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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. I was a little disappointed that Little Mac wasn't a playable character, but I'm still really glad he's a trophy, and especially that they more or less used his design from the original NES game, because I think he looks pretty stupid in Super Punch Out for SNES.

    Still, I mean, they have those stupid Ice Climbers as playable characters, and not Mac?

    Isn't Killer Instinct technically Rare? And doesn't Rare work for some other company now? They probably won't be able to use any of them. Otherwise they would almost certainly add Fulgore, who I always sort of understood to be the most representative character of the series.

    And yeah that DK and Diddy trailer is great. Hard to make someone look badass when they're weilding little wooden guns that spit circus peanuts, but they managed.

    Yeah, I was just being sarcastic about the TJ Combo thing, sorry :P

    Edit: Finally a pretty decent quality video of the screen up close.


  2. I just wanted to give my two cents on the subject of Little Mac.

    Love PunchOut!

    Happy with the assist trophy.

    HOWEVER, to people saying he's to generic compared to other characters, Killer Instinct had a TJ combo, also a boxing character that worked. Yes, I realize their's a difference in the type of fighting game, but it could be done, and I don't think anyone disagrees with that (in fact someone that didn't like want LittleMac as playable stated this.)

    all in all, seeing a fighter that is strictly into one style of fighting might be an interesting change of pace for a character in Smash Bros...

    anyway, thats my two coins.

    Great idea. They should make TJ Combo a character in Brawl.

  3. So wavedashing is out? I expect people are probably going to be very upset about this. Sure, it sucks, but a lot of people think that just because they can wavedash that it makes them a good player.

    Just have to adapt to the changes in Brawl I guess.

    edit: oh snap, 1st post for page 800. lol

  4. With or without screen protectors is fine. I think that you'd only really NEED a screen protector is when playing EBA or something like that. Otherwise, most of the games aren't too stylus heavy with constant poking... especially though spinners in EBA, some people like to press really hard when doing those even when they don't have to.

    Actually, my sister doesn't have any screen protectors and I like to use hers more than mine because it's more responsive. *shrugs*

    Yeah, whenever I play EBA, I use my old DS. That has a scratch on it, but that was way before I got EBA lol.

  5. The difficulty is no big deal for me in games like Halo 3 and Gears of War because I was able to team up and work together with folks. Solo on the other hand, makes me cry. And throw controllers....

    Good thing for wireless eh? You can throw it as far as you want.

  6. Legendary has been pretty damn hard for me in Halo 3, but I'm doing it alone. Snipers have been giving me hell. You actually have to know where they are, and as you run out try and shoot them ASAP because if you don't, you're one-shotted. It's not often that they miss.

    I miss the days where games were hard as hell, and there was nothing you could do about it but to figure it out on your own. Website FAQS/Cheats? Ha! You had to buy a magazine to get that.

  7. So I bought Hori screen protectors, but some how like 10 pieces of dust managed to get on the screen when I put it on, so theres all of these air bubbles all over. Now I can't get the damn thing off, and this is really starting to get me frustrated. Why are these things such a pain in the ass. It says to use tape to remove it, but it doesn't work. How the hell am I supposed to get this off to re-apply the damn thing?

    I'm about to just say screw it, and if my screen gets scratched, then it gets scratched.

    edit: finally got it off using my fingernail.

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