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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. I feel like I've already played the game all the way through after going through a week of customer's constantly playing this demo at Best Buy. We had to take it down because the drums eventually broke.

  2. Woot only 5 more days! I hope the game takes at least 40+ hours to beat but that's because I always enjoy Mario games and I want to enjoy them for a long time. :P

    I hope it'll be along the lines of Mario 64. Sure, you could be it fast in a way, but collecting every star and exploring every inch of each world is what I enjoyed.

  3. My take on the stop watch is pretty simple.

    Maybe it'll work like this: When used, everything(items, stage movement, music) except the user will be frozen in place for a few seconds(lets say 5 for example). The user will then have that time to beat the crap out of them. Players being hit won't be moved at all(think Ice Climbers glitch) until time runs out.

    Or here's a theory for fun: Think of the timer on a Mario game when it gets low. The music speeds up, then every player has 10 seconds. When time runs out, the player with the higher % dies :P

  4. the updates are getting pretty lame.

    anyway I think the characters in the updates are part of the starting line-up and any unlockable character will not be announced.

    But they should have amaterasu and megaman.

    Less exciting updates are to be expected now since they delayed the game.

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