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SamuraiFoochs #Reload

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Everything posted by SamuraiFoochs #Reload

  1. Believe I did, but I'll double-check. EDIT: Yeah, did, nothing, maybe one of the other seetings is off, let me double check the tutorial...
  2. OK, try as I might, I can't get a midi to play. I did as the FAQ directed with the F10 menu, and nothing. Any ideas?
  3. Wow. This tune is awesome man. Makes me wanna train or work out or beat my friend's ass in Street Fighter or Capcom vs. SNK 2. Vocal mixes have serious potential to suck, but thankfully this one doesn't. It's definitely one of my faves. Realize your Ken, everybody, and DOWNLOAD THIS SONG! Edit: I like your rather than you're as well. Has an Engrish feel, in a good way.
  4. Wow. Cool stuff. I always liked the source song even though its pseudo-cheesy IMO (hey, I still love it ) and this remix is awesome. DAMN that is one sexy-ass voice. Stephanie, keep singing for all of us. You can SING. Nice job you two.
  5. AWESOME. The guitar is just, wow. And I thought I'd never like another Terra mix. Whew.
  6. *bows down* Good. Lord. I have been sonically pwned. The scream scared the hell outta me the first time though cause I was cranking the volume. AWESOME.
  7. Ahh, brings back some memories...nice relaxing piece. Nothing OMG worthy, but definitely good at what it does.
  8. This is awesome. It left me bobbing my head and marvelling at the seamless transitions. And it's hilarious hearing Cid's theme with the FFVI sounds.
  9. This thing had my incredibly white ass groovin' in front of my computer. Nice job.
  10. This is truly a thing of beauty, sir. Kudos.
  11. I love most've this, especially GAME OVER MAN, GAME OVER! But those screams......ugh.
  12. Very nice, but for some inexplicable reason, I prefer the first form, probably the source material...
  13. I really like this thing. Sounds like a battle to the death, as it should. I can't wait to hear the finished fourth form.
  14. I just love this thing because it makes me want to kick ass. Kinda has an epic feel.
  15. I'm kinda torn here. It's kinda cool but it really falls a little flat in my book because it's so simple. I mean I understand some people like that, just, not me. BTE, I'm reviewing like mad cause I realize I don't review half of what I download, and I think I should.
  16. I just love the organ on this piece. I could do without the techno part honestly. Npt that I dislike it, don't get me wrong. I just love the organ part so much more.
  17. This indeed kicks ass, but it's really the voice samples and SFX that do it for me. Sweet, reminds me of Charging Up The Buster by Spirtual Tazer which was inspired by Megaman, so there ya go.
  18. I really like this. I've always loved Shadow's theme, and I feel like this mix does it justice.
  19. Sweet. If I had the energy to headbang, I would. Great stuff.
  20. So good. Perfect sneaking music. It ends a bit abruptly for me though. Still very, very well done.
  21. Sweet stuff. Been too long since I visited.
  22. I'm liking this. The can't stop does get repetitive but at 1:45 is when I start to love it because I like the drum work. Been waiting for a Halo Remix, nice job.
  23. I definitely like this......it's got a nice serene feel to it, yet at the same time it doesn't lack strength and emotion. The transitions between instruments is done very well in my opinion. I look forward to seeing more of this mixer.
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