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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Is it just me or does anyone else get the impression that there is some anomaly with how everyone posts in this thread? I mean, there have to be some of you that are more excited about some other game, perhaps more than Brawl?

    No, I'm not trying to troll, I'm just thinking about it. I mean, we have Galaxy coming out in a few days, and this is still getting more posts (like this one, for instance).

    This thread seems to be the black hole of OCR, sucking in the various posts on this forum that would otherwise go to other game threads. I know, I know, this game is going to awesome, and I'm very excited about it too. It just seems weird, you know? This thread has more posts than the Wii thread itself!

    I don't get it.

    Well, this game is given an update every weekday for us to discuss, and no other game gets that treatment.

  2. I took that as "to this point" rather than "but not anymore."

    I understand that you think I have a weak argument, but my argument is not that Ness will return, but simply that you should not take your assumption that Ness will not return as fact.

    You're right, it could be taken either way.

  3. In fact, I think there is a reasonable chance he's gone.

    Reasonable? I think this has pretty much indicated that he's gone: "There’s a character named Ness who has appeared in the Smash Bros. series up until now"

    Also, I love how everyone seems to be so happy that Yoshi is getting up-smashed.


  4. The band equivalent to Guitar Hero.

    I.e., the hotness.

    Yeah, I can only imagine how tiring that would be, Bigfoot. Wasn't the Guitar Hero 3 demo worse though? The rock band demo has a hell of a lot more songs.

    Nah, GH3 wasn't bad at all. GH3 was only hooked up to a 42inch Samsung. Our store went all out and gave Rock Band a 50+ inch DLP with a nice speaker system.

    I don't think there was a minute where it wasn't being played. I swear, it seemed like some kids just went to Best Buy(numerous times) just to play.

  5. The only form of multi-player that Galaxy has that I know of is the other playing pointing with a Wiimote and collecting/shooting things or something.

    Also, GT rated the story the lowest(7.5), so it could have gotten a 9.9 maybe, heh.

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