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Everything posted by KakTheInfected

  1. I think Brawl will be out first actually...but I hope Metroid hits first.
  2. Hopefully it will receive updates and patches. Exploits and hackers can ruin a good online game pretty quickly if it doesn't receive maintenence.
  3. Yeah, it's as good as PoR. I love it because it's Fire Emblem, but I'd have liked to see them at least include better visuals and a lot more voice acting. And being able to take your party online and fight others would be so fun, but no such luck...
  4. You can do that in almost any online game. If I want to play with just friends in C&C3 or Day of Defeat, I can. If I'm playing with someone I don't know and they're annoying me, I can mute their text/speech with a click or two. None of that requires me to put in a shitload of numbers.
  5. The fact that there is no good reason whatsoever for them to exist.
  6. I haven't seen you elaborate. My inital question still hasn't been answered with anything except a bunch of backtracking. I'm not offended. I just know that when someone gives a response like "lol u think differently wut a n00b" to a legitimate question that they're just going to repeat it again...like you did. So it's not worth it. Sorry if you want a discussion.
  7. No, I didn't read the rest of your point. I got pretty bored after the "you don't agree with me so you're biased" part and was already a little put off by seeing someone actually call Resistance innovative. I'm not being condescending by saying those games aren't innovative. I'm saying it because they're not. Maybe I should take a few lessons from you and go spam why everyone who doesn't think Twilight Princess is innovative is a fanboy.
  8. I really don't consider "small additions" innovative. Those games are still largely played like and reminiscent of games on the market already. Unless the gameplay is drastically different, or a whole new idea altogether, it's not innovative. God of War is good, I'd be insane to argue that, but that doesn't mean it's innovative. (Resistance is neither, dual analog FPS ftl). And you did call those games innovative, so don't get all pissy when someone asks you why you think so.
  9. How exactly was Resistance innovative? Or God of War for that matter? They may be newer, original IPs, but I really see nothing innovative about them.
  10. Well, I think you just need to play more games. I have been loving any FPS on the Wii lately, even the terrible framerate and slow turning Red Steel. It's nice to have actual pointer control on a console for once. The biggest cockblocker to anyone enjoying the Wii right now though is zero online play. Seriously, why the hell can't I play something simple like Gunstar Heroes online? Lazy fgts.
  11. I have a question. Has there always been a little banner logo in the top left corner of the window that pops up when you click on a save file in your Wii Data Management? Didn't it used to just be a simple icon for the game? Edit: I also noticed that the description for Wario Ware has changed from "Smooth Moves" to "Get ready to move!" When did Nintendo do this?
  12. I remember in January Opera said the browser was finished and was just waiting for Nintendo to throw it up on the shop channel. So which is it?
  13. So, I played 4 chapters of Goddess of Dawn and decided I should check out Tiger Woods. Holy shit, I am so addicted to this game. It's amazing how much more satisfying swinging the Wiimote is than just pressing buttons. It's a shame the game looks like piss (Wii Sports golf looks better) but goddamn is it fun to play.
  14. If I'm not mistaken, every DMC has been on PC. Well, I know for a fact that the third one has.
  15. Gee, who saw this coming.
  16. He's definetly not a pansy. He takes a guard out pretty violently in an FMV. He looks much older and mature too. The graphics look pretty nice too and there is a flair to everything now. Fights are actually fun to watch.
  17. Just popped in Goddess of Dawn...I am ready to lose days of my life to this game. The intro and opening music is just amazing.
  18. To be completely honest, I don't think *anyone* believes online games are safe for kids, no matter what it's played on. And while you're absolutely right about Nintendo caring about that image, it still doesn't explain why Parental Controls can't be used to enable or disable friend codes.
  19. So if some child rapist meets a a kid because of the Wii web browser and does something to him/her, does that mean that Nintendo is responsible? Of course not. How does this instantly change when a game is involved? Ding ding ding, that's right. It doesn't. There are tons of games and platforms that allow players to freely communicate and I don't see XBL or WoW shutting down because of things that may have happened from people meeting on there.
  20. Nintendo: Hey guys, instead of making it easy for you to communicate with other players in our games, we'll make you type in a bunch of numbers! Sheep: Oh boy! Complication! It's real fun when I'm playing Tetris or Metroid on my DS with a random person and I can't even tell them "GG" or ask to pause or even add them to my friend list so I can talk to them about the match we just played. I should be able to meet people I like to play with in game, NOT go through fucking message boards and add 15-30 people in a time. I'm an adult, don't hamper my enjoyment of a game because some jerkoff parents can't monitor their spoiled kid. If 10 kids would be kidnapped because of playing a Nintendo game online, it STILL doesn't warrant pissing off millions of players. And again, all of this could be fixed if Nintendo would just require players to enter the Parental Control PIN to bypass friend codes. But will they? Psssssssssh.
  21. Honestly, friend codes on the DS don't bother me too much. That's because I can sit in front of my PC and actually use my stylus to type them in. It's not so easy on the Wii.
  22. If there weren't going to be friend codes in Wii games, Nintendo would have said it already. The Wii has parental controls that allow parents to limit what their kids do on the Wii. They could enable friend codes in games or even restrict all communication unless the player puts in the PIN number. Yet Nintendo doesn't. Instead, the console ITSELF even has a friend code you have to enter. Stop trying to look at this positively, it's just going to make it hurt a lot more when you're entering that first code.
  23. Friend codes will never go away because players still play online Nintendo games and the press is too pussy to complain to Nintendo about them. They're so afraid that Nintendo will shun them that they instantly lose their balls.
  24. So like I said, aside from the sports, nothing to listen to.
  25. I seriously doubt the FCC is going to let the merger go through. I'd say go with XM. Aside from Sirius' sports programming, most of which can be heard elsewhere, there isn't much to listen to.
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