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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. You know full well Sonic is probably doubly likely to appear as compared to Mega Man. Not to say it wouldn't be amazing, because I think it would.

    That aside, we've got to hit page 1000 before the game is released! We can do it. Mostly I'm just curious what happens because the little boxes don't have enough room for four digits. Do they just expand a bit or does the 1000 get cut off?

    Why would Sonic be more likely to appear? He wasn't even originally on a Nintendo console. Smash is about Nintendo's stars with the exception of Snake having a special appearance, and that was already known from the beginning trailer.

  2. Friends and I played some Smash tonight. I took a few videos of some 4 player free for all, but they're pretty bad lol. I'm just going to wait to get some 1v1. I was trying Captain Falcon, and I couldn't land anything with him often.

    I still suck at DI and against Shiek.

  3. Phew, online is confirmed. This easily cancels out the ice-climbers update and puts this game at +10.

    I have nothing to worry about anymore really. Just need to find a Wii (which hopefully won't be too difficult this holiday season.) I'm definitely gonig to allocate one of my taunt slots to "WOOT!" ....Dunno about the others though.

    I don't have the time to find the link, but Reggie said something about there shouldn't be any problems finding a Wii this holiday season. There'll be so much that people won't even have to camp out for one. If that's true, that'll be pretty crazy.

  4. So far we have a tennis attatchment, golf, gun, etc...

    So imagine the kind of attachment some company is going to make for the Star Wars game. They'll probably make some glowing LED wand which has a cable that plugs into the port where the nun-chuck cable would usually go.

  5. BardicKnowledge faces:




    Ah yes, a real added value.

    My friend and I loved seeing the names of players who played Halo 2 online.




    I may not be exactly precise with the names, but you get the idea lol. We'd be like "oh snap, it's another player from the 420 clan" haha.

    People should be going crazy with joy that Brawl even has online in the first place, but oh well.. can't please everyone I guess.

  6. Wow, and of course on game blogs, people are still whining. "FRIEND CODES ARE SO LAME".

    Honestly, it's not that bad.. you enter it in once and you're done.

    Do people honestly want voice chats? From my experience, voice chat can be pretty annoying, especially when people just put music up to the mic.

    I guess I kind of figured people would complain if it has online play or if it doesn't have online play.

    People wonder why Nintendo won't allow messages or names to be display while playing against someone random. I guess people don't know that kids do play video games, and I don't think some child's mother would be too happy walking by and see "FUCKYOU420" or something. Same goes with the messages.

  7. It's recommended you have an 8600GT to run it in DX10 mode. But then you have to spend some money to buy Vista to get DX10 effects anyway.

    Which mightn't be a bad thing, depends on how much of an antifanboy you are >_>

    I wouldn't even recommend upgrading to Vista on an old machine anyway. Vista is supposed to run well on machines on tomorrow, not today. A lot of people are probably dissapointed with the performance of Vista, but they probably don't have enough RAM and probably still have a single core CPU.

  8. Well, there's a mode to use the Wiimote.

    The pads will work just like the Mario Mix on Gamecube(that's also compatible, so you don't have to buy the bundle if you have that pad already). If a company makes a wireless pad, it'll just have a receiver like a wavebird.

  9. So, I have just learned that next week, there's gonna be a DDR game on the Wii. Since I don't know much about these games, I have some questions:

    1: The bundle, is it a lot more expensive?

    2: Is the bundled mat usually worth it?

    3: Is DDR a fun game for someone who lives alone and well, doesn't get to play with other people that often?

    1: It'll probably be like $70 or something for the bundle.

    2: If it's your first time playing, it'll do you just fine. They are a lot better than what they used to be years ago. When you start playing on the expert level, you'll probably want to invest in a Red Octane Ignition Pad(around $70 now a days)

    3: I prefer playing alone at the arcades, so yes.

    Also, #1 rule when starting DDR. DON'T STAND IN THE MIDDLE THE WHOLE TIME. Or when you step on a panel, don't always go back to the middle. The majority of people that play for the first time do this(I did), and while it's ok for beginner songs, it won't help you out once you start playing a little bit more difficult songs. So basically just keep your movements flowing. It'll also save you energy so you're not moving twice as much by going back to the center of the mat after every step.

    In other words, don't do this(watch the guy on the right):

    Do this: http://youtube.com/watch?v=_vrXSneQBcY

    I suppose that it would be good practice. As with every other DDR available.

    Hmm, you think they'd do wireless pads?

    Konami probably won't have wireless pads, but I'm sure some 3rd party will have them eventually.

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