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The Orichalcon

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Everything posted by The Orichalcon

  1. I have a whole bunch of diamonds you can use.
  2. Versus XIII looks awesome. Loving the look of the battle system. On-field like XII, but with the classy elements from XIII. Type-O just didn't look that exciting to me. It basically looks like a war between 4 factions, with characters that can morph into different forms (Like Vincent in VII)? Too early to tell what XIII-2 will be like. But the pretty-pink logo gave me a feeling of dread in remembering X-2.
  3. Nice work trimming the map down. It looks much better. Hopefully noone lost anything. It all looks pretty localised though. I was worried Ferrous might've lost something, but it all seems to be there.
  4. This I put a lot of effort into the spawn area of our server. I'd rather not lose it.
  5. I'm assuming we're still allowed to post direct to the panel? If not, let me know and I'll submit it via email. Artist: The Orichalcon Game: Minecraft Source: Piano3.ogg Old version: New Version: Sorry, mediafire My remix is based more on the old version than the new version. The theme is still the same, but the remix is more true to the original. The name comes from episode 50 of Coe's Quest on Youtube, named "Squishy". The mix isn't too long, since the source wasn't too long and I got what I wanted done in the 2 and a half minutes. It's just a bouncy, bubbly, happy and energetic remix intended to lift your mood when you listen.
  6. I've hidden my valuables just in case. I'd still be bummed if someone stole from my main chests though. It's probably a glitch though.
  7. They only spawn in darkness, so make your place light and you're fine.
  8. Where's the backwards notes? That synth sounds like something from Jazz Jackrabbit, brings back memories. On an interesting note, since I judged a pokemon gym remix before this, I keep hearing the gym theme in this, they actually fit together. While I think the track starts deviating a lot from the source as things keep going, I'm happy to put this one through. Since we've had a remix in the past of the battle-results theme which was loosely based on the source (Climhazzard Rush), this one works on the same grounds. So YES
  9. Nice intro, creepery! The piano towards the middle starts getting really muddy due to all those low notes. I feel like things are a bit muddy and muffled for most of the track. The actual tune is arranged splendidly, with a good level of emotion. The ending is just beautiful, converting it to a minor key makes it sound so much more tragic. I'm not really sure about this one. Quality issues are my only concern. I'll say YES on the condition that the quality is touched up, if other judges have the same issues.
  10. Cool sounding guitar, Love the strumming. But the string sample is way out of place. I'd actually rather hear you play that on the guitar. There's no reason this can't be a 4-guitars sort of piece without sounding terrific. But even just getting a better string sample will make this piece better. NO until the strings are touched up.
  11. Sounds nice and funky to me. I don't have an issue with how it sounds. It reminds me of an old-timey movie style piano. (Not silent-film era, but maybe 70s, given the sound quality back then.) If the other judges have issue with the way it sounds, then by all means, fix it up, but I'm happy for this one to be posted as is. Relaxing tune which will be good at Christmas. YES
  12. it's np, Aba. If it's in the community chest, I can't really complain about someone from the community taking it. If you'd taken it from my personal chests I might've been a bit pissed. If you want clay anytime, just ask. I just like collecting it and making bricks for random sculptures on my island. Also, I vote no to adding anyone who isn't either a) a person from these forums or a person from IRC we all know As we've said before, there are tonnes of free servers out there for these people to join, there's no reason to take a risk in letting them on to grief ours.
  13. There are two lots, there's the community whorehouse, which is the path southeast of spawn, through the forest. There's also the Furnace room which is due west of spawn only 20 blocks or so, there are stairs underground from the path leading west along the ground.
  14. Looking on the bright side, I travelled to new areas and found some of the lakes Notch put in the game, they're pretty cool. Plus there are marshlands (areas where sand, water, dirt and stone are all intermixed to give a splotchy marshland look.)
  15. I'm a bit annoyed. I was clearing out my inventory using the chests in the furnace room last night when my computer crashed. Logged in today to find someone had cleared out all the clay I'd collected from the chest. Serves me right for using the community chests to clear my inventory, but still annoys me that I have to go collect more clay.
  16. Just wondering if anyone else watched Coe's Quest on youtube?
  17. As a new player, two things you need to be aware of: 1) DO NOT craft a flint! Flints set fires and fires can and will spread out of control, regardless of how confident you are in your ability to contain it. So just don't. 2) DO NOT destroy other people's stuff or steal from them. Otherwise, welcome to the server, follow a highway, pick an empty spot and build away!
  18. The first album was full of professional polish. Solid sound. The second one had a decent setlist and production. The third album really is where they fell apart. The problem there was leaving each band member in charge of writing and producing specific tracks, left the whole thing unfocused and tacky. Still, there are a couple of tracks on the third album I loved. If they returned to the merits of the first album, I'd love to hear a fourth. They certainly have plenty of good tracks to choose from.
  19. Damnit, Notch has fixed the tool-drop glitch for the next update. So from now on you can't drop a tool and pick it up to regenerate it. In this case, might be nice to have a few chests full of diamond tools we can grab for use. I hate having to carry out hundreds of stone/iron picks.
  20. I was thinking about this before. Either a mod that disables Fire, Setting Fires, or disables Fire's ability to spread. TNT is destructable, but nothing spreads with such devastating ferocity and severity as a firestorm. If that forest fire had been north of the river, all our shit would've been wiped out, from hemo down to crowbar and across to darklink.
  21. Hard to tell offhand who's trustable. A huge postcount and years of OCR history doesn't equal trustworthy. but then, Ferret didn't exactly mean to burn down a whole shitload of trees. I did warn him, but I don't think it quite registered. Even so, no real damage done.
  22. I found that the game won't let you pick up wood now unless you have a stack of wood sitting in the second top left spot in your inventory. Once it reaches 64, move 63 to a free slot, and it'll keep stacking wood on top of that 1. Weird, but it's a workaround I've been using.
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