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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. About the down arrow, I have no idea. It only started to do it today. It was normally the up arrow that would give me problems :P

    About heel/toe: The majority of the time that I play, I play flat-footed. I found playing this way years ago to use less energy than playing on my toes. I also exercise here and there, so that helps some. Stamina is a huge deal when it comes to dance games. There used to be days where I can barely finish Max 300 or Maxx Unlimited, but now they're cake. Build stamina by going for jogs/long bike rides or something.

    Also, do you have a local arcade that has regulars that play? In my early days, I got a lot better by just watching others play.

    The next time I go, I'll try and get some videos of my body to show you how I play.

  2. I got bored last night, and counted my AAA total. I have 44.

    I like A Oni's stream. I like the turns/crossovers it throws at you. I tried it a few times yesterday, and the best I could do was 3. The beginning before it speeds up is such a pain in the ass for me to get all perfects on.

  3. It's not. At least not by people who actually own a 360, actually bought the game and played it online. It's by far the most fleshed out console FPS game ever made. I thought that title belonged to Perfect Dark before (the co-op for that game was legendary, literally), but Halo 3 outdid all console FPS and even trumps a few FPS games just on the sheer atmosphere of the game alone. The online co-op can probably be played forever and I won't get tired of it as long as the co-op partners remain interesting.

    That and aside from the few gripes, most of the media gave it rave reviews.

    Well, there was that whole screen resolution thing that people were like OMG THIS LOLOLOL HALO 3 SUCKS HAHAHA. People are trying to find the smallest, dumbest things to bash the game about.

  4. I just beat Halo 3. I don't get why this game gets so much hate. I guess it's because people hate that it's so popular when it really shouldn't be. I don't think this game is the most amazing thing I've played or anything, but I did enjoy playing it. Halo 3 was definitely hard at times too. Some parts I had to play many, many times because of how much trouble I had with a certain part. I went straight in playing on Heroic, so maybe that's why. Overall, it was a fun gaming experience, and my friend and I have a blast playing it online.

    I never played Halo 1 or 2, so this is my first Halo experience.

    I also dig the soundtrack.

  5. February just seems really odd for a month to release a game as big as this. I really have no idea, but it just feels weird. March would feel better, and that I also don't understand why either.

    It just gives Nintendo the opportunity to remake the commercial from Smash Bros for 64 into Brawl just in time for Valentine's Day.

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