP. As in, not complete. Just a sample.
  20. NEW VERSION: Holy shit. This is coming together to be one truly awesome track, in my view. I spent forever completely revamping the drums, tailoring them more to the actual track instead of just having them be JENOVA's drums from the game. As for status: Drums: 80% done, still need to finish them off, some parts are a little bare Guitars: 90% done, still a few more bits to record here and there Synth: We'll see, the drumless atmospheric part will need some more backing synth for more atmosphere. Rest assured, the tune won't simply "end" like it does now, I'll eventually have an ending. I'm looking at this being submittable within a week or so. http://www.yousendit.com/download/Y2ovV0o5UnE1Ujd2Wmc9PQ I'll edit a TD link in when their servers are back up. Old: http://www.yousendit.com/download/bVlEa3NlZ2pFd2RFQlE9PQ The song has taken a different direction that originally intended. It is no longer simply Jenova. It is now a hybrid of FF7's Jenova and Xenogears' Omen (a tune that I've already remixed and will be on the site soon...), and I think it has turned out quite well. The old issues that I've addressed are still being worked on; most notably the drums. There will be changes from what you hear in this WIP, but in general the structure is set in stone. Critiques? old: metalfrog.org/music/FF7/ff7jenova-newriff.mp3 It's muddy and not a lot of production has gone into it. I don't do that stuff until everything is actually recorded and done. Just looking for melodical feedback. EDIT: NEW VERSION 10.07.08 New version: http://www.yousendit.com/download/bVlDWUhndWMwZ2xjR0E9PQ I'll have a more permanent link up soon, but that one should work fine for now. Summation: The bit at 1:16 with the flangy cleans over the bass will likely be altered, it's just a placeholder for now. Drums before 1:42 will be changed in the final version Harmonizing leads at 1:53 will be changed, they're placeholders 2:20 is bare because I just finished laying down the rhythm tracks for it. Of course I will layer other stuff over it eventually. Just wanted to update everyone as to the status of this piece, it isn't being ignored
  21. Sonic Adventure sucked.
  22. WARNING IF YOU HAVE NEVER MESSED WITH A TRUSS ROD BEFORE, DON'T DO IT It is EXTREMELY possible to fuck your guitar up COMPLETELY. If you're dead set on adjusting your truss rod with no experience, do quarter-turns ONLY. You do NOT need very much in terms of turning it, and it can take a few hours up to a day to see any actual results from adjusting your truss rod.
  23. On the upside, TDK still has a chance at besting Titanic in box office draw. How? Rerelease. While there are no current plans to do so, the studio hasn't ruled out a yearly run of the movie in theaters as an "event" every year or so. IMAX Filmed Entertainment chief Greg Foster tells The Hollywood Reporter that there is “a real possibility” of an IMAX rerelease in future years. Robert Zemeckis’ The Polar Express 3-D has been rereleased in IMAX theaters every holiday season, resulting in a four year total of $70 million. “Ultimately, it’s a decision that Warner Bros. has to make, Foster says, adding: “We’d certainly support that.” That's how Star Wars took the #2 spot. It had fallen out of the top 5 (maybe even top 10, I can't remember) until the "special edition" releases in the mid 90s.
  24. I don't understand how anyone, ANYWHERE, could have thought that Dent was still alive. I thought that the movie was QUITE clear in saying that "yo, he's dead. He ain't unconscious, he ain't gonna be locked away at Arkham, he's fucking DEAD yo".
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