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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Actually I think it's pretty likely that a metroid will be an assist trophy. I'm thinking more like...a swarm of metroids though. And yeah, it should definitely leech life like that.

    And all we need now is Ganondorf with a new moveset and the villain roster will be complete!

    The only worthy Metroid of becoming an AT would be this lovely creature: babymetroidoq6.gif

    It would fly in, randomly sucking the life out of someone, then covering you and protecting you while replenishing your health.

  2. I could care less about online or being able to record matches. I doubt I'll be playing online a lot. I'll mostly just be playing with my friends. If people want to see matches, they'll be on youtube or whatever that people recorded using a capture card/digital camera.

    These features just add to an already good game. Complaining about added extras is stupid. Then again, everyone would complain either way if you look at it.

    Nintendo didn't add online/record replays: NINTENDO SUCKS, GAMES NEED ONLINE

    Nintendo adds online/record replays: NINTENDO SUCKS, THIS ONLINE SUCKS

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