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Everything posted by chibijuhachigou

  1. I really do not know what do make of this. Even if it doesn't end up being that good, I hope the game has SOMETHING to do with the Galapagos Islands. Even if the only connection is funny birds and giant turtles, I just want to see this game live up to its name in some way.
  2. by GmanIt was never posted on OCR, but he did try submitting it back in 2004. After all the other guesses, I really hope I've got it right with this one!
  3. Whoa, she inhales at the end of her lines! That's the problem I have a lot when trying to sing Vocaloid songs. Rather than have the Vocalids sing 'naturally', people design their songs to only work in that "infinite breath" sort of style. Which is fine sometimes, but... For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here are a couple examples, both by wowaka: and ....Well, what do you know. According to the comments on the first link I posted, wowaka designed it to be unsingable. Hah.
  4. I do not see a link to their web page in the first post, so... here is a link to their web page!
  5. Interesting question. I don't have much in the way of musical taste, but I think I can help with finding Austalian games. ...20 minutes later... Video game companies of Australia Video game companies of New Zealand nnooo, an Australian developer which doesn't seem to be listed in the above links. They made Pop and escapeVektor. For what it's worth, the soundtracks to both games are available for sale.
  6. I think the reason they keep making more and more Water types is because they're so much easier to come up with. 'Something that might live in water' is a much broader category than say, Poison or Fire types. As for Dragon types, my issue with them is that there seems to be a stricter limit on what you can really do with the design. At the end of the day, it's supposed to resemble a dragon. Unless it is a seahorse, or a dragonfly I guess. I want to see a komodo dragon pokemon! That would be different. It would be a Poison/Dragon type!
  7. How many people listened to what she way saying all the way through? I did. She actually seemed pretty qualified. I wonder if she has any idea that the music in her ad isn't public domiain.
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