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SamuraiFoochs #Reload

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Everything posted by SamuraiFoochs #Reload

  1. Thanks for the reply, zircon. So lengthy, too! I can definitely see what you were going for, and definitely appreciate the execution. We'll see if I gain an additional appreciation for it on repeat listens, because I'm positive those are in the future. I also really like "On The Run". Feels almost like an 80's pop hit, in a good way. Idle City Street is also stunning. One thing I can say generally is I'd never have thought I could love an album with metal, flamenco, D&B, and orchestral, also borderline Vaudevillian jams coexisting as much as I love this one. Stunning work, all.
  2. I still plan on remarking on some of the other pieces, but I wanted to remark on something while it's fresh in my mind. Dancing Mad is one of my favorite FF6 tracks, and I definitely see where you were going with it, Sixto and zircon, and it's cool, but...am I the only one who feels like there's an underlying malice in the original track that's sort of missing in "Demon, Fiend, and Goddess"? To me, the underlying malice is a huge part of the original track. I can see how you guys wanted to put some of your own flavor on it, and I can dig that, I guess I'll put it diplomatically and say it's not a choice I would've thought to make. Now, take this with a grain of salt given: -Dancing Mad might be, in terms of a single piece, my favorite game track ever (though as an entire soundtrack, FF6 is second to Chrono Trigger) so I probably had impossible to meet expectations coming in. -I haven't given that particular piece multiple listens yet, and it's quite possible it will grow on me on repeat listens. -Based on the backer updates I kind of surmise that possibly zircon and Sixto had to scramble a little as the original person who was tasked with Dancing Mad wasn't keeping up with deadlines, and if this is the case, I can't imagine how tricky it was to pick up the slack. -Like I said, it IS a cool take, and it's quality work. I suppose I only bring this up out of curiosity to see if I'm the only one who feels that way. Certainly not trying to start any conflict; the album as a whole is incredible and well beyond anything I could've imagined and I'm still SUPER hyped to get my physical copy and utilize it proudly. I just was interested in maybe starting some dialogue. =)
  3. All I can say is, TREMENDOUS work. I eagerly anticipate my physical copy, and while certain tracks are needing to grow on me, this is a glorious effort. Each and every one of you have my undying kudos, love, and gratitude. I'm so glad to have been able to contribute. Savage Triumph is totally "Pendulum does FF6" and I mean that as high praise. Also "The Impresario" blew my freaking gourd. Bohemian Rhapsody-esque, and positively amazing. I hope to have more detailed thoughts later, since I think the artists deserve it. <3 SF
  4. Pledged $50 and could not be more hyped.
  5. Welp. I had posted a $50 donation for this project and plan to do so again (and possibly more!) whenever the issue gets resolved and a working solution is found somewhere else. Props to EVERYONE, from djp to zircon to Square-Enix for working so hard to come to a solution. Whatever the case, I look forward to donating again and HOPEFULLY getting a physical copy of what I'm positive will be a stunning product.
  6. Not to come off like a white knight here but this is an incredibly prickish post. OCR has been making free music for over 10 years and it's all been amazing. I personally thought the Kickstarter and the whole idea of the limited edition physicals and other rewards was, and is, an incredibly fun idea, and so I hope there's a way it can continue. Do you give crud to NPR for doing donation drives? Because frankly it's the exact same thing in spirit. Now that I'm done feeding the (possible) troll, I just wanted to apologize to those in charge for seeming antsy and/or the speculation that I personally have done in this thread. It's merely odd, frustrating, and I really hope it can continue as planned (or start anew in some other way) because frankly I saw this as a chance to own a piece of OCR history. I know you guys are working hard on it, and I'm sure an amicable solution will be reached soon. Best of luck on it all.
  7. This is all well taken it's just really weird to me. Pretty much for the exact reason you mentioned. I guess technically it has to do with profiting (emphasis on technically) from someone else's work, but an artist doesn't need permission for a cover as long as they give credit to the original writer/composer right? I realize remixes aren't covers but if anything that should reduce the copyright confusions. I dunno, it's just weird. Sorry, I'm speculating. I'll stop that now.
  8. This is more what I meant with my last post.
  9. This is really irritating. I was really looking forward to this. Oh well, I trust that you guys can resolve it. Maybe you can use excess funding to buy the rights of the music?
  10. Speaking as someone who did, I absolutely am, I only mentioned a mailing as a possible means of communication since I don't check the forums that often these days. But heck, maybe this'll give me reason to.
  11. While I'm thinking about it, and forgive me if I'm getting ahead of myself, but is there any way you guys can send out a mass email once this issue gets (hopefully) resolved letting people know that it's back in motion, where they can donate, if they need to resubmit pledges, etc.? Just a thought, hope it gets resolved soon.
  12. Friggin lame, yo. I had put in my $50 and hope to again as soon as this issue is resolved.
  13. All I remember is the first UnMod mass banning. At least I think it was the first. There was like, five inatances of that, probably. And those fucking fan badges that were around for a while.
  14. YESSSSSSS. Been far far too long since you were around, man. Sick as usual.
  15. Holy wow. This is slick as the dickens. I logged in just to say that.
  16. All I know is I wanna see the outcome of this.
  17. As soon as I heard the opening bassline, I knew I was destined for a journey of smooth funk, and boy howdy that's what I got. Well done, gentlemen! Also, more like sex-a-phone solo. DAYUM.
  18. I find that it'd be sort of silly for me to comment on the recording issues since A) I largely don't know about that aspect of things besides "sounds good" and "sounds bad" and a lot of those issues have already been discussed. Just wanted to throw my hat in the ring and say that, in terms of arrangement/scoring, really cool ideas. I especially liked the usage of the prelude. Look forward to hearing the finished product.
  19. I'm sad to say I never really knew Reuben, with the exception of his music. However, his music speaks volumes about the person he was. Emotional, passionate, heartfelt, and warm, his music truly touched me every time it reached my ears, and will continue to do so forever. It's difficult to comprehend such a young and talented person being taken from the world, and I'm sure we will never understand it. I can only pray that Reuben's music continues to grow in the hearts of all those who hear it, and that the Kee family and all those affected by this incomprehensible tragedy will soon find solace for their grief. I fancy myself as a bit of a writer, by hobby and perhaps one day profession, but even I am lost in trying to find words in such a situation such as this. I suppose I can best state it like this: RIP, Reu. You will be missed by ears, and more importantly, hearts, around the world. May the Kee family and all others impacted soon find peace. Reuben Kee's song will forever play in the hearts of us all.
  20. Jesus Christ. I can now say with the utmost certainty that any time I hear the Chrono Symphonic "To Far Away Times" now, I will weep like a little girl. RIP, Reu. You will be missed by ears, and more importantly, hearts, around the world.
  21. I just listened to the whole thing, and sweet lord, this is something akin to sex on toast. FANTASTIC work. Epic epic epic. Runs the gamut of musical styles, yet still feels cohesive, and takes an OST that I've always been lukewarm about if I'm being truthful (sacrelige, I know) and totally changes my perceptions. Hats off to every single person involved in this project. Sometimes typos are hilarious! Also, sometime I'll go through and review each track individually, but for now, I'm gonna bask in the afterglow of this aurgasm (see what I did there? =P)
  22. I am unashamed to admit I almost lost it and shed tears several times. Beautiful, moving, crisp, clean, professional, refreshing....just absolutely fantastic stuff here.
  23. Dudes. This is going to rock OCR's face off. Awesome stuff.
  24. I'm way late to the party, but somebody set up Civ4 the Pixietricks, oh snap! 'Grats, Jill! This is huge!
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