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Everything posted by KakTheInfected

  1. You only need one or the other. I'd go for the router.
  2. Here's a dumb question: Exactly why is this guy such a big deal? Sony systems were never technical powerhouses, and when he makes one that is, they kick his ass out the door. I realize the Playstation 1 and 2 were huge successes, but nothing about the system itself was really mind-blowing (aside from bringing discs to mainstream).
  3. This won't mean much for awhile probably, but F-Zero X was announced for the VC in Japan. Gonna be the only VC title for the N64 I spend money on.
  4. I have an army of Eevee-types now. Rawr.
  5. Didn't see it, sucks that it ended though. I loved that show years ago.
  6. Completely agree. I played tons of the original Pokemon but never got into the GBC or GBA games. This game just clicks, it's so good.
  7. Well, plenty of DS games are supposed to punish you, but if you unplug your router, it won't count as an actual disconnect and you aren't penalized. I hope they penalize any disconnect so this isn't a problem, whether the player does it on purpose or not.
  8. I tried watching it on another site but the intro was like 20 minutes long, then they played the actual game intro which was cool but I was pretty bored by that point. From reading about it though, it sounds like it's going to make a pretty awesome online game. I just hope they support it with patches and whatnot to kill exploits and shit.
  9. The Battle Tower is so goddamn addictive. It really extend the life of the game.
  10. What client should I use for IRC? I never used it...
  11. I'll be online tonight for awhile...I think I have most people on my list so just connect to me if you want.
  12. Not really spoilers...but, I didn't use mine on any of them. I eventually did, but it's because I traveled to an annoying part to catch a rather annoying Pokemon and ran out of Ultra and Dusk balls.
  13. I need to get IRC...lazy though. Why the hell is a Gible so hard to catch?
  14. Who has a group of 50s yet? I want to batt-el!
  15. Wow, Roflcat.com is my new favorite website.
  16. We definetly need someone to make a list of all of the codes. It's too hard to keep track of all of them. Me? I'm just too lazy, otherwise I've had added everyone like I said I would...
  17. You can get an actual high quality router for 40-50 bucks...don't waste money on that USB crap, unless you need it for portability.
  18. Complete my National Pokedex, w00t. Adding all the friend codes in here.
  19. GG...you guys gotta get some level 50s. My low level Pokemon stink.
  20. I picked a few from 10 to 25 I think...ready when you are.
  21. I'll play in about 10 minutes if you want.
  22. I would assume that some channels will use them for multiplayer or sharing content but at this point (aside from getting tons of Miis), it doesn't seem like it... Added Necrotic and Bahamut.
  23. Adding everyone. God it's going to be a pain to enter friend codes on the Wii...
  24. I added you, and I'll be adding anyone who posts their code here or in the Clan OCR thread.
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